Social Studies Teacher Saves Lives – Courage

Social Studies Teacher Saves Lives – Courage

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  1. I believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero because he didn’t have to do that. He could’ve just sat there but instead he stood up and tried talking that person out of it. Walking up to somebody who just shot two people and who still has a gun in his hands, wouldn’t be easy. I think teachers do have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students because some of the students may not know what to say and make it worse. The teacher may know what to say without making the person aggravated even more. I think the students shouldn’t step in. The teacher should if anything. If I was placed in that situation, I wouldn’t know what to do. I’d probably be shaken up a bit and freeze up. If I knew something was going on, I would report this to a teacher. This stuff should be taken seriously because you never know.

    1. 1. Yes because if it weren’t for him multiple other could have been harmed or even killed.
      2. Yes because they are they adults that will be held responsible if something is not done.
      3. I would run and try to leave the premisces.

    2. Yes i would because if it weren’t for him multiple other could have been harmed or even killed.
      2. Yes because they are they adults that will be held responsible if something is not done.
      3. I would run and try to leave the campus.


    3. I agree, I also have a teacher who would do anything to make sure that nothing bad happens, so the same situation could be repeated, but in a good way.

  2. I believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he risked his own safety to try and help the boy with the gun to put it down. He was risking his own life to try and save the other kids in danger. I think that teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students because teachers are supposed to be responsible for students during the school time period.

  3. Of course he sounds be considered a hero, why wouldn’t he be? He saved countless souls and did nothing wrong, he didn’t hurt anyone, he saved someone and that’s what a hero does.
    Yes I do because they’re older and more experienced with students and kids are just scared at this moment. When kids are scared they always look up to the adults, the people that we trust.
    If I was in that similar situation I would talk to the kid calmly and just try and calm him down and put the gun down. I would just walk right up to him, and if he shot me, oh well, I tried.

  4. 1. I do believe that Mr.Masterson should be considered a hero because he convinced the kid to put down the gun before any more kids got hurt.
    2. Yes because they are there to protect the kids and make them feels safe
    3. I really dont know I would just be really scared

  5. Yes, because he stopped the shooter from hurting other kids.
    Yes,because if they stay calm the students will feel more comfortable and stay calm.
    I would probably freak out.

  6. Yes, I think Mr.Masterson would be considered a hero because he saved a lot of kids and he tried stopping the shooter
    Yes, because being a teacher it’s your job to watch and protect those children and sometimes you’ll have to use courage
    I would’ve tried doing the same thing that Mr.Masterson did even if I was scared I would’ve had to do what I had to do for those kids even if that men’t putting my life in risk

  7. 1)I don’t think that Mr. Masterson shouldn’t be considered a hero because he did his job.
    2)Yes because it’s their job to keep their students safe.
    3)I think I would have tried to apprehend the student.

  8. 1. Yes, he is a hero because most people would never have had the courage to go in front of shooter and tell him to stop knowing they could get shot themselves in the process.
    2. Yes, teachers are the adults in the building and need to stay calm in order to control the situation.
    3. I honestly do not know what I would have done in this situation unless I experienced it.

  9. 1) I definitely believe that Mr. Materson should be considered a hero because he subdued the shooter, and saved many possible casualties. Everyone at that school owes their lives to Mr. Materson.

    2) I think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in this type of situation. They are the adults in the room, they should be more mature than anyone else, and it is their responsibility to keep the students safe.

    3) If I was in this situation, I would like to think I’d do the same. However, until that situation truly arises, I can never be sure just how I will respond.

  10. 1.) Yes I do believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he saved a lot of kids lives by making the 12 year old put his gun down.
    2.) Yes I do think that teachers have a greater responsibility than kids do because in school teachers are the students guardians so they have to protect the students.
    3.) In that situation I would have probably just tried to evacuate as many kids as I could from the gym and not tried to be the hero like Mr. Masterson was.

