Humanity at its Finest

Humanity at its Finest

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  1. I think if I was passing by, and I seen a stranger struggling to help a dog, I would definitely stop, not because I’m trying to be a hero, or trying to save the day, but because its the right thing to do, and I’m not heartless!

  2. It was so sweet when the man came to help the dog, and everyone else was prepared and ready to make a chain. They helped the guy and the dog both to get back to safety, I’m glad all those people were there.

  3. This is about a man who went into the water to save his dog and you have to imagine he had to have composure or he wouldn’t have been able to do it.

  4. This was a very kind interaction between people. I would have definitely helped out if I saw that while passing by.

  5. This is such a heart-warming story to hear, in the world we live In today it is good to know that we still have good people in our world today.

  6. I would try to save the dog because the dog did nothing wrong. I would have the ability to help and I would get in the water and try to save it.

  7. this was a very generous gesture to save a dog you don’t even know and the fact that people who probably have to get somewhere or who in a rush stopped to help is simply amazing

  8. People are good. It just depends on if they are showing it or if they believe they have it. this video shows humans showing their goodness.

  9. I would have the ability to help and I would have helped form a human chain by having so much grip.And also I love dogs so that is why I would help.

  10. I feel like If I were one of the passer-by’s, I wouldn’t be able to help them with the chain because I’m too weak, but I wouldn’t just stand there and watch the guy and the dog struggle, I would go running somewhere calling for someone who could help with the chain because I feel like it wasn’t right for those women to just sat and there and watch, I feel like at least one of them should’ve called for help or something because the man and dog could’ve potentially gotten hurt or even died.

  11. I would have the ability to help and I would have helped form a human chain by having so much grip.The humans are heroes because they helped the dog get back up so that is why I would help.

  12. If I were one of the people passing by I would have really tried to help but I wouldn’t be tall enough or strong enough to help on the ledge but I am strong enough to help from the gate.

  13. If I was a passer by I would ask if they need help and then if they wont I would slide down and tell the man there to go up and be a human chain and that I got this.

  14. If I would have the ability to help and I would have done it because no like thing that a dog died today because I could not help them