Police & Truckers Come Together To Save a Life #Caring

Police & Truckers Come Together To Save a Life #Caring

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  1. This article was about attitude because every single person there could have left and let the guy jump to commit suicide. The truckers could have continued on with their day and the cops did not have to put in so much effort into trying to save the guys life. With that, every single person that had helped had great attitude.

  2. When I notice someone hurting or sad, I´d give them a talk of what happend. To give them a reason to not think about the negative vibes.

  3. Police & Truckers Come Together To Save a Life:
    I think this stories deals with attitude. Attitude is a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior. I this story the man who tried to commit suicide was because of his family causing him to think he is not worth it anymore. When I notice someone who is hurting or sad you should immediately talk it out with them. If so you can help them slowly agree to talking to an adult such as a teacher , parent , or a counseling .

  4. I think that to help somebody if there sad is to tell them that no madder what happens someone will always love and care for you.

  5. If someone is hurting or sad, the things i can do to turn that around is to listen and comfort them,never say anything negative probably tell an adult if it gets out of hand and tell them some of my personal problems.