Box 24 – Individual Qualifiers Share More than the Same Starting Box… #Sportsmanship

Box 24 – Individual Qualifiers Share More than the Same Starting Box… #Sportsmanship

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  1. Team is a vert strong concept and those that are part of one yearn to continue to be part of one because of the strength of what it can do.

  2. That no matter who you are, what team you cheer one, or what you look like. You can give encouragement to each and every person come across.

  3. That teamwork and encouragement comes in all different shapes and sizes. Showing love and friendship to complete strangers is so cool and makes you think of nice kids can be.

  4. A lesson that I can take from this image is that it’s not always about being alone, there can always be someone there feeling just as alone as you. Putting in the same work as you but also not having their team. You don’t have to go through anything alone.

  5. the lesson i learn is that everyone we compete against is not really anyone we should be mad at or not like, but someone who is just like us, playing the sport we both love, and we should encourage each other to do and be our best for ourselves and our team.

  6. Even during competition it is always nice to have good sportsmanship and to have others rooting for you and to root for others.