Do You Give 100% Effort? Really?

Do You Give 100% Effort? Really?


Coach Geno Auriemma, head coach the the University of Connecticut Women’s Basketball Team, tells a story that shows the difference between effort and real effort. He asks an athlete to run a drill. The athlete does so. Then, he takes out a $100 bill and tells the same athlete that he will give the athlete the $100 bill if he/she can do the same drill in a specified amount of time. The lesson is that the second scenario almost always produces greater effort from the athlete.

Joe’s Perspective: This is a great reality check. It shows us how we are all motivated to give our best effort. Some give their best effort every time. Some give it because their coach asks for it. Some do it to be the very best or maybe to not let teammates down. However, some of us are externally motivated. Maybe some of us are all externally motivated sometimes.

Your Turn: Be honest. What motivates you to give a full 100% effort? Do you need external motivation to give your best effort?

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  1. I need a coach or teammates to hype me up and for them to hold me accountable because I do not like to let them down. I do not need external motivation to give my best effort.

  2. I need my teammates and my coaches
    To hold me accountable because I don’t like to like them down and if I know I am doing it for them i will give 100% every time.

  3. Teammates are typically good at getting the best out of each other, we should use each other to bring the best out and achieve our goals

  4. Something that Motivates me to give my all on the court 100% is my dad who died when I was young. Everytime I pick up a ball I give it my all as if he was still here physically watching me and cheering me on. I play as if it’s my last time hitting the court.

  5. I think that this is a great lesson and that young athletes don’t understand that if you give 100% all the time, you will be rewarded in the end

  6. I think that is an interesting strategy. We need to all go hard in practice regardless of the reason. That will lead to us being the best team we can be.

  7. Inspiration from teammates or coaches motivates me to tell my best effort. I need motivational words, not external motivation.

  8. I am motivated by my family. My family is poor and basketball seems like the way out. My moms and my bro are the motivation in my life to achieve great heights and reach the NBA.

  9. I need to know that going all in will benefit me somehow, like knowing that if I put in a lot of effort now I will improve.

  10. My motivation and 100% effort comes mainly from my teammates on the court and my family off the sidelines. I mainly need them to give me mental support to keep pushing to my full extent and give 100% effort into the game.

  11. I when I am struggling with a skill and I have a mental block, what has pushed me along in the past is to have a friend that tells me I have to do it. If someone else believes that I can do it, it helps me complete it.

  12. I feel that as a team we should give 100% effort all the time. We should play at game speed for every drill. We should not have to be bribed to give our best effort.

  13. What motivates me to give 100% of my effort is support from my family and friends. I don’t believe I need external motivation to do my best.

  14. I do not need external motivation to get me to give 100% effort all the time because I always want to get better and improve. However at times a coach or a parent pushing me helps me to get to that 100%

  15. I need my teammates to encourage and cheer me on before skills to help me out because they are going through the same kind of stress from school and outside pressures so knowing that they are trying to get me to do my best helps me. I don’t need external motivation to give 100%.

  16. I’m internally motivated to give my best. I never want people to see me not trying or slacking off because it reflects poorly on myself, my teammates, and my coaches. I want to do well in all I do and that motivates me to work hard at all times.

  17. I try to give my best everytime I compete or work with a team, but I also don’t blame myself if not everything turns out as I hope it does.

  18. Motivating myself helps me improve my skills. Motivation from the rest of the team also helps me a lot when I have a mental block.

  19. Usually competing gets me motivated. When I am in something just for fun or for no particular reason, I tend to not give as much effort, especially if I see the people around me doing the same thing.

  20. when i’m competing against someone i give full effort because i know i have to do the best i can to win. also, when i’m really excited about a new skill i tend to put in more energy

  21. Since i am a competitive athlete and therefore already motivated, i try to give my best effort all the time. It makes it easier and contributes to that effort when the people i have surrounded by are giving their best effort too.

  22. Giving your 100% effort will reward you in the end and working hard will make you successful. Also, motivation helps mental blocks.

  23. I just need a sportive team, because if my team doesn’t support me then why try my best for them? It is very important to give something your all if it is something you like to do.

  24. To give one hundred percent I need my team to get excited and hyped up. This always works for me because it puts me in the zone.

  25. I guess I am curious of the age of the people who commented up above. I have been coaching for 25 years and I really enjoyed some of the comments.

  26. I put in effort but honestly I don’t think I put in enough if coaches have to correct me on my mistakes I may think I’m trying my hardest but I can always push myself to the extreme and make myself faster and more reactive.