  11. Yes I think that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he saved countless lives. He walked up to a student with a loaded gun and told him to put the gun down and he did. He made an act of courage by walking up to him and saving lives which I call a hero. Yes, I think teachers should act with more courage and calmness than the students because they are older and wiser and if they freak out than the students will start to freak out and it will be a mess. I think teachers should have more courage because they have lived a longer life then the students have also, so they have been taught what to do. In that situation I would be super scared, but I really don’t know what I would do or if I would do anything in that matter.

  12. 1. Yes he should be considered a hero because he did not hide in fear, he stood up to the school shooter and made him think of what he was doing at that moment. Then saving their life´s from what he did making him a hero.
    2.Yes because teachers have a greater responsibility than the kids, as they the know that they will always risked there life´s for the students they protect.
    3.I would not just walk up to the school shooter, and demand him to put the gun down because at that any second he could just shoot me, as I would then think of a safer action to be a hero to protect the kids of the school.

  13. I believe that he should be a hero. He saved lives even if his was in danger, he didn’t think about himself. Teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage because they have to stay calm, and have to put themselves last, which is hard to do. If I was in that situation I wouldn’t know what to do. I would try and save some kids but I don’t know if I had that much courage to walk up to the shooter. It hard to tell what you would do if you haven’t been in that situation.

  14. 1) Yes, he should be a hero because he saved lives of innocent kids.

    2)Yes, they have a way bigger responsibility to act with courage and calmness then students because they have been taught to be more mature and handle these situations the best way available. They also have a bigger responsibility because if they depend on a little kid that is scared and terrified then you will probably die.

    3)If I was placed in this situation I would have charged the kid, tackled him, grabbed the gun, and held him till the police or someone else came.

  15. I believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero because through the face of death he stood up and saved many lives without thinking of himself. He rised through the situation to help others. I think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness in those situations because they are the adult, the mediators who need to protect the students of harms way. If I was in that situation I would find the nearest exit and get out. But while doing so, I would tell others to follow me out to save as many of my peers as possible.

  16. Yes I believe he should be a hero because if he didnt tell the gunner to stop who knows how many more people could have been injured or dead, He stared death in the eyes and did not flinch. Some teachers cant act calm in those situations so no i dont think they should have the responsibility. If I was in that situation I would do everything i could to protect me as well as my peers.

  17. Yes, he should be considered a hero, he risked his life to save all of those other kids and staff members. He deserves recognition for that. I think they do have a greater responsibility because they were trained what to do, they are prepared for a reason, that’s not to say they can’t freak out because they can but I think they should at least be a little more calm. I have no idea how I would respond to a situation like this, I would like to think that I would be calm and would be able to help people survive but the truth is I have no idea. I would probably run for my car and get the heck out of here honestly.

  18. I believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero because in the face of death he stood up and talked the kid down. I believe that teachers do have a greater responsibility to act with courage in situations like this because if they dont, the kids wont. If I was in this situation, and if there was an exit nearby I would sprint out and head for the nearest cover I could find, and dial 911, even if they were already called, i wouldn’t really care. If there were others with me I would encourage them to come with.

  19. 1. I think Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero. Not many people would be brave or courageous enough to go in front of someone who will potentially hurt or kill you just to save other people’s lifes.

    2. I think adults should be more calm than students because those frightened kids are relying on those adults to stay calm to make them feel better. But I also think in a real life situation, teachers will also be frightened and I think it would be hard to control that when you don’t know what the outcome will be.

    3. I can’t say what I would do. I could only tell you in the moment.

  20. I believe that he is a hero because he saved many lives while risking his. I think teachers have a responsibility to act more calm and be more courageous than students because it’s their responsibility to protect the students. I don’t know what I do in that situation but I would probably not be as courageous as Mr. Masterson was.

  21. I think he should be a hero, because what other teachers there was putting their lives in danger for all the other kids.
    Yes, I think that teachers have a greater responsibility because that’s what they are paid for.
    I would hope I would try to help, but I don’t think I could walk calmly in front of a gun, and say “Put down the gun.”

  22. 1. I do believe that his is a hero because he showed extreme bravery standing in front of a killer with a gun.
    2. I think that teachers do have a greater responsibility because students look up to them, not saying that there are probably kids that would do the same.
    3. I would have probably tried to prevent that from happening but I cant say for sure until in that situation.

