An Unintended Consequence – Tough Decision for High School Athletes
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I would tell them to do what they love to do the most and what they have a future in.
play the sport that makes them happy
I would tell them what to do and what they love to do the most. Keep them happy
I would tell them to do what makes them happy no matter what.
I would tell them to play both sports if they can, and if they can play whatever sport makes you the happiest.
Personally I’ve played two sports at one time but one was a aau team. I made the decision to make my school team my priority since it was school. But I honestly would play both and try to make it work. I would work with the coaches as well
They should try to play two sports but if things start overlapping then it will have to come down to which one you like better
I would try and play both but I understand it’s not best for all people. Do what you can and what makes you happiest, or if you plan to go to college for a sport then do the one that you think you have a better chance at.
I would suggest to try both. If it doesn’t work out you can always choose one or the other. Do the sport that you love and that makes you happy.
I would try doing two but if it got to hard then pick the one that makes you the happiest!
I would tell them to play both sports if they can. They were committed to the first sport and then it got cancelled so then they went and found another sport and committed to that. If not then choose the sport you wanna play
By the time your in high school not a lot of kids have an idea of what sport they want to stick to play the sports your stuck between and then come to a conclusion and choose one
If I were advising one of these athletes I would say that in this case, doing there best to do both sports is the way to go. I am sure coaches will be understanding about conflicts, because none of this is the athlete’s fault.
I would tell them to try and do both sports because they both make them happy. If that doesn’t work, then pick the one you like best and see a better future with!
try and play both sports if possible don’t just give up on one because of season change
They should pursue what they love and not force themselves to participate in stressful or unenjoyable activities.
I would say try both but if it doesnt work out pick one
I would advise the athletes to try to play both sports. I would also tell them to be open with their coaches about their commitment level to both of the sports. While this may be difficult, it will help teach the athletes how to balance their time and priorities.
I would tell the kids to try to do both and if it is too much and comes down to choosing one to pick the one they love most and have a future in. Doing both could be overwhelming and a lot with school but if they are willing to work that hard and help out both teams why not let them.
I would tell them to do both and if it’s too much then chose the one they have a bigger future in and like the most.
i think if they talk to their coaches and get them to agree i would duel sport if that really what i wanted and if i loved both sport.
I think that it is personally up to the player. Do what you think is right for you and what is right for your team. It depends on the situation you are in, which teams you play for, and the sports you are in.
I would tell them to play both sports but spend more time they could see themselves most successful in.
I would tell these students that they need to commit to what they want to do. High school is about learning to roll with the punches, and this is a perfect learning experience. You could try to do both sports, but that would become very complicated.
I would tell them to practice as much as they can on their own time, so that if/when they are able to play they are ready. But if they can’t play at least they get to practice and have some sort of football.
I would tell the players maybe try and do both. If that doesn’t work out then they can pick which one they enjoy the most or have more a future in.
I feel the athlete needs to make a decision because if you commit to two sports and aren’t there you will let your team down. Choose whatever sport you enjoy playing the most.
This is a pretty tricky situation. I think I would tell the athletes to pick the sport they love the most. It will be a difficult situation, but no matter what, it should be the athletes decision. If the coaches want to attempt to do a method where the boys could play both that would be even better!
i think they should do wich sport they like best if they can’t handle doing both of the sports being a multi sport athlete i know it is hard and it comes down to if you are willing to put in the work and what you like best
I would tell them to focus on whatever sport they like best, but if they made a commitment and like the other sport then they should continue with both but mainly focus on the one they like best.
If I was the athlete I would decide which sport is more important to me. If the athlete is planning on playing football in college then they probably should focus and dedicate their time to football practice and training for their main sport. However If the athlete already signed up for a sports team and tried out and made the team, they should keep their commitment to the team. Other players got cut and did not make the team in order for the football athlete to play and contribute, so they should keep their word and continue playing on the team for the season.
If this student athlete is comfortable with managing both, then they should play both sports. But, if a student enjoys one sport over the other, then they should pursue that sport.
I think they should try and play both sports if it’s something they really love and if becomes to overbearing then make a hard decision
If an athlete would want to do both they should play both sports. But if they are better at one than the other they should do the sport they are better at.
I think they could try to play both sports at once. However if this was too much they should go with the sport they love the most and makes them happy.
I would tell the players to try to split their time. Since they made two commitments, they must do their best to honor both of them.
I would tell the players to try and do both but stop if that doesn’t work out.
This is a tough situation but I would try to find a compromise so that they athletes could play both sports. If that didn’t work then I would tell them to pick the sport that means more to them.
This is a tough situation but I would try to find a compromise so that they athletes could play both sports. If that didn’t work then I would tell them to pick the sport that means more to them. I understand the football coach could be mad about that but he has to consider that they were originally told that they weren’t going to have a fall season.
This is a tough situation but I would try to find a compromise so that they athletes could play both sports. If that didn’t work then I would tell them to pick whichever one was more enjoyable for them. I understand the football coach could be mad about that but he has to consider that they were originally told that they weren’t going to have a fall season.
They should try to play two sports but if things start overlapping then it will have to come down to which one is better
I would tell the students to try and do both but if it becomes too much of a burden, to only play the one they liked most and maybe do the other for fun on off days or with friends.
I think the person should try and do both sports. High school is all about learning who you are and maybe one of these sports could change their life.
i would say stand up for what you believe in because you can change things that aren’t right.
I think that the students should try to do both but I’d it becomes too difficult for their schedule to choose which one they can see themselves in the future doing more
I would tell them to play both sports because they had committed to other sports and even though football is coming up that doesn’t mean we should give up those things.
If I were one of those athletes, I would be devastated. I would have them try to do both if possible.
I would tell them to them to do what feels best. It’s hard to play two sports at once because it’s a lot of time and effort to put in. I would say to try and do both because they made a commitment but it’s a tough decision.
I would tell them to do the sport their better at or the one they like the most. High school is hard and you have to make hard decisions. It might be hard to make a decision, but you got to stick with it.
Take a chance and do both sports. Worse case scenario you have to pick one. Just pick your favorite one and enjoy it.
I think you should Do both and if it doesn’t turn out well. pick the one you do best and or like better.
If I were in this situation, I would pick what I am best in and what I love the most. The sport I am best in and I love would be the sport that O would thrive in the most so I would go with that one.
I would tell them to do both sports. If it gets too challenging then do the one you love the most.
I would tell these students that it is going to be hard to compromise and do both sports at once, but it is very possible with extra communication with your coaches, and an upfront conversation about what the athlete will and will not attend, but once they make these decisions, they must stick to them. Overall though, I think that playing both is a manageable task and the athlete will be happy they made the choice in the end.
i would say to them that you have to do what you want because that’s the best decision for yourself.
I would tell them to decide for themselves, I would not force them to choose football or their desired sport, it would be up to them to decide. Those who do choose football I would encourage, and those who chose another sport, I would wish them luck in the best way.
I would tell them to decide for themselves, I would not force them to choose football or their desired sport, it would be up to them to decide. Those who do choose football I would encourage, and those who chose another sport, I would wish them luck in the best way.
I would let the athletes decide what sport to play. I would encourage football but not force upon it.
I would agree with saying that they need to decide for themselves since it’s their sports career. It would also benefit them to play other sports
I would tell them to do both sports. Although it will be a grind and it will be hard. They know what sport makes them the happiest therefore that is what sport they should play. They should talk to their coaches about prioritizing the activities but I think they should play both.
I would say play the one that makes them the happiest.
I would tell them to do whatever feels right to them
I would tell them to play what sport makes them the happiest and to not worry what others think and you never know when you won’t be able to play and do what you love.