Inspirational Blog #3: Finding Common Ground

Inspirational Blog #3: Finding Common Ground

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  1. This video does set a good example for all american people, reason being is there were black people saying that all lives matter when its not just black lives matter it’s all lives matter. Not just those who have been killed either by police brutality but those police officers who were killed for no reason at all.
    Having the people do this again all over the country. It’s not always just we are the same race or color of skin it doesn’t matter what race you belong too we are all humans and that’s one race. God didn’t just make whites or blacks or latinos or asians, we are the same we all bleed red we all breath air and we all eat the food of which is grown all over the world or farmed or harvested from the wild.

  2. This video does set a good example for all american people, reason being is there were black people saying that all lives matter when its not just black lives matter it’s all lives matter. Not just those who have been killed either by police brutality but those police officers who were killed for no reason at all. Having the people do this again all over the country. It’s not always just we are the same race or color of skin it doesn’t matter what race you belong too we are all humans and that’s one race. God didn’t just make whites or blacks or latinos or asians, we are the same we all bleed red we all breath air and we all eat the food of which is grown all over the world or farmed or harvested from the wild.

  3. I think this video sets a good example for Americans because it is showing two groups that don’t get along come together and show what trying to make a difference looks like. Also we could find more common ground on issues like this by not jumping to conclusions and getting to know the person before you just automatically assume something that may not be true.

  4. 1.) Yes, because it shows how all American’s should be coming together and not dividing ourselves into different groups.

    2.) By coming together as a whole, and discussing the issue, rather than separating ourselves and segregating into little groups.

  5. I think this video does set a good example for Americans because it shows that we can all get along if we stop looking at just skin color, it also shows how we can handle situations, calmly. We all can find more common ground if we are open-minded, because if you think a certain way and your not willing to change that way of thinking, then nothing is going to get better. One example is when black people get angry when people stand up for ALL LIVES MATTER instead of just BLACK LIVES MATTER. We all need to come together for the greater good and stop these racial issues in our country.

  6. I feel like this video is a perfect example on how people should handle this situation. Its wrong for a certain race to only say their lives matter. Everyone is equal no matter what race you are. Isn’t that what black people are trying to say? Saying ” All Lives Matter” gets the point across better than “Black Lives Matter”. This video sets an example and shows people how they should really act. To find more common ground I think everyone needs to be treated more equally. First people need to understand that every race is equal and come together to solve problems, not form small groups.

    1. Post

      Adam, I think you bring up an excellent point. Black Lives Matter is trying to make a point that black people matter too. A group of people see one race being treated unfairly by the justice system and want to protest. That is the right of every American. I think the phrase, however, is a poor choice of words. I think it hits non-black people the wrong way. I think it is divides people and puts people on the defensive. Most people I know say, “Of course, black lives matter. All lives matter…” An argument ensues and really we are talking about the same thing and our on the same side. This is a classic example of how words do matter.

  7. I believe this video set an perfect example of all lives matter and that they everyone should come together as one and treated equally. Instead on having two different sides during a protest I think everyone should get a long together and protest that all lives matter not just black live matters, at the end of the day everyone is the same way their own way and she be treated the same.

  8. I think the video sets a good example for Americans because it is showing that two different groups are coming together and getting along with each other. I think we could find better common ground on issues like this with getting to know the person before you judge them and assuming something that may not be true.

  9. I think that this video displays how Americans should handle they’re different views and come together to understand each others point of views and come together. I think if people are more understanding tension will disappear and people will start to agree with each other more and fight for a common goal rather than point fingers and create arguments.

  10. I think the video sets a great example for what should be happening around the world people coming together for the greater good of our country. In my opinion finding common ground is all about what people are willing to give up or if they are selfless people. A selfish person is the person who won’t give in and say okay I get that they are shooting innocent unarmed black men and that’s not okay so we need to make a change but the only way we can change anything is if we all come together as a country.

  11. 1) I think this video does set a good example for Americans. Just because of the fact that it shows everyone that may or may not be racist or whatever, that we can all come together and be happy. We all want it to end, and to end it all we have to do is come together so we can all be happy.

    2) To find more common grounds on issues like this, we all have to leave what may have happened before behind, and accept everyone for who they are. We have to meet in the middle somewhere so everyone in the world can be happy that’s dealing with these issues.

  12. Well, this video is not available anymore. I think because America is a immigrant country, in order to keep the community growing better and safer, everybody should be responsible for not being rude and not discriminating everyone in the community, all lives matter.

  13. I think that everyone should be treated with respect and not discriminate anyone in our community. Everyone is created equal and is loved.

  14. I think this video sets a good example for Americans because it shows white people saying that black lives matter and black people saying that all lives better. This message is impactful because it recognizes the need for finding a common ground among all races.

    In my opinion, I think we find more common ground on issues like this by understanding that the media doesn’t always accurately reflect the discrimination among races. We must accept everyone for who they are, rather than focusing on the past.

  15. This video sets a good example for Americans because it shows two opposing sides come together and peacefully/calmly discuss an issue. Both sides feel strongly about the issue and it shows that even if you disagree, you can still find commonalities with other people. We can find more common ground on issues like this by talking with people who have opposing opinions and tying to see why they hold those opinions. Also, it is important to understand the background of both sides of an issue, as well as the background of the people who hold opposing opinions.

  16. I think the videos like this are good for society in general because they ease the tensions between the two arguing sides. It also breaks stereotypes for Black Lives Matter supporters and all lives matter supporters.

    In my opinion this country has a huge problem with the oppression of young African American men and women and yes videos like these help ease the tension but it does not help fix the problem whatsoever.

  17. I believe this video sets a good example because it encourages unification, in a time in which it is needed. Our country needs this video to emphasize how far we have come as diverse Americans. We can find common ground among these issues by having more peaceful protests to unite all races, as opposed to one.

  18. 1) Yes this video does show a good example because it shows what can happen when people can put aside their differences and come together.
    2) To find more common ground, we must be open to conversation and talk through our issues instead of just blaming certain ethnic groups.

  19. racism makes me sad. I cannot comprehend how people want hatred towards others, like why would you want to discriminate against others… it just doesn’t make sense. i want to live in a world of acceptance and equality.

  20. I think Its wrong for a certain race to only say their lives matter. Everyone is equal and we are all part of the human race. I don’t think people should be racist in the first place because we should all coexist together. This video sets an example and shows people how they should really act. This video shows a good example of how people can work together.