Remembering 09/11

Remembering 09/11

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  1. I believe the lessons that can be learned from this is that you should not take anything for granted. You are not guaranteed to live another week, another day. The people in your life may not be there tomorrow, or next time you need them. If you have something to say to a person do not hold back, if you do not like a relationship you have with someone, fix it because someday it might be too late.

    1. 1. I was not even born
      2. That no matter what tragedy has stuck the country should work together how they do in tragedy everyday
      3. Everyone realized that the country was actually united

  2. I was 5 years old at daycare when I first heard about the 9/11 attack. I was sitting in the chair in the living room when my daycare provider answered a phone call. I remember her saying, “oh my god” and turned the TV on where there was smoke coming from one of the towers. I did not understand what this meant from an early age but now that I am 18 and can reason, I have learned to not take anything for granted. Thousands of people went through their routines like they did everyday. Do you think they thought they were never going to see their families again? If I could take one thing away from this tragedy from an individual standpoint it would be to love and make the most out of everyday. Think about the journalists who were brutally murdered by the terrorist group ISIS. They were sons and brothers and were executed for no reason. In there memory we should live every day to the fullest.

  3. Relating to what happened on 9/11 and to those families is absolutely terrible. Just think those people who one morning talked to their loved ones and said they loved them and if

  4. I think that you should never take anything for granted. The towers fell nobody thought it would happen so live your live to the fullest. cause you never know your time is up.

  5. Relating to what happened on 9/11 and to those families is absolutely terrible. Just think those people who one morning talked to their loved ones and said they loved them might have figured out that they would never see them again. Sometimes we take even the little things for granted like saying “I love you” those words are very important in my opinion. You never know what day could be the last day you see your loved ones. Live every day like its your last.

  6. I was just born the year this happened in March. Even though I knew none of the people that suffered this tragic event it still brought me tears just thinking about them and their family.

    1. I was only 1 year old when this tragic event happened. I may not have seen it or been there myself during the time this happened, but that does not mean I don’t know how this affected people like i the move “Extremely loud and Incredibly close” The attack on the World trade center where Thousands,Millions , Billions, and/or Trillions, like “The Attack On Pearl Harbor”, where the military striked. Here is a youtube link for 9/11.

  7. i think that everything you do with someone is another memory for you and them, and you will never know when anyone’s last day is, no one is guaranteed another day, make everyday life changing as if it is your last day.

  8. when 9\11 happened i was not alive at the time my birth mother was still pregnet with me. But i heard many stories of it, my father was there he was one of people helping resuce people out of the buildings. He told me how he watched people jump out of the buildings killing themsevles. We have learned from this event that we can’t let this bring us down, we have to stand strong together. As a country. We are better after 9\11 we have made sure no one else will ever get hurt like that again.

  9. I wasn’t alive when 9/11 happened but it has impacted the world. Back in 2001 the word terrorist wasn’t really a thing until the incident.

  10. 1. I was not alive at the time. I was born a year later. I have no memories of this event but I have heard a lot of stories.
    2. This event made us learn that we can’t let this event bring us down that we need to stay strong and thrive for the people who lost their lives on this tragic day.
    3. We have grown as a country and we now know what to look for in cases like 9/11. We know what to look for if we think we under attack by terrorists again.

  11. 1.I have no memories of these events.I was not alive during this time,but I have heard a lot of stories about the events.

    2.One lesson that can be learned from these events are that we are not untouchable and that people out there are trying to hurt us,so we need to be safe and appreciate the first people who help us put.These lessons are still relevant today because people are still out there truing to hurt us and we still need to appreciate the police officers and firefighters for helping us when were in need even today.No I did not see Obama’s address to America about the Isis terrorist attack.

    3.America changed because we all put are differences aside and came together no matter what was different about us we still all came together as Americans.

  12. 1.I have no memories of these events.I was not alive during this time,but I have heard a lot of stories about the events.

