A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words


In January of 2016, a married couple, Danny and Lexi, were fed up with their weight. They were tired of being out of breath after walking to the mailbox. Life was difficult. It was taxing. They wanted to become parents and they wanted to live long enough to see these children graduate from high school. They knew this would not happen at their present weight. Lexi tipped the scales at nearly 500 lbs. while Danny weighed in a 280 lbs.

They made a New Year’s Resolution, joined a gym and swore off all fast-food. Lexi started a blog entitled, Fat Girl Fed up. This was an early entry, “We didn’t have a meal plan, surgery, personal trainer, but what we did have was each other & the motivation within to work hard every single day.” They relied on each other and held each other accountable.

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Two years later, they had shed 400 lbs. Lexi went from a size 28 to a size 10. Danny’s waist shrunk from 46 inches to 32. This is what they posted a few weeks ago on their post, “We may have lost the weight but we have grown closer together. Pound by pound, step by step, day by day – we have transformed our lives and molded our bodies into the people we’ve always wanted to be.”

Joe’s Perspective: This is really quite inspiring. I feel better about myself when I lose 5 lbs. I can’t imagine how difficult this was and I also can’t imagine how healthy they must feel now. They worked hard, stuck to it and accomplished an amazing life goal.

You know the old adage, a picture speaks a thousand words. I believe this definitely applies to this story, so I won’t belabor the point with a bunch of words. Let me just say, this should really inspire you. This should give you confidence that you can accomplish something substantial in your life if you are willing to work for it.

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Your Turn: What is your “400 lb.” life goal? What would you have to do to attain this personal goal for yourself?

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  1. My 400 pound life goal is to graduate high school with b’s or higher i can obtain this goal by working towards my graduation every day trying to make a impact on my overall grades.

  2. My ‘400 lb’ goal is to become a singer. The reason I want to become a singer is because I see famous people using their platforms to promote bad things and I want to change that, I started working harder around 3 years ago when bts dropped the first Love Yourself album they were using their platforms to teach people how to love themselves.What I need to do to attain my goal is too work hard on improving my dancing and constantly working on my vocals, I’m also trying to work on my acting because its always good too have a backup plan. Also, to who ever took the time too read this remember to LOVE YOURSELF!