  23. 1. Yes he should be consider a hero because he faced a life or death situation to save kids he only teaches.
    2. I don’t think the teachers should put themselves out there to protect students Its up to the police and brave teachers, who know they might not make it out alive.
    3. If I were in this situation I would also try and talk to the person or beat him up, but on the other hand if I would get shot others would probably too. It all depends on the case of it.

  24. I think Mr. Masterson is a hero because he saved countless lives. He knew he was risking his own life when he stood in front of the 12 year with a loaded gun pointing at him but he stood there anyway telling that kid to put the gun down. He wasn’t thinking of himself, he was thinking of everyone else in the school. He saved a lot of lives. I do think teachers have a greater responsibility to act calm and be courageous because the students are young and are looking up to the teachers because they are wiser and more prepared for situations like that. If I was in this situation I don’t know what I would do because I would be so scared. I would want to do something to stop it but I dont know if I actually would take action.

  25. Yes, I think he should be considered a hero because he saved many children’s lives. People are saying “he saved countless lives” when in reality the child most likely only had one magazine worth of ammunition. But yes, he technically is a hero.
    No, teachers are human too, they don’t have to have courage or need to be calm.
    If I were in that position I would have probably talked him into putting it down. But if I had a family waiting for I would have ran away.

  26. 1) Mr. Masterson in my opinion is indeed a hero becuase he put his life on the line and risked being shot to ensure the safety of all of his other students.

    2) Teachers definitely have a greater responsibility, because they are in charge of making sure that all of their students are safe because they have developed relationships with others and they care for them as their own.

    3) I would not have the courage to do the same thing in that situation, but I would try my best to get as many people to safety as possible.

    1. i think he is a hero because he saved somebody and he could have had family that he might would have never seen again and steeped up and helped the little boy.and i think they do because i think its there job to protect us

  27. I believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero for putting himself in direct line of the gun. He could of sat back and hid or tried running out of the room. He protected the students putting his life in danger to try to save them. I believe that teachers have a responsibility to be prepared as does the school district to prepare the teachers. Teachers shouldn’t have to hunt the intruder but I think it would be good to have a basic knowledge of self-defense. I wouldn’t go down without a fight, I might try talking the person down otherwise I would find something to hit the person with or throw at them.

  28. I believe he should be considered a hero because he put his life on the line to try to save countless other kids from being harmed. Teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such situations because they look up to their teacher and if they’re scared and worrying than that’s going to reflect on the students and the students will act the same way. I would like to believe that I would stay calm and take action if need be but I’m not sure what I’d do because I’ve never been in such a situation before.

  29. Mr. Masterson is a hero, he saved hundreds of lives by putting his own life on the line, he stared down the barrel of a gun and talked the kid out of doing what he was doing. I imagine there is very few people who would do this in a situation like this. I do think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness because they have more life experience than us. I would like to think that I would do the same thing in this situation but in the moment I would probably hide and try to help other people escape.

  30. I do believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero because of his courageous act through the face of death. He saved many lives without thinking or putting himself first. I do think teachers have a greater responsibility to act calm, and courageous through situations like this just because they are the adult and the mentors that need to protect their students. If I was put in that situation I’d like to think I would do the same. However, I don’t truly know until that situation would arise.

  31. 1. 100% I think Mr. Masterson is a hero in my books, because most people would not have had the courage to walk up to a crazy person with a loaded gun and stop him from causing anymore casualties.

    2. Yes, teachers should have the courage more than the students in that type of situation, because their older, trained, and have the sense of calmness.

    3. I would probably tried to get as many students out as I could, but until that situation truly happens I would not know what I would do. ( fight or flight )

  32. 1) I believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero. He basically looked death right in the face with almost no fear in order to save other students.

    2)I do believe that teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation. Students look up to their teachers and if something happens and the teacher is panicking, the students will then in turn panic.

    3) I have no idea how I would react. I hope that I could be as brave as this man. I also hope that I never find out how I would react in a situation like this.

