Remember the Memorial in Memorial Day

Remember the Memorial in Memorial Day

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  1. I agree with this and think instead of going to party, people need to remember what memorial day is really about. A lot of families have someone who is in the army and it is very sad when they leave. So many people have died for us and everyone needs to thank them once a year for that.

    1. I think that people that don’t have veterans in their family don’t respect memorial day as much but they should. Memorial day should be the most respected day of the year and it is to me. I would rather go to the President Lincoln’s Memorial instead of a party of any kind.

    2. I agree with this and instead of having a party just thank the people who are fighting for us. You should thank them every chance you get because they are putting their life on the line for us.

    3. I agree with this and it is sad how America has let many “holidays” become just extra long weekend to go to the lake.

    4. I kinda agree with this and instead of having a party just thank the people who are fighting for us. You should thank them every chance you get because they are putting their life on the line for us.

    5. yea i think its a day where we should just go out and tell the people we know thank you for what you have did b/c people have kids and they still go and fight for us everyday

    6. I agree with this because soldiers fight for our country and freedom, if it was not for the many American citizens would be in danger. I feel it is right to party with your loved ones and be thankful that they are still with you.

  2. I believe that people should take the time to remember the sacrifice people make when they go into the military and all of the fighting they do to protect our country, they do leave families and important things behind, and we need to show appreciation to the occasion of Memorial Day,

  3. This article is incredibly truthful! Most people think of memorial day as just a day off. They need to take the time to realize that this day is more than just a break from school or work. Veterans need to be appreciated more.

  4. I agree with this article. Over the years many people forget the real ‘holiday’ about memorial day. It is not just a day to be lazy but a day to remember all of the people who have served our country. Not only in the military but also as a police man/woman , a mail man/woman , a teacher , and a firefighter. Like I have said it is a day to be thankful because many people have lost their lives trying to keep us safe . Strangers , friends and family are fighting for us and it is ashamed that many people forget what the true meaning of memorial day is because the only thing they care about is not working that day. I hope everyone takes this day to be thankful to people who have served and are serving our country because it is a very honorable and courageous thing to do.

    1. My thoughts on this story are that Military men have to leave their children behind to serve the country and have to leave their families behind.

  5. I agree with this article because you should love the people who fight for your world even if you don’t even know them. This world is ment to have a good life.

  6. i agree with this article that people you don’t know are fight you and and there family too.i think people should real think about this holiday they are not fight for noting there fighting for people not for them self.

  7. I appreciate the picture used here for this article. So often media focuses on the return images: the father or mother recently surprising their children makes us feel good. This sort of departure image tugs at our heartstrings in a different–and important–way than the feel-good images of the return home. We need to remember that the joy of those return visits to family were preceded by the sorrows of sacrificing precious time away from family.

  8. I agree with this article alot, because you should love the people who fight for you, because they are sacrificing their lives to keep people like you and me safe. Without them, alot of people in this country would be gone forever. Love the people in the military/army, because they are sacrificing their lives for us. Love them even though you don’t know any of them. My uncle was in the military, and he’s gone now, so I’m so thankful that he fought for our country. My other uncle was in the military, but he retired, so he came to my school and talked all about his experience and about all of the other veterans in our country. Love them no matter what. They do alot for you.

  9. I agree memorial day is a day of remembrance, to remember the fallen heroes of our country and to show their spirits that we do not forget how much they have givin us in this world and in this life we live.

  10. i think that people should start paying more attention to memorial day because a lot of family’s are saying goodbye to there loved ones the ones that are serving this country the ones that are fighting for our freedom im thankful for everyone of those men.

  11. I thank everyone should respect all the people that are in the army, because they do so much to help protect us and make us safe. They sacrfice there life, there family, all for us.

  12. I agree that memorial day is a day of remembrance, to remember the fallen heroes of our country and to show their spirits that we do not forget how much they have given us in this world and in this life we live

  13. I agree that memorial day is a day of remembrance, to remember the fallen heroes of our country and to show their spirits that we do not forget how much they have given us in this world and in this life we live.