    2.One lesson that can be learned from these events are that we are not untouchable and that people out there are trying to hurt us,so we need to be safe and appreciate the first people who help us put.These lessons are still relevant today because people are still out there truing to hurt us and we still need to appreciate the police officers and firefighters for helping us when were in need even today.No I did not see Obama’s address to America about the Isis terrorist attack.

    3.America changed because we all put are differences aside and came together no matter what was different about us we still all came together as Americans.

  13. 1.I have no memories of these events.I was not alive during this time,but I have heard a lot of stories about the events.

    2.One lesson that can be learned from these events are that we are not untouchable and that people out there are trying to hurt us,so we need to be safe and appreciate the first people who help us put.These lessons are still relevant today because people are still out there truing to hurt us and we still need to appreciate the police officers and firefighters for helping us when were in need even today.No I did not see Obama’s address to America about the Isis terrorist attack.

    3.America changed because we all put are differences aside and came together no matter what was different about us we still all came together as Americans.

  14. we can learn that even though all this bad stuff is going on we as America need to come together. we still are facing terrisiom and war but we as America are still happy America changed by security and the army but we as Americans are better people

  15. 1. I don’t have any memories of these events because I was still not born, but I have heard of the event.
    2. The lessons that can be learned from these events are to be grateful for what and who you have because everything can change the next day and to not complain for what you don’t have. These lessons are still relevant today by telling us that there could be an unfortunate event tomorrow and that we need to be grateful for who and what we have while we have it or them and before it is too late. No I did not see President Obama’s address to America regarding the ISIS terrorists tonight.
    3. America changed by being grateful for what they have and being more careful. I think we became a better America by becoming more grateful and remembering those who died in the attack or other ones.

  16. 1.i don’t have any memories of this event but i have learned about this event.
    2.these lessons are still revalent today because students still learn about this event.
    3.we learned from our mistake and moved on.

  17. 1. I don’t have any memories of this particular event.

    2. To build security measures. Because our world is changing and we need to be more aware of our surroundings . No, I never knew about this.

    3.By understanding what could happen in the future. America got better because we learned the mistakes we could make.

  18. 1. I was alive when this event occurred, but I don’t remember it.
    2. These events are still very relevant because we are still learning about them today.
    3. We become closer as a country. We stand stronger because of it.

  19. 1. I was not alive for 9/11. I know a lot about it from school though.
    2. This shows us to love while you can because life is short. I didn’t see his speech.
    3. Our country is a lot safer. You have to have lots of safety measures now.

  20. even though I was just a baby at the time, this just goes to show that you should let nothing stop you from living the life you want to live because it could end at anytime.

  21. 1. I was too young to remember 9/11, but I remember learning about it when i was little.
    2. Lessons that can is always be prepared and things like security have gotten better.
    3. America changed because we have more security and we are more ready to defend against things like this. Nothing that big has really happened since then so it has worked in a way.

  22. I was young at the time this happened. Just don’t take things for granted and live your life to the fullest.

  23. 1. I was only about a month old when 911 happened, but I know things about it from people talking about it.
    2. Lessons we learn from this is to never take your life or others lives for granted. You never know what is going to happen or when it is going to happen. Another lesson is to be more ready for attacks like this.
    3. After the attack there was and still is a lot more security on things and we know this can happen now and we are more ready for these attacks.

  24. 1. I was not even born
    2. Lessons we learn from this is to never take your life or others lives for granted. You never know what is going to happen or when it is going to happen. Another lesson is to be more ready for attacks like this.
    3.America changed because we have more security and we are more ready to defend against things like this. Nothing that big has really happened since then so it has worked in a way.

  25. 1. I don’t have any memories of these events because I was still not born, but I have heard of the event.
    2. The lessons that can be learned from these events are to be grateful for what and who you have because everything can change the next day and to not complain for what you don’t have. These lessons are still relevant today by telling us that there could be an unfortunate event tomorrow and that we need to be grateful for who and what we have while we have it or them and before it is too late. No I did not see President Obama’s address to America regarding the ISIS terrorists tonight.
    3. America changed by being grateful for what they have and being more careful. I think we became a better America by becoming more grateful and remembering those who died in the attack or other ones.

