How’s Your School Spirit?

How’s Your School Spirit?

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  1. 6. For big home games, the student section is packed. But when we travel or play a bad team, there aren’t as many people. There’s a core group who come to almost every game, but besides that it is pretty quiet when we play teams that aren’t as good.

  2. At the start of the season a 8 but now like a 3 or 2. There are barley anyone st the games anymore either cause it’s a drive or we are playing a bad team but it’s not the same energy as the first couple of games.

  3. 2 since no one really cheers at our games, they clap but they don’t really do a chant or anything. I feel like it’s only the team who does.

  4. Usually an 8 or 9. We have a lot of people coming to the home games, and not as much coming to the away games, because they watch the boys game at home.

  5. 8 because we have a lot of spirit but some games people don’t come to as much as others. But we have a lot of spirit and we take advantage of it. We do a lot of chants and call put other schools on their bluffs.

  6. 8. At our home games there are lots of kids cheering us on. At away games there are a few kids sometimes. The section with students is always very loud and we take advantage of that.

  7. 9. A our home games a lot of people come and see us play. It really makes me feel good to see so many people cheer me and my team on. At our away games we have the A team cheer us on.

  8. 6. I would say that it changes a lot throughout the season. At the beginning of the season, I feel like our games were louder and more people came. But after the first 4 or 5 games, less people came. A lot of that had to do with the fact that the average distance for games is much further after the first 5 games and lots of them are on the road. I am hoping to get that 6 to a 10 by the time playoffs come around

  9. At the start of the season at home our student section was packed. But when we go on the road against Craig it is harder to get a big student section to bring energy. This can effect how the team plays. We need to bring the energy ourselves.

  10. At the start of the season at home our student section was packed so I would give it An 8. But when we go on the road against Craig it is harder to get a big student section to bring energy. This can effect how the team plays. We need to bring the energy ourselves.

  11. I think 8 because a lot of students come to our home games when they can but not a lot at away games because they can be far away.

  12. On a scale from 1-10 I’ll give it and 8. Reason why I gave it an 8 is because the start of the season mostly everyone was hyped to come out and watch some boys basketball. Now a hand full of people still come out and support at our away games just not as many. For the big against Middleton @middleton our student section was rocket high, it felt like an playoffs game.

  13. At the start of the season we were playing well so we were having a great study but now that we’re playing worse not as many people have been coming and it sucks

  14. school spirit at lotus is great. when there is no school, students still show up for a game which shows dedication to your school.

  15. 5 out of 10. We get some spirit but not as much as the boys they get posted more and recognized but other than that it’s fine

  16. at my high school we have tons of school spirit. we have cookouts in the parking lot before big football games. for away games we car pull and have tons of fun. friday nights are the best night at chs.

  17. 4. The student section cheers and has some fun. The band seems like a totally different section and like they aren’t having fun.