  14. I agree that memorial day is a day of remembrance, to remember the fallen heroes of our country and to show their spirits that we do not forget how much they have given us in this world and in this life we live.

  15. I think that memorial day is a day where you are supposed to remember all of the people who have fought for you to have freedom and to just live your life safely.Memorial day is not a day to be happy it’s a day to rejoice about the people who help our country even when their scared to.They might have to sacrifice their life just for us which is so nice of them,so please respect them.

  16. I agree that memorial day is a day where you are supposed to remember all of the people who have fought for you to have freedom and to just live your life safely.Memorial day is not a day to be happy it’s a day to rejoice about the people who help our country even when their scared to.They might have to sacrifice their life just for us which is so nice of them,so please respect them.

  17. I agree with this article that Memorial Day is a Day about rememberance and that veterans should be honored and respected for their sacrifices.

  18. this is an amazing idea because all the news thinks about is bad things in the world and if everyone did this, they would have a heartwarming story to tell for once. This is a great idea and i think everyone should do this

  19. this is heart touching i have been in this situation with my dad before and its good to know that their are other people who go through that situation.

  20. The brave men and women that have fought and died for our country will never get the chance to come home and have a BBQ or throw a party for memorial day ever again. For that I believe the least we, as Americans, can do is take a moment to recognize the cost of being free.

  21. People often lose sight of what memorial day is really about. We need to take more time to honor those who have sacrificed everything for us.

  22. People often lose sight of what memorial day is really about. People need to take more time to honor those who have sacrificed everything for us.

  23. while it is a day to remember and be honoring the men and women that died, I would say that they would want us to celebrate and rejoice that our country is safe because of them but still having a good time in their honor.

  24. The people who died fighting for our country made a big sacrifice for us. They would want us to celebrate and be grateful.

  25. I think people should take the time on Memorial day to respect the troops. They risk their lives everyday for ours to be free. They should have all of the respect in the world from everyone for doing this. This is a huge sacrifice for them and their families.

  26. I agree with this article alot, because you should love the people who fight for you, because they are sacrificing their lives to keep people like you and me safe. Without them, alot of people in this country would be gone forever. Love the people in the military/army, because they are sacrificing their lives for us. Love them even though you don’t know any of them. My uncle was in the military, and he’s gone now, so I’m so thankful that he fought for our country. My other uncle was in the military, but he retired, so he came to my school and talked all about his experience and about all of the other veterans in our country. Love them no matter what. They do alot for you.

  27. I know that Memorial Day is a day where a family member has died and your family. Peoples need to celebrate Memorial Day, visit the grave and give flowers to those who passed away. Peoples should spend everyday with their family like its the last day because you will never know what might happen.

  28. I agree with this article that Memorial Day is a Day about rememberance and that veterans should be honored and respected for their sacrifices.

  29. I agree with this because some people don’t see the significance of their lives and how they go out and fight for us, not knowing if or when they will return home to their family.

  30. people fighting for our lives over there’s is a brave hearted warrior. knowing anything could happen they still put there lives on the line.

  31. It is important to remember these people because of the great sacrifices that they, and their family, have to make. It should be appreciated constantly instead of occasionally.

  32. I definitely agree that military members deserve respect from most people they come in contact with, because their all doing something everyday to benefit more freedom for us.

  33. I think that people that don’t have veterans in their family don’t respect memorial day as much but they should. People need to celebrate Memorial Day, visit the grave and give flowers to those who passed away.

  34. I think that those of us who do not know a military member personally take our situations for granted. This article showing a dad leaving for deployment made me thankful for the sacrifices that so many men and women take for our country.

  35. I agree with this article, we should all appreciate all the brave women and men that are making sure we are safe and can live a good life. We should take the time to appreciate and thank all of them for what they have for all of us.

  36. The meaning behind memorial day is misconstrued. People who haven’t had the experience of being in or having family in the military don’t understand the depth behind the celebration.

