Community Buys Volleyball Referee a New Car

Community Buys Volleyball Referee a New Car

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  1. Our community has banded together in the times when we needed it the most. I can think of two instances when we did this, once when a parent was in a bad accident, and another time when a coach had cancer. We do whatever we can to help each other out

  2. Yes, I for sure think our community would come together to help someone out that needs it. We are a pretty small community but I feel like we can make a big difference when we need to.

  3. I believe that our team and community is very caring and supportive. We would most definitely band together for the greater good.

  4. I have no doubt that the generosity of the Brebeuf Community would be demonstrated for an individual in need. If we can come together for our teammates, than we can come together for someone else.

  5. Yes, our team if full of kind and hardworking people who know that every community always has room to help others, even if it is not in the form of material goods.

  6. I think our team would do anything to make someone or a community be better than it was before. We all are kind hearted and it would make us feel a lot better to make someone’s day.

  7. I think our team would do anything to make someone or a community be better than it was before. We all are kind hearted and it would make us feel a lot better to make someone’s day.

  8. I believe that my community would come together and help someone in need. Being a small tall, people tend to lean towards helping out.

  9. Yes I do believe that my sports community would help a person in need because my sports team care about others feelings and just by helping a person in need would make us feel like a greater team just by donating our time and kindness giving to those who deserve it

  10. Yes, as a community we would help someone. I think it would be very beneficial if we were better informed on the economic status of citizens in our county to help them as well.

  11. Yes I believe our team would help someone within our community that is in need of help. Doing this would also leave a good impression on our team that others will notice.

  12. For sure, our community has banded before in support of those in need and I have no doubt that we would do it again. We truly are a family.

  13. I would say that our community would come together for someone that needs help, that’s the power of a small town. We have recently rallied together to raise cancer awareness for a coach at the school.

  14. I believe our community would have banded together in this situation. Last year one of my teammates dad was in a bad accident and we handed together to help them out any way we could, so a similar instance were to happen I know we would respond the same way.

    1. Post
  15. Yes I believe that me and my teammates would definitely because we know that the person needs something and they can’t afford it so we’ll try our best to help the person out.

  16. Yes I definitely think if someone we loved was going through a hard time and the community surrounding them could do something to help them they definitely would.

  17. I do believe that people in my community would help someone in need, especially in my brebeuf community because we focus on being men and women for others.

  18. If someone we know was going through a hard time then 100% we would do something for them to lift their spirts ! It would be fun along the way and could help us bond also.

  19. I think this is a really loving way to show their importance and i feel that if a lunch lady or teacher or anyone working at or for the school will have the same experience as this Man in a time of need

    1. our community would do of my cheer coaches was having a rough time so we got her money to help and a teacher at my school had a daughter with cancer so we all raised money for him and he got over 15,000

  20. I feel that if someone in my community my team would help them out even my club would help out. This is a very nice story cause my team has done something like it before.

  21. that is good how the community helped the guy because the guy really needed the car and he could not do his job to make money.So that is very thoughtful for the community to help out and it really helped the man out.

  22. i feel that if in my community my friends and family and others would help this is very nice thing to do everybody could use a little help in there life.

  23. It is so nice that the whole community came together to help this guy get a new car after he got in a car crash, and still came to the games.

  24. Wow! This really shows how one person can influence a community. I’m so glad what went around came around.

  25. I believe he did deserve what he got and the ones who helped really did care and I would be grateful myself and appreciative and I’m sure he was as well

  26. I believe he did deserve what he got and the people in his county really do care about him and i myself really appreciate that

  27. “We wanted to make sure he was taken care of”, was a really sweet and genuine line , that shows they really care about him and appreciate him.

  28. “We wanted to make sure he was taken care of”, was a really sweet and genuine line , that shows they really care about him and appreciate him. So, it’s really sweet that they did that for him.

  29. people are really kind in the world like me i’m really kind too and my friends are kind to all i’m saying is that people are really kind in the world.

  30. I think our sports teams would help someone from our community in their time of need because it is our sign of being appreciative and giving back for what he/she did to help us grow.

  31. Probably not. And why would they, that doesnt make any sense. What did he do? Maybe if he need look food or something, but not a car.

  32. The people in my community most likely would have shown their appreciation and helped out. It wouldn’t have been a car but it would have been something sentimental to them.

  33. I think that they would chip in to help someone in the community if they were known to help around a lot like Lemuel Buster.