The number reason why I play sports is because I am passionate about getting better and I believe that sports help an individual become a better person. Sports teach you responsibility, mental toughness, and had to push through tough times. Sports have been my stress reliever throughout my entire life and have made me happy.
I play high school sports because it’s fun and it is a good way to let off steam and forget about my other frustrations in life. I find it relieving, even when I get mad at myself!
The number 1 reason why I play sports is because it’s fun. It is fun being on a team and getting to know each other. It is fun playing the sport and learning how to play better. It is just fun!
I play high school sports because Volleyball has tended to keep me busy which means I stay out of trouble. I also have been playing for so many years because I have the chance to get a scholarship and play in college either with a scholarship or at least with the years of playing even without a scholarship. I play volleyball because even though yes, the game is fun and shows me how hard I tend to work hard out of school but for me I don’t think it’s worth getting hurt multiple times and never being able to step back on the court.
I play because I love the game(Football) and have been playing it my whole life, it also creates opportunities, shows you discipline, and also shows you the fruit of your labor.
The number one reason that I chose to swim all throughout high school is the competitive spirit and the ability to do that with the people I enjoy hanging out with. High school sports are way different than anything else you do outside of school, like a club team, where the pressure is off of us and that pure joy of the sport is left there.
I play high school sports for the brotherhood type bond with my boys my teammates, I play for the feeling you get under the Friday Night Lights I play for the gut wrenching feeling when the football is kicked through the air and I play for the blood, sweat, and tears me and my brothers go through together.
The players now that they have to prove themselves to start in a football game. If they didn’t want to prove themselves then they wouldn’t have pursued that path. Andrew Luck knew the consequences of playing and taking on the tackles by those pro football players. This was a great decision by Andrew Luck, because he knows his body more than everyone in the NFL staff.
Andrew luck is retiring not because he wants to quit, because he is a top 10 qb in the league. He is quitting because of the constant injuries he faces which takes the fun out of the game. Thats why he is retiring at a young age.
My #1 reason is that I have a passion for the sports that I am in and I enjoy it. I like being a part of a team and a team leader. Sports also teach many life skills that I think are beneficial
I play sports to help achieve a healthy lifestyle. I like playing sports that I can play for the rest of my life because it helps encourage the healthy lifestyle.
I play high school sports because it pushes me to my limits and teaches me lessons about life. I chose these sports because I enjoy playing them and learning these lessons from them.
I participate in tennis and cheer because it builds character and physical and mental strength. I am able to form strong bonds with my teammates and be a leader on the field and court.
I play for the love of the game and I love winning and the closeness of the team at Bronson. The bond of the team makes playing the game 10x more fun and winning even more fun too.
I play sports because it makes me not only a better athlete but a better person, I love all the sports I play and I love making memories with all my friends.
I’ve always just really enjoyed the game and even though i sit a lot I like to be on a team that works so hard and i’m just glad to be apart of that. I still try to get better and better everyday just like everyone else on the team so that one day i can get playing time.
I play sports because I enjoy learning how to work as a team and I love to grow as a person and a player. I also enjoy playing becaue my team mates make it fun and so do my coaches.
I play high school sports because I love the team bonding and getting to have fun while playing the sport you love. I also love knowing that the whole team will have my back during anything.
I play high school sports because I love being able to play what I love and not getting told I need to do something I don’t want to do. I also love making new friendships with the players and coaches.
I play high school sport to stay in shape, be with my friends, I’m extremely competitive, and it’s so much fun being apart of a team and doing something you all love
I believe Luck made a decision that he felt was right and one that he truly believed was best for him. When it comes down to it in life or sports those are the type of decisions one should stand by.
I play volleyball for abbey and my teammates. I fully play for my friends because when I play on the court with them I enjoy playing. This relates to what we talked about in practice because I feel like sports can sometimes no longer be fun. I need to work on keeping it fun so that I enjoy it.
You can talk to anyone anytime over the internet, but it does not have the impact of talking in person. In sports you need to talk to your teammates and you need to work togather. This is why I love sports it takes a group of kids and has them work togather build eachother for a larger purpose.
The #1 reason that I play a high school sport is because I have a lot of fun when I play with my team. Also, I love the family type atmosphere that the team brings to practice and games. It makes me feel welcome because I know that my teammates have my back.
I joined because I wanted some good ol’ competition to spice things up, make new friends, and to stay active. I wanted to join something at my school and none of the clubs really interested me, but the sports did. It gave way to another aspect of high school I enjoy every day
I play sports because when ever I am either taking the floor or playing a game or match I immediately get a huge smile on my face whether I win or lose I have so much fun being around people who love to do the same thing you do.
The reason I play high school sports is because I get to stay active as well as giving me more responsibilities. Student athletes are responsible for taking care of their school work and their sports work.
I play a high school sport because it is a good outlet to get away from everything going on in your school/home life. I believe it makes you a more rounded person and teaches you great life lessons.
I play volleyball because it helps you in real life due to making quick decisions remembering something with enough practice & getting something right for something you have been working on for ever. You feel accomplished & feel great about yourself which can make you motivate & push yourself.
The reason I play sports is because I enjoy meeting people who have the same interests as me. It has helped me make lots of friends and I enjoy staying active. Sports are a good way to keep active and also have fun at the same time.
The reason I play sports is to have fun learning a new skill and to keep active during the season. I also play sports to meet new people and have fun with friends.