  26. I was born when that was happing, I was 1 year old and that was a sad thing that people had to die on that plane.

  27. 1) I wasn’t born at that time.

    2) I haven’t seen that, but the lessons learned are still very relevant to this day.

    3) This event united America and showed we are still the strongest nation in the world.

  28. 1. That happened way before I was born
    2. You have to protect families and young children from getting into any kind of accidents or danger and to make sure that you keep doors locked at all times so that the families can be safe
    3. America changed because nowadays peoples staying to themselves and really don’t have time for negativity and some just bring it into other people’s lives. We came better Americans because we live every day to communicate with each other, we forgive, admit that we’re wrong in a situation and we help other peoples out during hard times.

  29. 1. That happened way before I was born
    2. You have to protect families and young children from getting into any kind of accidents or danger
    3. America changed because nowadays peoples staying to themselves and really don’t have time for negativity and some just bring it into other people’s lives. We came better Americans because we live every day to communicate with each other, we forgive, admit that we’re wrong in a situation and we help other peoples out during hard times.

  30. 1. That happened way before I was born
    2. You have to protect families and young children from getting into any kind of accidents or danger
    3. America changed because nowadays peoples staying to themselves and really don’t have time for negativity and some just bring it into other people’s lives. We came better Americans because we live every day to communicate with each other, we forgive, admit that we’re wrong in a situation

  31. 2.) by not taking anything for granted. sometimes doing the evil thing in your heart, isn’t the best decision.
    3.) by setting up tsa and maximum security in airports nowadays. we became better americans because we show love to one another. sometimes we tend to do hideous things or the baddest of the baddest but those people will get their consequences for it.

  32. 1. I was not alive for 9/11. I know a lot about it from school though.
    2. This shows us to love while you can because life is short. I didn’t see his speech.
    3. Our country is a lot safer. You have to have lots of safety measures now.

  33. I think that America has changed in its security the most. After nine/eleven our security has gotten a lot better.

  34. I wasn’t born
    It can be learned to cherish every moment
    America began to be more patriotic and isolated. They also were wary while rebuilding the economy and society.

  35. 1. I wasn’t born or even thought of at this point.
    2. To always tell your loved ones you love them, because you’ll never know the last day you will talk to them. there relevant today, because it can happen again. No, No one seen President Obama address america regarding the Isis terrorists.
    3.America changed by losing a lot of people, and it made america better by upgrading the protection of america.

    1. 2. I think a lesson and reason it’s still remembered today is the amount of people who lost their lives on 9/11 and how fast things can change/why it’s such an important time in history for all those loved ones mourning their lost.

      3. I think compared to then and now we have more security.

  36. we can learn that even though all this bad stuff is going on we as America need to come together. we still are facing terrisiom and war but we as America are still happy America changed by security and the army but we as Americans are better people

  37. 2. We learned lessons of working together and preparation
    3. We also changed in the sense of preparation and had motives to be prepared for such situations which made us a better america.

  38. 1. I wasn’t alive during 9/11 I was born 2 years after the attack.
    2. These events teach us to cherish the moment we have and to be kind to other foreign nations. Trump could take a few pointers.
    3. Although it would’ve been nice for America to grow from this attack, 9/11 has normalized discrimination against Muslims which is unfair. As a country we’re more patriotic, but we show it in the wrong ways.

  39. 1. I was not born during 9/11
    2. I think events like this teach us to show gratitude and appreciation for everything in life even the small things, because it could all be taken away so quickly.
    3. An event like 9/11 hasn’t happened since, and I think the country has learned how to dissolve national conflicts so that things like that don’t happen again.

  40. I don’t have a memory of this because I wasn’t alive in 2001. But I know it is a horrifying event and the people who witnessed it must be mentally scarred. 9/11 is probably the worst terrorist attack in some people’s lifetimes.