  37. I agree with this and instead of having a party just thanking the people who are fighting for us. You should thank them every chance you get because they are putting their life at risk for every one of us.

  38. I agree with this and think instead of going to party, people need to remember what memorial day is really about. A lot of families have someone who is in the army and it is very sad when they leave. So many people have died for us and everyone needs to thank them once a year.

  39. I think that veterans definitely deserve respect for what they do and what they’ve sacrificed to protect their country, I don’t think you have to celebrate memorials day to do that though. Just like you don’t have to celebrate mothers day to show your mom that you love her. Respect that veterans receive should be a daily thing, not something that’s only equated to a holiday.

  40. It’s awesome to see that many men and women are willing to put their life on the line to protect us each and every day. We are very fortunate to live in the United States, and should be more intentional about our gratitude towards those who make sacrifices for strangers.

  41. I’m grateful that many people risk their lives to save people they don’t know. Honestly, we as a nation should be grateful and show more gratitude.

  42. I agree because memorial day is a day when you are supposed to remember those who have been deployed and brought away from their families to fight for our country.

  43. I agree with the celebration of memorial day. This day is important for respecting fallen soldiers who died for our country. It is important to remember them because they made a sacrifice so we can be where we are today

  44. I agree with this because some people who don’t have a veteran in there family they say they respect them but you don’t know the true meaning of memorial day.. but the people who do have veteran in there family probably understand and respect them more

  45. This blog post shows the true meaning of respect as we do lose some people or not everyone is kind we all choose to be kind to them and be warm and welcomeing

  46. I agree with this because some people who don’t have a veteran in there family they say they respect them but you don’t know the true meaning of memorial day is, but the people who do have veteran in there family probably understand and respect them more

  47. This shows respect because they come back from the military and they have a party for them to show how much they care for them and what they do.

  48. Anyone who goes into the military and sacrifices themselves for their country immediately has my total respect and I will always remember them.

  49. This article was about how two young children had to say goodbye to their father so he could go to the military. We need to respect the people who are sacrificing their lives for our country. Being respectful and kind to those who are sacrificing can make a huge difference.

  50. i think this is a good story becuase it shows why you should love you family becuase some peoples famliy has to go to the army and dont know if they going to see them agiain

  51. I completely agree with this article. Soldiers make such hard sacrifices everyday and we should thank them because they are doing it for us. My dad was a soldier and he did great things but unfortunately I didn’t get to thank him so go thank whoever you know that is a soldier before it’s too late.

  52. I agree with this and think instead of going to a party, people need to remember what memorial day is really about. A lot of families have someone who is in the army and it is very sad when they leave. So many people have died for us and everyone needs to thank them for their service instead of taking them for granted.

  53. I agree with this article because sacrifices are made everyday by American. Men and women fight everyday for out freedom and so many people have died fighting for what we get to do now and what we love.

  54. I completely agree with this article. It shows that great sacrifices are made every day by American military members and how we should remember all that they have given to protect our freedoms.

  55. I agree with the article, because the Men and Woman of America risk their lives day in and day out for our freedoms, and rarely get a simple “Thank you for your service.” Say thank you to Our Veterans!

  56. I agree with the article, because the Men and Woman of America risk their lives day in and day out for our freedoms, and rarely get a simple “Thank you for your sacrifices.” Say thank you to Our Veterans!

  57. i think by people risking tthere onw lives to fight for us deserve’s to be talked about and should respect . thank you for your service.

  58. I agree with the article, people should not party on Memorial Day but take the time to remember the Men and Women that sacrifice themselves for us.

  59. I think that this article is a reminder for people of the sacrifices that people who are protecting our country face every day. We need to be thankful for their sacrifice and express our gratitude to them.

  60. It was about this dad that got deployed and how he had to make the sacrifice to the service my going where ever they placed him.

  61. i agree with this, most of the time i think memorial day flies over peoples head and they just view it as a day off most of the time but the meaning of memorial day is more than that and a really important topic to be educated about.

  62. I think its awesome that children and adults are both finding time to pay their respects to the people fighting for their country.