The reason I play a sport is because I love the adrenaline rush that I get. I love the people I play with. There joy makes my day and I love to see my teammates happy and I love to see them smile.
I play Highschool sports because I love the thrill of feeling everything fit together, like when everyone on the team plays their part of we get a really well earned point because of it.
The number one reason I play high school sports is because volleyball makes me forget everything else that’s happening in my life. I love the thrill of volleyball and the adrenaline rush makes it fun. I love being a part of a team and seeing all my teammates happy.
I play sports as a way to take my mind off of other things in my life. I love working with a team to achieve a goal and when you work hard for something then get it, that feels really good. I also love seeing my teammates happy when they get a kill or a dig or save a ball that someone shanked.
The number one reason I play high school sports is because it is a fun way to connect with other people who enjoy volleyball as much as I do. It is also something to be passionate about outside of school, and it helps me find that balance between academics, social things, and sports.
I play high school sports because it helps me become a better person in the community and helps me think about others more then my self. I also feel like I am blessed to have the opportunity to play high school sports because most people my age my not be able to have the same opportunity then me.
I play volleyball because I love being a part of the volleyball family, mentoring the underclassman, seeing hard work pay off, and the feeling after giving a match or practice 100% effort. The challenging times are doable because of the support from my teammates. I enjoy the challenge of learning or improving my skills because I can see growth even though it wasn’t perfect. Being a positive influence that I didn’t have until I came to prep means a lot to me.
I sympathize with the fact that kids quit sports because they are no longer having fun, but that separates those who only play to have fun and those who play to have fun, but also are willing to work hard and better themselves.
The number one reason I play high school sports is because I enjoy it and it is a good way to get away from the stress of life. I enjoy sports because it pushes me to be my best self which is important.
I think that teens are often quitting sports cuz of way to much pressure. When u out to much pressure on your younger child and/or teen it can take the fun out of the sport! I think all parents need to try to always be positive and suggest how to fix stuff in their child’s sport, but I think that they just have to be a little nicer about it at time because overall, we are just kids trying to have fun!
i play high school sports because i like how it instantly makes you a better person at school. its something that motivates me to do better in classes and overall just be a good person. i stay out of trouble because i dont want to get pulled from and performance or miss any practices because its what i love to do.
i play high school sports because i like how it instantly makes you a better person at school. its something that motivates me to do better in classes and overall just be a good person. i stay out of trouble because i dont want to get pulled from and performance or miss any practices because its what i love to do.
I play high school sports because I feel happier knowing that I belong to something. I didn’t play any sports in middle school and I felt really lost and I didn’t know who I was. As soon as I joined a sport, I instantly felt better.
I play high school sports because it is fun for me and I really love playing volleyball and the friendships that I have made through it. It also has taught me a lot of lessons that I would not have learned or experienced otherwise. (Hard work, discipline, importance of teamwork, communication skills, the importance of doing all of the little things).
Sports should be fun before anything else. This is especially true for school sports where studying should be the main priority. If stress is excessively felt around sports, they shouldn’t be played.
I believe sports help each individual develop key skills like communication, perseverance and hard work. Also how to take criticism and work hard. These skills are critical for the workplace.
I play sports because I always have I, I just have an athletic spirt in my body even days I want to quit I don’t I keep pushing because that’s what you have to do sometimes. Sports teach me life lessons, build my character, and metal/physical toughness. Sports have such a fun social part to them not only do you get close with friends your age but you interact with upperclassman too.
The main reason that I play sports, is to have something to take my mind off of everything else. I also love the adrenaline rush you get when getting a kill or saving a ball that someone shanks. Another reason I play sports is to build my work ethic and to build life skills.
If you aren’t enjoying the sport, why play it? I have fun with all my sports by challenging myself, by making friends, and by getting better each and every day. Sometimes sports are painful and a struggle, but even then they are fun all the way through; journey and destination.
The reason I play sports is because I’m in love with the adrenaline. Big games, high intensity drills, games, etc are the most fun things. When you are able to get better and you can feel yourself getting better, your confidence rises and those adrenaline moments become even more fun.
High school athletes quit because of injuries that affect their loves outside of football. They also quit because of football consuming time that they could be using for their social life and their education.
I play high school sports because I enjoy playing the sports, I enjoy the bonds that I have made with other teammates, and the life lessons I have learned from the coaches.
I don’t just have one reason as to why I joined dance. I joined it because it is something I am passionate about. It also keeps me going and in shape. It keeps me busy and focused on something other than my phone. It also helps me manage my time.
Sports are fun and when a coach pushes you it is meant to be benificial but sometimes they push too hard where they become insults and it starts to make players second guess how they are playing and why
I play sports because they help me grow and develop as a person. They teach me how to work as one unit and that communication is key. These lessons can help me later on life as well.
I play sports because I enjoy the game. But if I was no longer having fun, why should I play? You should play a sport because you love the game not because you feel forced or because you think you need to. Typically if you aren’t having fun than you make the game less fun for the people around you.
I play high school sports because I love to play volleyball. It gives me a feeling of motivation and a reason to get up in the morning. Volleyball helps me get through the school day and has led me to many more friendships then I ever thought I would have.
I play sports because I enjoy the competition and time with my friends. Winning with your teammates after the hard work that has been put in creates a feeling like no other.
