3 Most Important Attributes in a Teammate

3 Most Important Attributes in a Teammate

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  1. I think I’m a 9/10 in selfless because I will always put someone’s needs before mine. Also I will be willing to help anyone before me and I. Will always do it even if they don’t like me.

  2. I feel like I’m a 7/10 on the selflessness score. The only reason I say 7 is because I will admit that sometimes I do put myself before others. I feel like it’s a little bit of a good thing to sometimes put yourself first though because just like anyone else, I have needs too. I try to balance it out a little bit though because I’m not trying to say that you should always put yourself first, I’m just saying that you should put your needs first sometimes too.

  3. 8/10 I feel like there are things you have to selfish. The example was if there was a cookie the last one would I offer the last one cookie to someone.

  4. I would feel a 10 because I would make sure everyone gets what they wanted or what they need first before me and I would make sure that I would put them before me.

  5. I’m an 8/10. I always put others’ physical and mental health before mine. Everyone is held at a higher standard than me. I will help others, than help myself.

  6. I would say im like a 6/10 of selfless. I would help friends and family if they really needed. Also it depends on the mood im in if id help them or not.

  7. I think 6/10. I always try to think of others, but sometimes I forget. I think sometimes I tend to put others first a little bit more than I should put them first.

  8. 8/10 I think I can be pretty selfless and I put others before msyelf a lot. I think more of sports of me being selfless. I always make sure other players get more oppurtunities and can seek their goals before myself. When there is left overs at my house I always made sure my parents do not want them.

  9. I feel like I’m a 7/10 on the selflessness scale. I say this because I try to put others’ needs before my own most of the time, but I also believe that you should also put your needs first some times.Personally, I think that It’s really good to help others, but if you don’t fulfill your own needs sometimes, how can you help another person with theirs?

  10. I feel like I’m a 7/10 on the selflessness scale. I say this because I try to put others’ needs before my own most of the time, but I also believe that you should also put your needs first some times.Personally, I think that It’s really good to help others, but if you don’t fulfill your own needs sometimes, how can you help another person with theirs? I’m not saying that you should never help others with their needs either though, I’m just saying that it’s good to fulfill your own needs from time to time.

  11. I feel like I’m a 7/10 on the selflessness scale. I say this because I try to put others’ needs before my own most of the time, but I also believe that you should also put your needs first some times.Personally, I think that It’s really good to help others, but if you don’t fulfill your own needs sometimes, how can you help another person with theirs? I’m not saying that you shouldn’t help others with their needs ever though. You just need to sometimes put yourself and your needs first too.

  12. I feel like I’m a 7/10 on the selflessness scale. I say this because I try to put others’ needs before my own most of the time, but I also believe that you should also put your needs first some times.Personally, I think that It’s really good to help others, but if you don’t fulfill your own needs sometimes, how can you help another person with theirs? I’m not saying that you shouldn’t help others with their needs ever though. You just need to sometimes put yourself and your needs first too. That’s just my opinion though.

  13. I and 7/10 because I can get better at putting my teammates first. Also, I need to put my family first cause they are a big part of my life. Lastly, my dad and I are huge fans we love you and we always watch you. You have the best advice out there It sounds like you have been a ngood teammate but we all can get better. LOVE WHAT YOU DO KEEP DOING IT.

  14. I am like a 9-10 of selfless because sometimes my team mates don’t be selfless and don’t help me when I need it but I do help them when they need my help so that is why I give my self a 9-10

  15. 4.5/10 because I will be selfless but only when it’s really someone that’s needed or serves something that is needed.