  41. 2. What lessons can be learned from these events? How are these lessons still relevant today? Did anyone see President Obama’s address to America regarding the Isis terrorists tonight? 9/11 was a hard time for the whole world, everyone was grieving. We learn to appreciate the firefighters and police men who helped save the lives of 1000’s.

    3. How did America change and how do you think we became a better America? America was completely devastated and changed a lot. We took more risks with flying and searching passengers before boarding planes, and we appreciated life more after realizing it can be taken away so easily.

  42. 1. I was not alive

    2. no matter the tragedy people should work together to help fix it up.

    3. everyone showed why the u.s is the strongest nation.

  43. 1.
    I was not born when 9/11 happened but hearing about it makes me so sad for people with family members who have been missing since and people who were terribly effected by 9/11.
    1 lesson is to never take things for granted. I couldn’t imagine having a family member in 9/11 or who was killed by it. The lessons are relevant today because 9/11 was a hard time for the United States and we should appreciate that it won’t happen again and appreciate all firefighters, policemen, and anyone else who helped save lives that day.

    3. How did America change and how do you think we became a better America?
    It reshaped the global response to terrorism and we became a better America by learning to appreciate firefighters, policemen, and people who’s lives were lost. America also changed because we will be sure something like this will never happen again.

  44. 1. I was not alive at the time of 9/11 so I have no memory of the event. I would feel sorry for the families that had members lost in this event.

    2. The lesson that can be learned from this event is that we should never take anything for granted. Especially the little things. These lessons are still relevant today because this event did happen and we should remember to never take anything for granted.

    3. I think America changed because it allowed everyone to realize that we need to never take anything for granted. I think America is better because of the lessons learned. We can all apply these lessons to our everyday lives.

  45. This blog was another story with a person that had their life changed by 9/11 and they shared what happen to them and how even though we are young we should know about these tragedies.

  46. From my teacher experience: My teacher was teaching a class and one of her students asked to turn the tv on and she turned it on it was a very sad experience for her. She was praying and crying. Just thinking of all of the people dying. Also, she was sad for the family and their grief. The people that were helping were just amazing and fearless she love them for that.

  47. What lessons can be learned from these events? How are these lessons still relevant today? Did anyone see President Obama’s address to America regarding the Isis terrorists tonight? The lesson that can be learned is we need better airplane security. No, I did not see Obama’s address to the terrorists.

    How did America change and how do you think we became a better America? How we changed is we got better airplane security and a lot of other types of security from this incident.

  48. 1.
    I was not born when 9/11 happened but hearing about it makes me so sad for people with family members who have been missing since and people who were terribly effected by 9/11. I have gratitude for people whose family members or friends lives were lost that day.
    1 lesson is to never take things for granted. The lessons are that 9/11 was a hard time for the United States and we should appreciate that it won’t happen again and also be appreciative of our loved ones and that it won’t happen again.

    3. How did America change and how do you think we became a better America?
    We became a better America by learning to appreciate everyone who helped save lives that day; policemen, firefighters, ems workers, and much more.

  49. This story can be tied to gratitude because due to the actions of others, lives were saved and our country has changed for the better. We should show gratitude to the people who risked their lives to save the lives of others.

  50. This story can have a relation to gratitude because of people who risked their lives, others lives were saved. The event of 9/11 caused our country and our citizen’s behavior to change tremendously, now we show gratitude towards the people who risked their lives for their citizens.

  51. We need to have the gratitude that we weren’t alive during this time and didn’t have to experience this horrible tragedy.

  52. I was not born, But from an after stand point, Its a very tragic and unfortunate event. It definitely changed America, and made everyone come together

  53. This article shows the amount of appreciation for the health care worker, police officers, and firefighters that were there to help be there for many people struggling in the terrorist attack.

  54. This was a very tragic and memorable event. Many fire fighters, and other special services helped, and tried to save as many people possible. Everyone appreciated the people who risked their lives to save others.

  55. wasnt born

    well its still irrelevant because it was a terrorist attack and it was the twin towers.

    Changed america today to always be prepared and ready to go.