Losing Coach Inspires Winning Team After Mercy Loss #Sportsmanship

Losing Coach Inspires Winning Team After Mercy Loss #Sportsmanship

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  1. I think it is a really nice story. I really hate losing personally, I am super competitive. I know no on likes losing and losing can especially suck when the other team rubs it in your face. Winning can also really suck when the other team shows poor sportsmanship and gives you reasons for why you won other than you really gave it your all.

  2. This is a good reading because it explains that his brother was a great person and even after he died the coach still implemented his brothers life into every game.

  3. Every athlete should take a page out of this guys book. We should stop being rude to each other when we win or lose and just respect one another.

  4. This is a good read because it is a great reminder for everyone that no matter win or lose, sportsmanship should always be shown from both sides.

  5. my reaction to this story is that there is always an upside and a downside to things but the way that you look at it can effect everything there is always something that is going to happen it’s just how you handle and deal with what occurred

  6. I think this is an excellent example of leadership skill. Losing and winning are both equally parts of playing a game, and you have to be prepared to handle both. It was good of the coach to step in and give a pep talk when he saw his team struggling with this.

  7. This story is so important because it shows how one bad game isn’t the end and you should always keep the goal in mind and keep going no matter what.

  8. It was good because even though losing really sucks, there’s something to say about how you react and your actions afterwards.

  9. I think this was a good story and showed that not matter what your going through to always keep pushing forward and good things can happen from it.

  10. I hate losing! I feel like this blog post pushed me to never give up after losing a game because there’s always a next play/game. It’s in the past let’s focus on the future not the past.

  11. I think it is good for you because then you learn a valuable lesson and can work harder next time to become better as well as lift each other and become stronger as a team.