Playing sports has taught me many life lessons, but the most important one it’s taught me is how to get back up. Instead of putting my head between my legs and cowering, it’s taught me to keep my head up and keep moving forward. That’s my i play sports.
I play high school sports because it gives me a way to Express myself just like music or acting would to someone else. I feel comfortable and at home when under the pressure to perform and succeed makes me work
I quit a lot of sports when I was younger out of fear, but I’m glad now that I am facing up to that fear by playing again… I encourage anyone who shares a similar fear to also stand up and go for it!
It takes a lot of courage to stand up to your peers or fans and tell them that you’re done or quitting at something. Andrew luck is one of the best at his job and for him to quit because he doesn’t enjoy it anymore is totally respectable.
I play sports because they are lots of fun and I get to connect with people I never have but I think if the sport wasn’t fun I’d keep playing bc it can’t not be fun forever
I do high school sports because it is a great way to meet new people and stay in shape. I also find it fun to be part of a team, have team dinners, cheer each other on at meets and more.
I play football because 1. I love the fact that you can hit someone every play of a game and never get penalized for it and 2. Scoring touchdowns never gets old. I also run track so that I can be faster on the football field.
The main reason I play high school sports is because it is fun, there are 2 other sports I used to play (baseball and lacrosse). I stopped playing them because I was not having fun.
I think his decision was smart because he missed a lot of games because of injurys and he’s not the only one to end his career short, I believe I was Barry Sanders who also did because he knew his life was more important then football.
i play sports because i love and enjoy the sports i play. if i didn’t love the game i would probably would quit because i wouldn’t try my best and i wouldn’t enjoy it.
The number one reason I play sports is because it is very enjoyable to me. I also like how it helps me stay in shape and allows me to spend time with friends I don’t see much during the school day.
I play volleyball because it’s really fun and I’m always happy playing volleyball. I play basketball because it’s not only my favorite sport but it my dream to get drafted to the nba and have an successful career.
I love playing tennis and really enjoy hanging out with the girls I have met through it. I quit basketball after middle school because of my knee problems but I would have liked to play that too.
I play high school sports because they are fun and competitive. I love playing with people that go to my school plus I love the games and practices every day.
I think the reason high school athletes decide to quit is because of the fact that they are sometimes scared of messing up or of the coaches as well as they have no interest for it and there parents are making them do it
I play high school sports and cherish every moment of it because I know one day I won’t be able to play anymore. Whether that’s because I graduate high school or if I get the chance to play college I graduate college and can no longer play. I play for my team and because I genuinely love sports and being rewarded for the good things I have done.
I have heard of many students quitting sports due to disrespect from coaches. This is awful because those adults should be wanting kids to stay active and at the end of the day it’s just a game and that much pressure does not need to be put on young people.
i play sports because i get to spend more time with my friends and stay in shape. playing brings a really good team relationship where you really get to know your team and have a tight bond with them
The #1 reason I played and now coach is for the love of sports. Having fun in a sport is great but it doesn’t beat the love for a sport. Fun without love is temporary as proven by the statistics you mentioned unless when a serious injury is involved because now we are talking about one’s health and well being. For example, a relationship can be fun but if there is no love it gets old…its a temporary. When love is involved one becomes driven and passionate…dedicated for a long term goal. When love ceases so does everything else. I am quick to tell parents NOT to live vicariously through their children. Kids have to love the sport. That’s the only way they’ll get better, the only way they’ll strive for excellence, the only way they’ll keep going, the only way they’ll face adversity in their lives with a strong mind. My players and coaching staff have a pledge…”I love what I do and because of that I accept the 3 Ds – I will be dedicated, disciplined, and determined to to be the best I can be.” After every practice, every game, every event, we sound off with the 3 Ds. I have been coaching for over seven years, I have seen peewees go to middle school, high school, college, to becoming productive adults and professionals. I am blessed to say with over 700 athletes between my husband and I, less than 5% have out right quit and whenever an athlete quit we looked at the bigger picture to make sure we did not fail them as mentors.
The coaches push hard cause they want us to get better
But what does it really do?
Best of luck drew
I like sports because they are fun and rewarding.
I agree
I totally agree
I agree because they know we can do it. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t push us
I like sports because it is really fun and rewarding and it keeps you in shape and you always have to be doing something.
For the life lessons learned through hours and days of hard work, and the bonds that come with that.
I agree with you, you learn life lessons and create bonds with your teammates that are not forgettable
The number reason why I play sports is because I am passionate about getting better and I believe that sports help an individual become a better person. Sports teach you responsibility, mental toughness, and had to push through tough times. Sports have been my stress reliever throughout my entire life and have made me happy.
yes girl !
i play because it brings confidence towards me personally
I play high school sports because it’s fun and it is a good way to let off steam and forget about my other frustrations in life. I find it relieving, even when I get mad at myself!
Very cool Theryn!
Thats pretty cool abbey. I love how sports can help you like that:)
The number 1 reason why I play sports is because it’s fun. It is fun being on a team and getting to know each other. It is fun playing the sport and learning how to play better. It is just fun!
To have fun and win with my friends
I find high school sports fun. And I want rings.
I play sports to get to know other people and to stay fit because during other seasons I’m not thriving.
It’s something fun to do and keeps me busy.
i play high school sports bc it’s fun
The coaches try their best to keep athletes healthy and perform to the best of their abilities.
i think andrew luck made the right decision.