  33. I think he is a hero because a lot more lives were at risk and we never know how many more people could’ve got shot or killed. I think yes teachers do have a greater responsibility because if their calm it’ll help the students around them more relaxed too then if they were to be freaking out and making the students feel less safe. I would shut up and hide and stay still because i’m not about to put myself and others lives at danger.

  34. 1) I think he is a hero because he was going to risk his life to save the other students.
    2) I think teachers do have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness because they are superior to us and they have a higher thinking than us students do. They should know what to do in that situation.
    3) I would honestly do the same, I would try to do anything I can in that situation so no one gets hurt.

  35. 1. i think he is a hero because he was going to risk his life to save others.
    2. i think teachers have a bigger responsibilty to act with courage because they are suppose to be leaders.
    3. i would do the same because id rather save a lot of lives than be responibile for them.

  36. 1) I do think that he should be considered a hero because he risked his life to save the other people in the building.
    2) I don’t think teachers have a greater responsibility, everyone should in a situation like this has a responsibility to stay calm.
    3) Personally I have no clue what I would do in this situation.

  37. Yes he should be considered a hero. He saved many people’s lives and risked his own while doing it. He could’ve easily ran away and hid but he didn’t. Teachers have a little more responsibility to protect students but students can protect each other and their teachers too. I don’t think I could put myself where he did. Shock would take over my body.

  38. 1. Yes, he should be considered a hero because not many people can do what he did.
    2. Yes, because when a teacher would act with that calmness and courage sets an example to the students on how they should react and what they would do in the situation.
    3. I would probably be too scared to do what he did or not have the courage he did.

  39. I feel he should be considered a hero because he saved many lives while risking his and stayed calm during the whole situation. I feel teachers should act with more courage than students because they are supposed to protect the kids and know what to do in a situation like that. If i were in a situation like that i don’t know how i would react or what i would do.

  40. 1.) Yes, I believe that he should be considered a hero because if he didn’t do anything. Other people could have gotten injured.
    2.) Yes, because it is their job to keep the students safe.
    3.) I would do the same thing but be scared out of my mind.

  41. Yes believe that he should be considered a hero, because he got over his fear and stepped up. No, students and teachers can show the same responsibilities. I don’t think I would do what that teacher did.

  42. I believe he should be considered a hero as he did make a very courageous choice of action, and without knowing if he would live to see another day, put his life on the line. I believe everyone should be trusted with the same amount of responsibility in this situation but teachers seem to be more trained for it. If it was me I would like to believe I would put my life on the line to save others.

  43. Of course I believe he’s a hero if he didn’t step in who knows how many others could’ve been hurt. In order to be a hero you must be brave and courageous. It takes courage to stay calm while a gun is pointed at you.
    It’s a teachers job to take care of their students however I can’t think of many students who are much more courageous that any teacher.
    I’d like to think I’d have that courage but I’m not so sure. In situations such as that it’s human nature to fight or run and I’ve never been in a similar situation and I don’t know if I’d stay or flea the scene.

  44. I believe he is a hero, because of his courage by standing infront of a gun, putting his life in danger to save little kids. Yes teachers have it, all of them protect their students more than anyone. I probably would’ve attacked the man or talked to him calmy/harsh to put the gun down

  45. 1. I believe that Mr. Masterson is considered a hero. He risked his life to get the child to stop shooting at others. 2. Teachers and students both have a responsibility of acting with courage and calmness. Why? because teachers just like students have families and other things to think about before they think about others. Everyone should act with courage. 3. I honestly don’t know what I would do in that situation. I would like to think that I could be as courageous as this man was, but I am not sure how I would react.

  46. I think that he should be considered a hero because by stopping the student from shooting others and because of that he saved lives. I think by teachers acting calmer its helps students stay calm. Its hard to think of being in a situation like that but depending on whats happening I might step in to try to help.

  47. Yes Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he risked his life to save the other children in that class. They do have the responsibility if they are single and do not have family to support, then they should do such acts because they signed up for the job, taking your life into their hands. I don’t know how I would respond, but I hope I would do the same thing Masterson did.

