Female Football Coach Sets Goal of Coaching in the NFL
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I would write to her and tell her to not give up on what she wants. Being an offensive coordinator in the NFL will require a multitude of work, but if she keeps working like she is, she will most likely reach her goal.
I would personally send her a note, email, or simply talk to her in person and tell her to keep pushing towards her dreams because she can definitely get there. She knows what she’s in for and can succeed.
I would tell her to never give up on her dreams. There is a female NBA coach and I think if she believed in her dream she can achieve it and become the first female NFL coach.
I would tell her to keep coaching and that she is doing a great job!
I would tell her that don’t give up and not let anyone get in your way.
Don’t give up on what you want to become. There are female referees and why not have female coaches. Keep up the good work and I hope you make it to the NFL
Keep working hard and you will get there
I would tell her to keep doing what you are passionate about. If you are good at what you do it shouldn’t matter whether you are male or female. She knows what she can achieve and she should keep going at what she wants.
I would tell her to keep striving for her dream. If she believes and keeps working hard she’ll be able to meet her goal. Never give up.
I would tell her to continue to follow her dream and one day she can get there and don’t give up.
I would tell her to keep doing what she’s doing, because if she likes what she does she should keep going. I believe in her to keep working hard and pursue her dream even more.
I know I don’t know you but I’m so proud of you and inspired for not letting anything stop you from reaching the top. A lot of people probably tear you down for trying to coach NFL as a girl, saying you can’t do it, but you keep proving them wrong and showing them that you are capable of so much more than they think.
U got this
I would tell her to keep pushing toward her goal and keep being the best that you can be. If she keeps putting her all into it so much will come to her in return.
I would tell her to not give up on her dream. It is going to be a tough road, but she can achieve her dreams if she perseveres. She can make history and pave the way for many others with the same dream.
I would just like to say,I also have the same dream as you.I would like to either go the MLB,or the NFL.
Keep doing what you are doing and strive to become over qualified for your goal so no one can turn you down. Then once you reach your goal set a higher one.
I would tell her that if her hard work tops all the others who say she can’t then nothing can stop her. With that being said, when it comes to coaching preparation is everything. If she can prepare well enough she can be a successful coach.
I would tell her to keep going and her goal is within arms reach. I would tell her that I want to believe in myself like she does
She shouldn’t give up and let others get in the way of her dream
I would tell her to keep doing what she is doing. She’s got this and show the other male coaches that she can do it. Not all football coaches have to be male.
You go girl! It’s so inspiring to see a woman in the football field. I’ve never seen a woman doing anything professional football so I love this so much.
I would write to her and tell her that she inspires me to chance my goals and my dreams even if it is considered crazy and never done before. She has proved to many people that females can coach football too.
I would tell her that I truly admire her bravery and passion. She is an inspiration to stay true to oneself and break down unhealthy stereotypes.
I would tell her that She is an inspiration to me and so many others. She did what many people thought was possible and proved that girls can be football coches too. She believed she could do it and she took the risk because of the confidence she had.
I would tell her to not give up, and keep fighting and working hard. She could complete her goal if she keeps up the work that she has been doing so far. I would also tell her I’m proud of her. And I look up to her because it can be hard to be the first, especially when people disagree with you.
I would tell her to keep working and pushing to do her best. I would also tell her to not give up. If she works hard enough, she can become a coach in the NFL.
I would say that it is very cool that she has a dream and stays with it even if she is not the usual person in that type of role.
I would tell her to keep striving for her dream. That no matter what she shouldn’t give up on her dream. I would also let her know that if men can be a volleyball coach then there is no reason a woman can’t be a football coach.
I she wants to go for it, and she believes in herself, nothing should stop her. It sounds like she has the skill and the passion, she just has to stick with it long enough to apply those.
I would tell her “dont to give up and just keep doing what she is doing. i think you are an inspiration to all woman who are scared to try new thing”
I would tell her that what she is doing is really making an impact and to never stop doing what she believes in.