I play high school sports because it is fun and I get to see my friends. I also love the sport itself and it keeps me in shape.
I play high school sports because it’s fun and I like swimming with my friends. It also keeps me in shape.
i play high school sports because it gets me out of the house and i get more time to spend with my friends.
I play locally and I play it because it’s a lot of fun and I enjoy it. I have a great time playing with my friends and winning.
I play sports because I have nothing better to do.
Sports keep me healthy and I enjoy playing games.
I play high school sports because Volleyball has tended to keep me busy which means I stay out of trouble. I also have been playing for so many years because I have the chance to get a scholarship and play in college either with a scholarship or at least with the years of playing even without a scholarship. I play volleyball because even though yes, the game is fun and shows me how hard I tend to work hard out of school but for me I don’t think it’s worth getting hurt multiple times and never being able to step back on the court.
I play because I love the game(Football) and have been playing it my whole life, it also creates opportunities, shows you discipline, and also shows you the fruit of your labor.
The number one reason that I chose to swim all throughout high school is the competitive spirit and the ability to do that with the people I enjoy hanging out with. High school sports are way different than anything else you do outside of school, like a club team, where the pressure is off of us and that pure joy of the sport is left there.
I play high school sports for the brotherhood type bond with my boys my teammates, I play for the feeling you get under the Friday Night Lights I play for the gut wrenching feeling when the football is kicked through the air and I play for the blood, sweat, and tears me and my brothers go through together.
The players now that they have to prove themselves to start in a football game. If they didn’t want to prove themselves then they wouldn’t have pursued that path. Andrew Luck knew the consequences of playing and taking on the tackles by those pro football players. This was a great decision by Andrew Luck, because he knows his body more than everyone in the NFL staff.
Andrew luck is retiring not because he wants to quit, because he is a top 10 qb in the league. He is quitting because of the constant injuries he faces which takes the fun out of the game. Thats why he is retiring at a young age.
I play high school soccer mainly for fun.
High school sports are fun.
The reason I play sports is because they are fun and competitive. I also like hanging out and competing with my freinds.
The number one reason I play sports is because I love and enjoy them and I do them with people that make me want to do them.
It’s fun and good exercise.
I play sports because it keeps me active and I am having fun with my friends.
I play sports because i like being active and being on teams with my good friends. Also it makes my family proud of me.
I play sports, because I love to compete, and I love to push myself to be my best. I also love the memories I make!
My #1 reason is that I have a passion for the sports that I am in and I enjoy it. I like being a part of a team and a team leader. Sports also teach many life skills that I think are beneficial
I play high school sports because it gets you to have communication skills. You also gain friendships and are pushed to do what you love.
I play sports to help achieve a healthy lifestyle. I like playing sports that I can play for the rest of my life because it helps encourage the healthy lifestyle.
I play high school sports because it pushes me to my limits and teaches me lessons about life. I chose these sports because I enjoy playing them and learning these lessons from them.
I play high school sports as a way to stay active, keep my mind off all my worries outside of that sport, and spend time with my friends
I play high school sports because the coaches work hard and I love the team aspect.
I play to learn leadership skills. I also play to enjoy my high schools career
I play sports because its fun, and it helps me keep my mind off other things.
The coaches are just trying to help us be better and push us!!
I play sports because of the bonds you can make with your teammates and to have fun.
I participate in tennis and cheer because it builds character and physical and mental strength. I am able to form strong bonds with my teammates and be a leader on the field and court.
The coaches are very encouraging and my teammates make it fun
If you are ever going to play a sport, high school is the easiest time to do it. You have some free time, and you’re young, which makes sports easier.
I play high school sports because my teammates make it a fun experience. I enjoy the atmosphere that it provides for me.
I love the relationships I’ve made
i play sports because it makes me very happy and it gives me something to do everyday
I play high school sports because they are fun and you meet new people
I play for the love of the game and I love winning and the closeness of the team at Bronson. The bond of the team makes playing the game 10x more fun and winning even more fun too.
I play sports because it makes me not only a better athlete but a better person, I love all the sports I play and I love making memories with all my friends.
I’ve always just really enjoyed the game and even though i sit a lot I like to be on a team that works so hard and i’m just glad to be apart of that. I still try to get better and better everyday just like everyone else on the team so that one day i can get playing time.
It’s fun and I enjoy being around my teammates
I play sports because I enjoy learning how to work as a team and I love to grow as a person and a player. I also enjoy playing becaue my team mates make it fun and so do my coaches.
I play sports because it creates strong bonds and friendships with new people. They also provide many life lessons aside from the sport itself.
I think football creates a family bond between the student athletes which allows them to have a higher sense of togetherness
It helps me bond with new people and it also keeps you in shape.
I thought it was a good interview because he talked about how athletes are quitting because of injuries and it took his love out of the game.
I play high school sports because i love the feeling of being on a team. Also I love to play the game.
I play high school sports because I love the competition. There is nothing better than knowing that your hard work pays off.
I play sports because I enjoy the game, the competition and my teammates.
I play sports because I enjoy the game, the competition and my teammates.
For the ability to have fun and make friends. It also helps to stay active.
I play high school sports because I love the team bonding and getting to have fun while playing the sport you love.
I play high school sports because I love the team bonding and getting to have fun while playing the sport you love. I also love knowing that the whole team will have my back during anything.