  48. I believe that Mr.Masterson should in fact be considered a hero, imagine the guts and courage needed to stand in front of an armed gunman who has already shot and harmed other students.

    I feel as though teachers should remain calm, because kids look up to the teachers and if the teacher is in panic, the students will have even more of a struggle remaining calm if their role model is showing fear.

    I honestly couldn’t tell you how I would act, until the moment it happened

  49. I do believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero. I believe this because he had the courage to stand up to a kid with a shotgun pointed right at him. I do believe that teachers have responsibilities to act before students do in this case because it is the teacher’s job to protect students. I think that I would probably not have the courage to stand up to the kid because I would not have the authority over the kid like this teacher.

  50. I do believe that Mr. Masterson is considered a hero because he risked his life to stop the 12 year old boy from putting any of the other children in danger. Teachers have a greater responsibility than students because the teacher has more seniority than any of the students and should always act with courage and have calmness. If I were the teacher I think I would be fearful to do what he did, but I would do my best to protect the students, and also would try my best to remain calm throughout the situation.

  51. Yes, Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero. If he wouldn’t have had the courage to stand up to the kid with the gun who knows how many innocent lives could’ve been lost. There should be more teachers like this. A teacher’s #1 priority is not to teach. It’s to keep students safe. If I was placed in this situation I would act in a very similar way. As a teacher I would know my main priority and do anything to keep my students safe.

  52. This teacher is definitely a hero! The fact that he put his own life before the students as a teacher says so much than being a hero. If I was in a situation where I had a gun pointed at my head, I’m going to do everything I can to stop that person and ensure that everyone is safe.

  53. I would say is a a huge hero to many. He put others first before himself. It is a huge risk to go up to a kid with a gun, and tell him to stop knowing what could happen to you. I think teachers have a bigger responsibility because they have a better knowledge of what to do in those types of situations. If I were in that situation, I would hide or play dead to protect myself. I am not trying to be selfish, but when you are that young it is hard to stand up for something like that.

  54. Yes, I do believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he put his life on the line for the safety of everyone else in that school. I also believe that teachers do have a greater responsibility in situations like these because every student deserves to feel safe in the classroom. In this situation I don’t think that I could have stood up like Mr. Masterson, but would have rather helped to get everyone to safety as fast as I could.

  55. 1) I believe he is a hero because it wasn’t his job to stand in front of a loaded gun and tell the kid to put it down, but he did it anyway.
    2) I believe they have a greater responsibility to act with courage stay calm because if they weren’t calm and worried about themselves it would make the students panic and they would be terrified because they wouldn’t have a leader to look up to.
    3) I would try and save everyone just like the teacher, because I would rather have the person take my life rather then 10 other lives.

  56. I believe he should be considered a hero because he acted in a way no other teacher would and if he didn’t more kids could’ve been hurt.
    Yes teachers should have a greater responsibility because they are here not only to teach us but to protect us from anything.
    I’m not sure how I would have responded because in situations like that your thoughts become scrabbled and your triggers become flight or fight. It’s all about instincts.

  57. What that teacher i bet you nobody else could of had the courage to do that. He could of just sat there not but done anything but he didn’t. He got up and talk the person out of it. Even after the shooter killed two students and had their sawed-off shotgun fully loaded.

  58. 1. I do believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he put his own life on the line to try to protect the other students. He tried talking calmly to the child shooter even when he had a fully loaded gun pointed at him.
    2. I do think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in a situation like this. I think that because they are the adults and their job is to protect students in a case of emergency.
    3. If I was in a situation like this, I would have been frightened but I would have done what Mr. Masterson did. I would have tried calmly talking to the child shooter trying to convince him/her to put the gun down so no one else gets hurt. I would put my life on the line trying to save the other children.