I would tell her to be and stay passionate about what she is doing and loves. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female do what you love and what you are good at.
I would tell her to be and stay passionate about what she is doing and loves. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female do what you love and what you are good at. Also that she is making an impact.
If I could send a message to Coach Mullet I would tell her that she can accomplish anything that she puts her mind to. I would tell her that she can be just as good as anyone else and that she cannot give up on her dreams just because a female football coach seems unorthodox.
I would tell her to keep pursuing what she wants to do. Upon completion, she would be the first NFL head coach and it would make history, paving the way for others to follow.
I would write to her and tell her that she shouldn’t give up. I would motivate her and remind her that if she keeps trying she can get to where she wants to get.
I would give praise to Mullet for following her passion. Many people find it hard to motivate themselves to do their best and to reach for their full potential. Mullet leaves a good example that reminds us to always try hard and to exceed expectations.
I would tell her to not give up on her dreams no matter what happens on the team. Anyone can coach a team and she should be proud of what she is doing
I would tell her never to give up on her dream because she has a chance to do something great. And that she is an inspiration to women all around the world that want to go into something that is mainly male.
I would tell her to remain persistent and keep pursuing her dreams because she is more than qualified to be in that position.
This coach obviously knows that coaching in the NFL takes a lot. She is taking steps to better herself in a male dominated field, and I would wish her the best of luck!
I would tell her that she needs to ignore all of the doubters because she can make her dream come true if she works as hard as she can.
I would tell her that she needs to ignore all of the doubters because she can make her dream come true if she works as hard as she can. If she ignores all of the doubters she can make it to the NFL and continue her dream.
I would tell her to follow her dreams because as cliché as it sounds you can truly achieve your goal when you work hard enough.
i would write and tell her to keep working for what she wants, everyone has a story.
I want to tell her to follow her dream u never know what might come truth in the future.
I would tell her to continue to work towards her goals and that her work and determination is very inspiring.
I would say that I am inspired by her boldness and determination to become someone girls can look up to. This is a wonderful precedent to set and I’m now motivated to step into places where I may be the only one.
I would tell her to keep doing what you are passionate about. If you are good at what you do it shouldn’t matter whether you are male or female. She knows what she can achieve and she should keep going at what she wants.
Cool Blog
Keep going and not to let anyone tell you otherwise. They are either biased or scared that you are better than them.
If i can tell Coach Samantha Mullet a message i would say great job for making a positive mark in people dont let anyone tell you different.
A message I would deliver to her would be that I find it so inspiring for her to take a job like that in a male dominant sport.
I find it so inspiring for her to take a job like that in a male dominant sport.
I find it so inspiring for her to take a job like that in a male dominant sport. I would love to hear her experiences with being seen as less than.
If I could deliver a personal message to Coach Samantha Mullet, it would simply be one of gratitude. I would show my appreciation towards her for her determination in pursuing what she loves, breaking stereotypes in the world of sports, and being a positive influence and role model in countless upcoming youths’ lives. If I could ask her anything, it would have to be a question about what her biggest motivators were in pursing what she did to the extent she did, and how she never got burnt out or let what others thought get the best of her.
tell her to not give up on what she wants.
not let anyone get in your way.
Just because you’re a woman, does not mean you are any less capable than the men. Also, never give up on your dreams.
As a young teenage girl it’s kinda awesome to see a female NFL coach. because thats cool.
that she is brave for joining football
You are a very hard working coach.
Samantha, I believe in you. I know you can do it and break the gender barriors. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to women all over the US.
I would just like to say,I also have the same dream as you.I would like to either go the MLB,or the NFL.
If I could deliver a personal message to Coach Samantha It will be about how hardworking she is and how she never stop reaching for her goal If how hard it is she would never give up.
i think it is cool what she did and that it is good she got a job like that.
I would write that shes a strong woman and that I do not wish to follow her career path because I don’t have as much knowledge of football but I do look up to her very much.
nice job going to the NFL coach as a female you must thinker that is a acoleshment.