I play high school sports because I love being able to play what I love and not getting told I need to do something I don’t want to do. I also love making new friendships with the players and coaches.
I play high school sport to stay in shape, be with my friends, I’m extremely competitive, and it’s so much fun being apart of a team and doing something you all love
They are really fun and give me something else to focus on but. school
I believe Luck made a decision that he felt was right and one that he truly believed was best for him. When it comes down to it in life or sports those are the type of decisions one should stand by.
i think andrew did what is best for him. He always worked hard and made great unbreakable friendships and he had amazing skills
i think andrew made the choice that is best for him. She was always there for his team and made unbreakable bonds
The number one reason that I play sports is to have fun with the boys. It may be hard work at times, but when you’re with the boys it’s still fun.
I play sports in high school to get me out and to interact with the younger kids and to meet new people.
I love playing sports because i truly enjoy them and like forming bonds with my friends/ teammates
the coaches push you harder because they want you to get better
I play to stay in shape and better myself.
They push us hard to make us a better player in whatever sport it is.
They push us hard to make us a better player in whatever sport it is. We need this in order to continue to work hard in our sport
I like to play sports because it keeps my energy going and I love working with people. It also improves my life skills.
I play volleyball for abbey and my teammates. I fully play for my friends because when I play on the court with them I enjoy playing. This relates to what we talked about in practice because I feel like sports can sometimes no longer be fun. I need to work on keeping it fun so that I enjoy it.
The reason why I play is because of the passion I have towards my sport. Also it helps me make me be a better me with my coach’s help.
I mostly play to get a sense of community
i play tennis cause i enjoy being on a team and making new friends while also doing what i love to do
You can talk to anyone anytime over the internet, but it does not have the impact of talking in person. In sports you need to talk to your teammates and you need to work togather. This is why I love sports it takes a group of kids and has them work togather build eachother for a larger purpose.
The reason why I play high school sports so i’m not sitting at home everyday doing nothing and you build bonds with different people.
The #1 reason that I play a high school sport is because I have a lot of fun when I play with my team. Also, I love the family type atmosphere that the team brings to practice and games. It makes me feel welcome because I know that my teammates have my back.
I play high school sports because it is fun and i love the sport i play
I joined because I wanted some good ol’ competition to spice things up, make new friends, and to stay active. I wanted to join something at my school and none of the clubs really interested me, but the sports did. It gave way to another aspect of high school I enjoy every day
I play sports because when ever I am either taking the floor or playing a game or match I immediately get a huge smile on my face whether I win or lose I have so much fun being around people who love to do the same thing you do.
Andrew luck had a great career, but i think it’s important that if you aren’t getting anything out of a sport, there’s no point in playing anymore
I play high school sports because it keeps me fit and in shape and I have fun with my friends and team mates even if we lose.
The number one reason I do sports is to stay in shape and to have some type of discipline on myself to keep me under control
I play sports because it is fun and it is a good way to make new bonds with people and be active.
The reason I play high school sports is because I get to stay active as well as giving me more responsibilities. Student athletes are responsible for taking care of their school work and their sports work.
The friendships made from sports are like no other. True enjoyment playing sports that I love.
I play sports because they help me keep in shape and be more involved in the community.
I think high school sports are an important and fun way to stay active and involved.
I play high school sports because they are fun, you get to meet new people, and spend time with your friends doing something you enjoy.
I play high school sports to make new friends, stay in shape, spend time with my friends, and to work on time managing skills.
Some reasons I like to play sports in high school is that they are fun, exciting, they help me stay in shape, and to be around positive people.
The number 1 reason i play is to stay active and build connections and experiences with the team. Its fun being a part of something.
I play a high school sport because it is a good outlet to get away from everything going on in your school/home life. I believe it makes you a more rounded person and teaches you great life lessons.
I play volleyball because it helps you in real life due to making quick decisions remembering something with enough practice & getting something right for something you have been working on for ever. You feel accomplished & feel great about yourself which can make you motivate & push yourself.
It helps with real life situations and team work.
I play sports because it is fun.
I play high school sports because of how competitive it is. Another reason why is because I really like playing soccer.
The number 1 reason I play high school sports is because I love the sports I play and have fun when I play them.
I play high school sports because I love the sports I play and the relationships I gain from them.
I play sports to stay healthy, make friends and get involved and motivated
The reason I play sports is because I enjoy meeting people who have the same interests as me. It has helped me make lots of friends and I enjoy staying active. Sports are a good way to keep active and also have fun at the same time.
The reason I play sports is because I think it’s fun and it’s a fun way to stay active instead of doing workouts all the time.
I play sports because they are fun and a way to get away from everything else.
Having coaches micromanage you does take a lot of the fun out of sports and can add a lot of unwanted pressure to the situation.
I play high school sports because of the relationships that I can make with my teammates and because it is fun and you get excessive at the same time.
I play sports because i like the people on my team and i like the adrenaline i get during games.
I play because it is really enjoyable and fun for me.
I play because it is really enjoyable and fun for me to do.
I play my sport because I love it , and my team is like a second family
I play sports because they are a fun way to stay healthy and to see friends.
I play sports because they are fun
to learn life lesson and become a better person later in life.
The reason I play sports is to have fun learning a new skill and to keep active during the season. I also play sports to meet new people and have fun with friends.
I play because it’s fun
I play because it’s fun.
