Another Ethical Dilemma: Flying Another Countries Flag over the U.S. Flag
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This is something that should have been done. I believe that if you are in America you should have the respect to keep our flag above. But at the same time I don’t believe in keeping the American Flag above all other flags because it makes it seem as if we are ruling over everyone else. I thought that it is all equal rights in America and America is meant to give freedom to everyone. I mean it is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Right? So these are just my perspectives. Thanks.
I am a Mexican but I believe the Lord should not do this, but if US law is not to have a Mexican flag because although we must respect the Lord must not throw the flag of mexico nor break the united states .
i think what he just did was wrong
I believe that the restaurant owner should have the right to fly the flags as he wishes. Although it is disrespectful to the country, he should have the right to do so. Jim Broussard just did not use the right methods to show the wrongness.
There is a piece of colored cloth over another piece of colored cloth and somehow it’s offensive. We have bigger things to worry about.
Your a moron.
You know how many died defending that cloth. Your a pos.
I think that this should not have been done because the country shouldn’t been treated any differently even if they are a separate, people should still be able to have pride.
Yeah but ur in America now not Mexico pride is ok but if u are a American an want to stay I’m america u shud respect the country’s flag. Other ppl come to the USA an have pride from where they come from but don’t do it by raising a flag over the country’s flag
I agree with the concept of flying another countries flag over the United States, but I don’t agree with the methods that Jim used to fix the problem. It is disrespectful to fly another countries flag over ours but it is still the persons property and business. Like vivian said, it’s just colored cloth over colored cloth, there are much more serious things that we should be taking action on.
I agree with the concept of flying another countries flag over the United States being illegal* oops
I think flying a different countries flag on top of the United States of America flag is wrong. You live in this country for a reason, you should respect it.
i feel like the owner of the restaurant should not have put the mexican flag over the american flag because there is just no point in doing that, you can fly them separately or just one or the other. the us veteran did the right thing by taking it down.
I don’t think that this was okay. Putting the Mexican flag over the American flag is illegal and especially since this man is a veteran I think it is wrong. But we do live in a free country and he does have the right yet, it was very disrespectful.
I don’t believe what Jim did was right but it was at the same time because it could have been handled in a different way . I think Jim just did this to get publicity and get people talking. Jim could have talked to the owner/ manager to let him know his was breaking the law. There are always different ways to approach situations like this. Although Jim was a veteran he had no right to do what he did. I know the owner was respecting the Hispanic culture and it is not like he trashed the American Flag, he put it up there as well.
1. I don’t agree with what he did, I feel that he was out of the line. If the restaurant wanted to do that he should without being punished. So what if its disrespectful to the country, this country is not all that great, and this country along with (veterans) haven’t treat any minority( anyone that’s not white) fairly. Especially the Mexicans.
If another’s country flag is on the same flag pole then the US flag is on top, if they are on separate flag poles then they are at equal heights. If our country is not that great then carry yourself back across the boarder!
If you don’t feel like America is best country in the world to live, or you are bring treated unfairly by America, you are welcome to leave to wherever it is you think is better than America. So nobody can claim that is a racist or xenophobic sentiment, that goes for self hating US citizens as well. The rest of us would be much better off if all the haters just left and quit trying to change our country to make it like other countries. If those countries are so great leave and go there – many of us would love to help you pack and/or get you a one way ticket. The fact that you don’t leave kind of reinforces that it is better here than anywhere else.
I believe the Mexican man he did not know the laws that guy is off his rocker going to a another mans property taking down his flag in a violet manner.
I believe the Mexican man he did not know the laws that guy is off his rocker going to a another mans property taking down his flag in a violent manner.
I believe the Mexican man he did not know the laws that guy is off his rocker going to a another mans property taking down his flag in a violent manner.And he sold the restaurant owners American flag
If another’s country flag is on the same flag pole then the US flag is on top, if they are on separate flag poles then they are at equal heights
When in Rome..simple !!! Take your shoes off before entering a japanese home…respect others cultures by learning them ..ignorance of the law is not a defence..
It is common international understanding that in a sovern country no other nation’s flag is to be flown above the flag of the home nation. When they are flown together they should be on separate poles. This has nothing to do with Americans thinking they are better than anyone else, it is common international practice and is observed by every nation on the globe. Therefore, in no case should another country’s flag be flown higher than the US flag on US soil, much less over it on the same pole. That being said, for those who don’t appreciate how great this country is, or understand the freedom our flag (not just a piece of colored cloth) represents, you are welcome to leave to wherever it is you think is better than America. So nobody can claim that is a racist or xenophobic sentiment, that goes for all self hating US citizens as well. The rest of us would be much better off if all the haters just left and quit trying to change our country to make it like other countries. If you think those countries are so great, please leave and go there – many of us would love to help you pack and/or get you a one way ticket. By the way, the fact that you don’t leave kind of reinforces that it is better here than anywhere else.
I’m actually an Mexican, American, and strongly bulive that the restaurant owner didn’t know any veter. But definitely should fly the flags, separate, or one at a time.
Depending on the ocation of honoring, or celebration.
But yes! Now he knows May GOD BLESS our Country Unied States
You are contradicting yourself. And ask torturous this, does a country like Mexico allow an American flag to be flown over their Mexican flag. I highly doubt it
That’s a Ka-Bar which was a marine issued knife not army. As far as taking that flag down… only after he went and asked the owner to do it.
As a veterans wife, and a long line of family heritage believing in the meaning of the United States flag, our American flag should always be first & foremost.