Watching this video a scary cause these are people close o my age and they act without honking which is very scary this will always make me think before doing something.
If she didn’t want to jump her friend should have never pushed her off. That looked like a far jump. I would have not jumped either. She should have thought before doing.
I think that before we do something that really your friends want you to do we should think is this going to hurt me or no. Then decide if you should do it
I think that you should push people out of their comfort zones but not take things this far to where you could be responsible for getting someone hurt… this is a great example of taking it too far
this video was very scary to watch. watching someone pretty close to my age, get so badly injured was just sad. the life lesson I learned was that before you do anything, you should stop and think. think “is this going to affect me in the future?” think “ is this going to harm me in anyway shape or form?” but the other thing I learned is that you shouldn’t do something you don’t want to do, even if your friend is pressuring you. DON’T FALL INTO PEER PRESSURE
Do not peer pressure someone for your own good or for your own humor. This young teen had life threatening injuries because her friends tried to push her into something she didn’t need to do.
I feel like the friends shouldn’t have pushed her but its also her fault. Its her fault because they didn’t force her to climb over the bridge, she climbed over the bridge because she was going to do it. Its just the friends fault cause they pushed her out of her will.
If all your friends jumped to their death, would you jump too? I agree with all your responses. Better yet, you should not pressure them to do stuff that their totally against.
I think you should never pressure someone into doing something that can hurt them.
Don’t push peoples mental ability or physical ability.
Watching this video a scary cause these are people close o my age and they act without honking which is very scary this will always make me think before doing something.
If she didn’t want to jump her friend should have never pushed her off. That looked like a far jump. I would have not jumped either. She should have thought before doing.
Watching this video is frighting because we don’t usually think about what could happen in the future we just think about the present.
I think that before we do something that really your friends want you to do we should think is this going to hurt me or no. Then decide if you should do it
Never push someone to do something they don’t want to do. Treat others they way yo want to be treated.
I think that you should push people out of their comfort zones but not take things this far to where you could be responsible for getting someone hurt… this is a great example of taking it too far
this video was very scary to watch. watching someone pretty close to my age, get so badly injured was just sad. the life lesson I learned was that before you do anything, you should stop and think. think “is this going to affect me in the future?” think “ is this going to harm me in anyway shape or form?” but the other thing I learned is that you shouldn’t do something you don’t want to do, even if your friend is pressuring you. DON’T FALL INTO PEER PRESSURE
Do not peer pressure someone for your own good or for your own humor. This young teen had life threatening injuries because her friends tried to push her into something she didn’t need to do.
The life lesson that I take away from this is to never pressure someone into doing something that they are not comfortable doing.
I feel like the friends shouldn’t have pushed her but its also her fault. Its her fault because they didn’t force her to climb over the bridge, she climbed over the bridge because she was going to do it. Its just the friends fault cause they pushed her out of her will.
I agree with all he said so i need to start thing of better thanks to do and i need to stop be friends with the people i hang out with.
If all your friends jumped to their death, would you jump too? I agree with all your responses. Better yet, you should not pressure them to do stuff that their totally against.
make better chosise
i think this girl is crazy never do this