Coronavirus #4: “One of the Finest People in the World”

Coronavirus #4: “One of the Finest People in the World”

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  1. First, I can stay home and stop the spread. Secondly, after this is over I can take more time to help people in need.

  2. To help stop the spread I will stay at home and help my parents with anything around the house to make it less stressful for them.

  3. The most important thing I can do is stay home, but I will also stay connected to the family members I can’t see anymore and make sure they have everything they need .

  4. To stay healthy and protect everyone around me, I will keep my hands clean and avoid being around people other than close family members.

  5. Currently I’m going to follow the orders of docter and stay at home but after I’ll try to help the community.

  6. To help stop the spread Im going to stay a healthy distance from others and stay in contact with friends and family even though we can’t see each other in person.

  7. I’be been staying in like I was asked. I can’t do a lot like I wish I could. 🙁 I do help my grandma get the things that she needs though. And I pray and hope everyone has someone to go to at this time of need.