The reason I play a sport is because I love the adrenaline rush that I get. I love the people I play with. There joy makes my day and I love to see my teammates happy and I love to see them smile.
I play Highschool sports because I love the thrill of feeling everything fit together, like when everyone on the team plays their part of we get a really well earned point because of it.
The reason I play high school sports is because I love the competition and having fun playing. It makes me happy.
The number one reason I play high school sports is because volleyball makes me forget everything else that’s happening in my life. I love the thrill of volleyball and the adrenaline rush makes it fun. I love being a part of a team and seeing all my teammates happy.
I run because it fun for me and helps me be more social.
I play sports as a way to take my mind off of other things in my life. I love working with a team to achieve a goal and when you work hard for something then get it, that feels really good. I also love seeing my teammates happy when they get a kill or a dig or save a ball that someone shanked.
The number one reason I play high school sports is because it is a fun way to connect with other people who enjoy volleyball as much as I do. It is also something to be passionate about outside of school, and it helps me find that balance between academics, social things, and sports.
I play high school sports to try and make friends and also the sports that I do are the sports that I love
I play high school sports because it helps me become a better person in the community and helps me think about others more then my self. I also feel like I am blessed to have the opportunity to play high school sports because most people my age my not be able to have the same opportunity then me.
I play volleyball because I love being a part of the volleyball family, mentoring the underclassman, seeing hard work pay off, and the feeling after giving a match or practice 100% effort. The challenging times are doable because of the support from my teammates. I enjoy the challenge of learning or improving my skills because I can see growth even though it wasn’t perfect. Being a positive influence that I didn’t have until I came to prep means a lot to me.
I sympathize with the fact that kids quit sports because they are no longer having fun, but that separates those who only play to have fun and those who play to have fun, but also are willing to work hard and better themselves.
I play sports because I love the bond that you get overtime with your team when you go through wins and loses with them over the season.
I play sports because it’s fun
The number one reason why i play sports in high school is because I loved the program and dance has been a huge hobby for me ever since i was a kid.
The number one reason I play high school sports is because I enjoy it and it is a good way to get away from the stress of life. I enjoy sports because it pushes me to be my best self which is important.
I think that teens are often quitting sports cuz of way to much pressure. When u out to much pressure on your younger child and/or teen it can take the fun out of the sport! I think all parents need to try to always be positive and suggest how to fix stuff in their child’s sport, but I think that they just have to be a little nicer about it at time because overall, we are just kids trying to have fun!
Because my friends are on my team, and I need something to do or I’ll get fat and bored.
I play a high school sport because it’s fun
I like to play sports to have fun and meet new people.
I play because I have fun. My family, teammates, coaches, and fans are all supportive.
I play sports because it’s fun and I like to stay active.
I play sports because it’s something I love to do and it keeps me active and social .
i play high school sports because i like how it instantly makes you a better person at school. its something that motivates me to do better in classes and overall just be a good person. i stay out of trouble because i dont want to get pulled from and performance or miss any practices because its what i love to do.
i play high school sports because i like how it instantly makes you a better person at school. its something that motivates me to do better in classes and overall just be a good person. i stay out of trouble because i dont want to get pulled from and performance or miss any practices because its what i love to do.
I play high school sports because I feel happier knowing that I belong to something. I didn’t play any sports in middle school and I felt really lost and I didn’t know who I was. As soon as I joined a sport, I instantly felt better.
i play sports cause i love them and i’m competitive
i play sports for fun and exercise it’s always fun to play but even more so when we win
To overall become a better person in life.
It helps me to connect with others and stay active.
I’m playing high school sports because I love the sport and being around other kids. When you are in athletics that is your friend group.
I play high school sports because it is fun for me and I really love playing volleyball and the friendships that I have made through it. It also has taught me a lot of lessons that I would not have learned or experienced otherwise. (Hard work, discipline, importance of teamwork, communication skills, the importance of doing all of the little things).
I play sports because I love to compete and push myself and have fun.
I play high school sports because I have a goal I can achieve and I’m wanting to achieve it
The reason why I play sports is because it is fun and it takes my mind off school and I get to hang out with friends
Sports should be fun before anything else. This is especially true for school sports where studying should be the main priority. If stress is excessively felt around sports, they shouldn’t be played.
I believe sports help each individual develop key skills like communication, perseverance and hard work. Also how to take criticism and work hard. These skills are critical for the workplace.
I play sports because it’s a way to keep me active and it’s a fun way to spend time with your friends and build new relationships with your team.
The number one reason I play sports is because I love to compete. I love all competition and have a lot of fun when competing during sports.
I play sports because I always have I, I just have an athletic spirt in my body even days I want to quit I don’t I keep pushing because that’s what you have to do sometimes. Sports teach me life lessons, build my character, and metal/physical toughness. Sports have such a fun social part to them not only do you get close with friends your age but you interact with upperclassman too.
I play sports because it builds life skills.
I play high school sports because they are fun and give me something to do besides homework.
I play sports because it makes me a better person and I like to play with all of my friends.
I play sports because I enjoy the bonds it allows me to build with my friends.
for the experience and the joy of being with friends maybe even trying to make it a living.
I play sports because I enjoy what I do
The main reason that I play sports, is to have something to take my mind off of everything else. I also love the adrenaline rush you get when getting a kill or saving a ball that someone shanks. Another reason I play sports is to build my work ethic and to build life skills.