  59. 1. i think that he is considered a hero in many people’s eyes because he went above and beyond what he should be doing at his daily job
    2. yes teachers should follow his foot steps because when teacher do things like this, you know they care about their students and aren’t just there for the money
    3. i would try to be like this teacher because i would love to save someone else’s life, just to know in my heart i did something right

  60. 1. yes i think he is a hero , he did something most teachers wouldn’t
    2. Teachers should have bigger responsiblility because they are there to teach us and to protect us as well.
    3. I would have done what even i thought was best in that moment at that the time, the only way to know what i would have done would have to be there.

  61. 1) I would consider him a hero, he put his life on the line saving countless lives
    2)Teachers do have a greater responsibility in this situation they are showing it more when they do this
    3) I would have called 911

  62. Of course he sounds be considered a hero, why wouldn’t he be? He saved countless souls and did nothing wrong, he didn’t hurt anyone, he saved someone and that’s what a hero does.
    Yes I do because they’re older and more experienced with students and kids are just scared at this moment. When kids are scared they always look up to the adults, the people that we trust.
    If I was in that similar situation I would talk to the kid calmly and just try and calm him down and put the gun down. I would just walk right up to him, and if he shot me, oh well, I tried.

  63. 1.I do think that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero.The reasons why I think he should be considered one is because he stood right in front of a loaded shotgun and told the kid to stop.He could have got shot and killed,but that didn’t stop him.Whats even better though is that he saved kids lives but he didn’t have to he could of just hid.

    2.Do I believe that teachers have more of an ability to act with courage and calmness,yes.I think that teachers do have more of the ability to act like that because they might not be as scared as the children.The teachers might know what to do unlike the children.So if the teacher has courage then they will know what to do,so they can help keep the kids safe.

    3.If I was in that same situation then I would have done the same thing as the teacher.I would have walked up to that kid and told him to put the gun down and stop.Even if I had the chance of being shot I still would have done it because the kids were young so they had a lot to live for and my job as their teacher is to keep them safe.

  64. He should be considered a hero because he risked his life to save others. I do think that teachers have a greater responsibility to acts with courage and calmness than students in such a situation because teachers are bigger and some of the students may not know what to say or do and they might make it worse. I would respond by telling everybody to evacuate and I would call the police. I don’t think that I would be courageous enough to do what the teacher did.

  65. 1.I do think that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero.The reasons why I think he should be considered one is because he stood right in front of a loaded shotgun and told the kid to stop.He could have got shot and killed,but that didn’t stop him.Whats even better though is that he saved kids lives but he didn’t have to he could of just hid.

    2.Do I believe that teachers have more of an ability to act with courage and calmness,yes.I think that teachers do have more of the ability to act like that because they might not be as scared as the children.The teachers might know what to do unlike the children.So if the teacher has courage then they will know what to do,so they can help keep the kids safe.

    3.If I was in that same situation then I would have done the same thing as the teacher.I would have walked up to that kid and told him to put the gun down and stop.Even if I had the chance of being shot I still would have done it because the kids were young so they had a lot to live for and my job as their teacher is to keep them safe.

  66. He should be considered a hero, because he risked his own life to save the boy with the gun. He risked his own safety and the safety of others. Teachers are trained to act with courage and integrity. If I was in that situation I would have acted the same way to save my life, and the lives of others.

  67. Yes, he should be considered a hero because he put others before himself. Teachers are trained to act like that because they are trained to and care about their students. I would’ve done the same thing. I care about people and I couldn’t live with myself if I wouldn’t have done anything.

  68. This teacher is definitely a hero! The fact that he put his own life before the students as a teacher says so much than being a hero. If I was in a situation where I had a gun pointed at my head, I’m going to do everything I can to stop that person and ensure that everyone is safe.

  69. 1) Social Media Question: Do you believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero? Why or why not?\
    I do believe that he is a hero because he put his life on the line for all of the kids.
    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not?
    Yes, because they are in charge of all of the kids in the classroom and the kids in the school.
    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation?
    I think, I would be so scared that I would not do anything I would just tell my students to hide under their desks and I would hide under mine.

  70. 1) Social Media Question: Do you believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero? Why or why not?
    I believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he risked his life for the students. He had the courage to stand in front of a loaded gun and he told the shooter to put the gun down.

