Recent Examples of Inspiration: Perseverance, Persistence and Generosity

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I say that the old lady running is a good example for others to take because some people want to try something and they give up right away because ¨it’s to hard¨ but she’s a good example because she basically saying that if she can run the least amount of time for a 92 year old that you can do anything and don’t put yourself down.
All of this was a great example of perserverance, kindness, and peristent. It was inspiring how Victor Espinoza is making an impact on cancer kids, it really is help them to fight it. I think everyone should have perserverance in what they want to achieve. Once you set your mind to do something you can do it you just have to work for it and strive to do your best.
Harriette Thompson is a good inspiration, she inspired others that anything is possible she ran a marathon at the age of 92, most elderly people couldn’t be able to do that. It doesn’t matter how old you are if you have a goal try your best to achieve it.
Harriette Thompson is very inspirational because, at 92 years old, she manages to stay very physically active and keeps her mind sharp by playing piano. Playing piano also helps her to stay creative. She is a prime example of what most people should be doing to stay healthy.
Swag, bro.
Each person has done so much for the community, giving back, inspiring, and persevering, these people are true role models in this world, each worth remembering
i think its cool that she is still doing this for the joy of running
i find it inspiring how she didn’t let her age get in the way of what she believed she could do the best at.
I definitely respect how Cam felt like he needed to get his education. It probably took him a lot of time to balance his busy life, but I find it very inspiring that he was able to do it all.
Its amazing how this old lady can do what she like just for the joy of having fun.
I think the 92 year old woman is inspiring and I hope I am as active as she is when I am that old.
I think it’s good that he went back to get his degree. I think education is way more important than sports. I just hope that he does something with the degree.
I think it is very generous he gave all the money to charity. I understand giving some of the money, but all of it is extremely generous.
Harriette Thompson is very inspirational because, at 92 years old, she manages to stay very physically active and keeps her mind sharp by playing piano. Playing piano also helps her to stay creative. She is a prime example of what most people should be doing to stay healthy.
The first article inspired me that age doesn’t matter and that if your willing to do something you can do it, if you believe in your self. The second article even if he had everything education is everything as well knowing your history and having to be independent the world is always bringing something new. The last article was the generous one having to win but knowing you can make a difference with the money you make. You don’t only win by what you do but win millions of people’s hearts.
American Pharaoh is a perfect example of generosity as it is incredibly easy to get lost in the wonders of the world and forget those who are fighting just the stay in it. He did not forget about those younger than he and decided to give others a chance to achieve their dream