If you aren’t enjoying the sport, why play it? I have fun with all my sports by challenging myself, by making friends, and by getting better each and every day. Sometimes sports are painful and a struggle, but even then they are fun all the way through; journey and destination.
I play sports because I like to compete and succeed
sports are fun
The reason I play sports is because I’m in love with the adrenaline. Big games, high intensity drills, games, etc are the most fun things. When you are able to get better and you can feel yourself getting better, your confidence rises and those adrenaline moments become even more fun.
High school athletes quit because of injuries that affect their loves outside of football. They also quit because of football consuming time that they could be using for their social life and their education.
I play sports because I enjoy binfing with teammates.
I play sports to be part of a team and to win
The number one reason I play high school sports is to stay in shape and have fun.
It’s an outlet for me. It’s a place where I no longer have to worry about all the other factors or things in my life.
I play sports because I like the bonds that I create and I just love playing sports in general
I play high school sports because I enjoy playing the sports, I enjoy the bonds that I have made with other teammates, and the life lessons I have learned from the coaches.
To make friends, learn, and make memories.
I don’t just have one reason as to why I joined dance. I joined it because it is something I am passionate about. It also keeps me going and in shape. It keeps me busy and focused on something other than my phone. It also helps me manage my time.
Sports are fun and when a coach pushes you it is meant to be benificial but sometimes they push too hard where they become insults and it starts to make players second guess how they are playing and why
I play sports because they are really fun and they are a good way to keep busy and keep in shape.
I play sports that away I stay out of trouble and that I can be a role model.
I play a sport because it is a way to express my feelings, and it makes me feel more confident in myself.
I play sports because they help me grow and develop as a person. They teach me how to work as one unit and that communication is key. These lessons can help me later on life as well.
I play sports because I enjoy competition and physical activity. I also enjoy spending time with my peers.
I do track and cross country because I love it and I play basketball because I have been since I was a kid.
I play because I love the games I play
I love to play sports because I love being active and it gives me something to do that takes my mind off of things that stress me out, such as school
I play sports because I enjoy the game. But if I was no longer having fun, why should I play? You should play a sport because you love the game not because you feel forced or because you think you need to. Typically if you aren’t having fun than you make the game less fun for the people around you.
I play my sport because it helps me stay fit and active
Because i enjoy it
The coaches have high expectation to benefit the athlete not make them quit.
The coaches have high expectation to benefit the athlete not make them want to not play. They are there to help them.
I play sports in high school because of all my teammates and friends. I also love to work hard and have something to do all the time.
I play a sport because it looks good on a college application.
My family plays sports and the team is fun to be a part of
I play a sport because I enjoy playing it and I will learn lessons that will help me in the future.
I play high school sports because it is a good way to get to know new people and to continue to be active during the year.
The coaches push us hard because they want us to get better
I play high school sports because I love to play volleyball. It gives me a feeling of motivation and a reason to get up in the morning. Volleyball helps me get through the school day and has led me to many more friendships then I ever thought I would have.
Because I like to succeed after working really hard at something. I find it very rewarding
I play sports because it allows me to have fun and hangout with my friends while also being competitive and energetic against other schools.
I love playing high school football because the relationship it brings and the game itself is fun.
I play for my teammates if it were up to me I wouldn’t have played this season but since I committed it before and they expect it from me I play
I play sports because I enjoy the competition and time with my friends. Winning with your teammates after the hard work that has been put in creates a feeling like no other.
Thank you, very cool!
I play sports for the life lessons and all the things I can gain from a sports career also I find sports fun
I play high school sports because not only is the sport fun, but also the aspect of playing with my friends and teammates.
Playing sports has taught me many life lessons, but the most important one it’s taught me is how to get back up. Instead of putting my head between my legs and cowering, it’s taught me to keep my head up and keep moving forward. That’s my i play sports.
I play high school sports because it gives me a way to Express myself just like music or acting would to someone else. I feel comfortable and at home when under the pressure to perform and succeed makes me work
Working hard is a key to success.
I quit a lot of sports when I was younger out of fear, but I’m glad now that I am facing up to that fear by playing again… I encourage anyone who shares a similar fear to also stand up and go for it!
I play sports because it takes my mind off other things and I just really enjoy playing and learning from other people
It’s so rewarding to see all of your time and effort be returned to you in a meet or game.
It takes a lot of courage to stand up to your peers or fans and tell them that you’re done or quitting at something. Andrew luck is one of the best at his job and for him to quit because he doesn’t enjoy it anymore is totally respectable.
I am in the sport that I’m in because I feel like I’ve accomplished something for myself every day. It’s very rewarding.
I play sports because they are lots of fun and I get to connect with people I never have but I think if the sport wasn’t fun I’d keep playing bc it can’t not be fun forever
I do high school sports because it is a great way to meet new people and stay in shape. I also find it fun to be part of a team, have team dinners, cheer each other on at meets and more.
I play football because 1. I love the fact that you can hit someone every play of a game and never get penalized for it and 2. Scoring touchdowns never gets old. I also run track so that I can be faster on the football field.
I play sports because it’s fun and I’m competitive.
Playing high school sports lets me be part of something bigger and assists me in building a great work ethic.
Being in sports teaches healthy life lessons and it’s a good way of life. You can also create strong relationships with other players and coaches.
I play high school sports because it helps me stay active and because it’s fun to play
I play because it’s fun and I get to hangout with my friends.