    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not?
    Yes because it is usually expected that teachers are always calm in situations like this. Teachers have more experience than the students and they would most likely know what to do.

    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation?
    If I were in a situation like this I would try and protect my students as much as possible. I would be frightened but I would know that I would have to stay calm for my students in order to protect them. I would want to handle the situation as good as Mr. Masterson did.

  71. I do believe he should be considered a hero because he saved peoples lives.
    Yes because they put them selves in that situation
    I would not because if they would have shot me i would have been dead

  72. I believe that this teacher is a hero because he put his life before the kids lives. He saved so many kids from his courage and bravery.

  73. This teacher is a hero because if I were a teacher i would care for other people especially if they were students because they are young and they would have a longer life to live for. That is why I consider him as a hero to t5he people.

  74. I think this teacher is a hero because if I were a teacher i would care for other people especially if they were students because they are young and they would have a longer life to live for. That is why I consider him as a hero to the people.

  75. 1. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because Mr. Masterson’s courage allowed there to be fewer deaths. He also cared so much about the students he put his life in risk for saving them.

    2. I believe teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students because the teachers are in charge of them.

    3. If I was in the same situation, I would have done the same thing because the students still had a lot to live and didn’t deserve to die because of a tragedy.

  76. 1. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he risked his life to save his students. Also, because he saved thousands of peoples lives by having courage to confront a armed man.

    2) I believe teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students because teachers are in charge of the students and should care for them.

    3) If I was placed in the same situation I would do the same as Mr. Masterson because the students had a lot to live and didn’t deserve to die from a tragedy.

  77. 1. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he risked his life to save his students. Also, because he saved thousands of peoples lives by having courage to confront a armed man.

    2) I believe teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students because teachers are in charge of the students and should care for them.

    3) If I was placed in the same situation I would do the same as Mr. Masterson because the students had a lot to live and didn’t deserve to die from a tragedy.

  78. 1. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he risked his life to save his students. Also, because he saved thousands of peoples lives by having courage to confront a armed man.

    2) I believe teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students because teachers are in charge of the students and should care for them.

    3) If I was placed in the same situation I would do the same as Mr. Masterson because the students had a lot to live and didn’t deserve to die from a tragedy at school

  79. 1:He should be considers a hero Because he made hi life i danger to save other people.
    2:Yes because all the teaches spend ore time with the kids and they know them more
    i would probably lock the door and walk out side and take something with me to protect me and tell him to bring it down and give it to me

  80. 1)I believe that Mr. Materson is a hero to put his life in danger like that is absolutely incredible.
    2) I think teacher do have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in these situations because they want to make sure that their students are safe and to understand that they do try and keep them safe.
    3)If I was in this situation I would not have the courage to walk up to a kid that has a gun.

  81. Do you believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero? Why or why not?
    Yes, because not anybody would be able to take a stand like he did.

    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not?
    No, because were not all the same and we all have a different level of courage than others.

    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation
    I don’t think I would have that much courage as he did

  82. 1) Social Media Question: Do you believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero? Why or why not?- He should be considered a hero because he saved a students life.

    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not?- Yes because our parents put their trust in them to teach their children and protect them if in a bad situation,

    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation- I would have responded similar to the other teacher and saved the kid

  83. 1) Social Media Question: Do you believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero? Why or why not?- Yes because he saved a kid.

    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not?- Yes because our parents put their trust in them to teach us and protect us if needed.

    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation.- I would have responded similar to the teacher and helped the kid.

  84. 1) Social Media Question: Do you believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero? Why or why not?
    Mr. Materson could be considered a hero because he saved peoples lives and convinced a killer to put down his gun

    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not?
    Teachers have a big responsibility with kids everyday, they need to be able to save them when they are in danger
    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation.
    i would report it to an adult

  85. 1) Mr. Masterson is supposed to be considered as a hero because what he did included coarage and the nerve to do it and especially when it included his life.
    2) teachers have a big responsibility with kids even with their students. they need to guide them when they are in danger.