I play highschool sports because it keeps me active and I enjoy playing them.
The main reason I play high school sports is because it is fun, there are 2 other sports I used to play (baseball and lacrosse). I stopped playing them because I was not having fun.
I think his decision was smart because he missed a lot of games because of injurys and he’s not the only one to end his career short, I believe I was Barry Sanders who also did because he knew his life was more important then football.
I like to play because I am very competitive and like to stay busy
I like playing football is because you can make new friends and just something to do make your self better as a person
I like to play sports because I enjoy the competing against other people and seeing how they can challenge me in being better.
I like playing sports because I enjoy spending time with my team and working as a group
i like playing football because it fun and competitive
I agree and I would probably quit if my coaches weren’t so understanding that I’m there for fun not winning and that other things come before sports.
I play sports because it makes me feel like I just accomplished something great and helps boost my confidence on and of the court
i play sports because i love and enjoy the sports i play. if i didn’t love the game i would probably would quit because i wouldn’t try my best and i wouldn’t enjoy it.
Because it looks good on a college application.
The number one reason I play sports is because it is very enjoyable to me. I also like how it helps me stay in shape and allows me to spend time with friends I don’t see much during the school day.
I play sports because it’s fun.
I play sports because they are fun and I get to hangout with my friends while doing them
i agree because a lot of people do not feel like they are welcomed when they aren’t playing.
I play high school sports so it can push me and challenge me every year to make the next team I want to play for.
I play highschool soccer because it’s fun and I want to get better.
The main reason I play sports is because I really enjoy it.
I play volleyball because it’s really fun and I’m always happy playing volleyball. I play basketball because it’s not only my favorite sport but it my dream to get drafted to the nba and have an successful career.
I love playing tennis and really enjoy hanging out with the girls I have met through it. I quit basketball after middle school because of my knee problems but I would have liked to play that too.
I participate because it shows me that I am capable of more than I think I am.
I play high school sports because they are fun and competitive. I love playing with people that go to my school plus I love the games and practices every day.
I play sports because they are fun and you work with a team
I agree because they know what we can do, along with us
I play high school sports because I have friends on the team. If i didn’t, then I would maybe not play.
I really enjoy playing sports that’s why I do it.
I play sports in high school because I like spending time with people on my team and meeting new people.
I play spots in high school because I love the competition, I love meeting new people and being a part of something good. Also, it keeps me in shape
I believe coaches insulting you will make you more determined to prove them wrong and stride to be your best
I play a high school sport because even though I may not be the best I have stuck with it since before I can remember and it is what I love to do.
Playing sports in high school allows you to create a team and creates friendships with other people.
I agree that I play a sport bc it’s fun and also if I never played in the sport I was a part of I would quit.
I want to be part of a family that has a goal. Whether it be winning or just becoming better players
I think the reason high school athletes decide to quit is because of the fact that they are sometimes scared of messing up or of the coaches as well as they have no interest for it and there parents are making them do it
Coaches push you to make you better it’s not fun ya but it will be in the end
I like playing soccer.
I play high school sports and cherish every moment of it because I know one day I won’t be able to play anymore. Whether that’s because I graduate high school or if I get the chance to play college I graduate college and can no longer play. I play for my team and because I genuinely love sports and being rewarded for the good things I have done.
I want to have fun with my team and just have a new family that I know I can go too.
I agree. It makes sense why he quit. He was injured and it just wasn’t fun for him so why would he put himself through more pain?
I see where he’s coming from, if it’s not fun, don’t do it. He should find something that is fun to him, and makes him actually want to go to work.
i like sports because when i play them i don’t have to think about anything else it’s just the game i am playing at the moment.
I agree because they push us to be the best they know we can be
I have heard of many students quitting sports due to disrespect from coaches. This is awful because those adults should be wanting kids to stay active and at the end of the day it’s just a game and that much pressure does not need to be put on young people.
I play high school sports create more opportunity for leadership and friendship.
I feel like what andrew luck did was right for him.
i play sports because i get to spend more time with my friends and stay in shape
i play sports because i get to spend more time with my friends and stay in shape. playing brings a really good team relationship where you really get to know your team and have a tight bond with them
Most athletes don’t start playing the sport that they do for the right reason. Once that motivation dies out they feel no need to carry on.
The #1 reason I played and now coach is for the love of sports. Having fun in a sport is great but it doesn’t beat the love for a sport. Fun without love is temporary as proven by the statistics you mentioned unless when a serious injury is involved because now we are talking about one’s health and well being. For example, a relationship can be fun but if there is no love it gets old…its a temporary. When love is involved one becomes driven and passionate…dedicated for a long term goal. When love ceases so does everything else. I am quick to tell parents NOT to live vicariously through their children. Kids have to love the sport. That’s the only way they’ll get better, the only way they’ll strive for excellence, the only way they’ll keep going, the only way they’ll face adversity in their lives with a strong mind. My players and coaching staff have a pledge…”I love what I do and because of that I accept the 3 Ds – I will be dedicated, disciplined, and determined to to be the best I can be.” After every practice, every game, every event, we sound off with the 3 Ds. I have been coaching for over seven years, I have seen peewees go to middle school, high school, college, to becoming productive adults and professionals. I am blessed to say with over 700 athletes between my husband and I, less than 5% have out right quit and whenever an athlete quit we looked at the bigger picture to make sure we did not fail them as mentors.