  86. 1. i think that he is a hero because he risked his own life to try and save hundreds of other students
    2.i do think that teachers have a bigger responsibility to act with courage and calmness then students because teachers are not only the educaters there the influencers and the protecters
    3. if i were in a situation like that to be honest i wouldnt step up and have courage i would be scared and i would hide

  87. He is a hero because he risked his own life.
    Teachers have a responsibility to protect there students.
    I wouldn’t because I am a spineless worm.

  88. I think he is a hero because it would be hard to walk up to someone with a loaded gun. I think that the teachers have more of a responsibility because they are more experienced with kids. It is also a teachers job to protect there students. I think that I would try to talk the person out of it because they might hurt someone I know or even me.

  89. 1. I believe he is a hero. The reason why i believe this is because him confronting that kid could have saved many other lives if the kid had more ammunition to inflict damage.

    2. I believe that it depends on who the teacher or student is. it all depends on personality but a big part of it is the age of the person.

    3. The way I think I would respond in that situation is depending on whether or not i can get away i’d try my best to just get away but if i couldnt i’d attempt to confront the kid but if he doesnt know me i would tackle him.

  90. I believe that Mr. Masterson should be consider a hero. He risked his life to save hundreds of other students.
    Teachers have great responsibility in protecting and teaching students. It takes courage to do that kinda think.
    If i was him I really dont know what I would do possible do what he did or try to evacuate the rest of the children.

  91. 1. I would consider him a hero because he risked his life to save others.
    2. In my opinion, I think they have a greater responsibility than the kids because kids look up to them and they should remain calm.
    3. I think I would try to remain calm for the kid’s but inside I would be scared.

  92. 1. Yes, I think he should be considered a hero because he saved children’s lives and put his at danger doing it.
    2. Yes, I do think the teacher needs to act more calm and courageous because they need to try and keep the kids as calm as possible.
    3. If I was in this situation I would be super scared but I would have to try and stay calm for everyone else but I would definitely be scared.

  93. Yes he should be considered a hero because if he save the kids life and but his life in danger he is a hero because most people would not do that.

  94. Yes i think he is a hero he risk his life to save some lives of people.
    They have a lot of trust and work to do to protect their kids.
    I would have done the same thing protect other people that i am responsibly for.

  95. 1. Yes, he put his life on the line, to save other people, he was ready to be shot if need be. But, he went up to the kid, and he made him stop what he was doing. In my eyes, that is a hero.
    2. I think some teachers act with courage, but there are plenty of teachers that wouldn’t do what he did. This guy was brave, and bold. He was really doing it for other people, not himself.
    3. I wouldn’t try to go up to the kid with the gun. I would be running out of the building, and getting away as fast as possible. I would call the cops, but that is as far as I would go, I wouldn’t try to resolve, just based on the situation.

  96. 1. I believe he should be considered a hero because he put his life at danger to save many others.
    2. No, i feel like everyone has the chance to do what he did it just depends on the person.
    3. I would try to get him to put the gun down and do what he did.

  97. Yes, Mr. Masterson is for sure a hero. He took fear on directly and beat it and for that he saved countless lives.

    Yes and no, its not a responsibility for them to have more courage than anyone else by any means, but I think every person regardless of who they are, should work to gain an inner strength.

    I’ve always been taught to be able to react calmly and face danger with confidence by my family and people around me. I know I could be able to react the way Mr. Masterson did, that’s the way I was taught to respond to those types of situations.

  98. I think he is a hero for doing what he did because he saved a lot of lives by doing so.

    I don’t think anyone should be expected to have more courage than others because everyone is equally afraid.

    There’s no way to know how I would react but I hope I would have courage.

  99. Yes, I do think he should be recognized as a hero. He acted very bravely and saved many people from tragedy.

    I think it is a responsibility everyone needs to have.

  100. 1. I believe he is a hero because of the courage he displayed and the lives he saved. He took his life into his own hands and saved everyone.
    2. I believe that teachers should act with courage because part of their job is taking care of the students. I don’t necessarily know if they should have more courage than students. As students we’re taught to just hide and run, so I feel we have less opportunity to be courageous in that statement.
    3.I honestly don’t know how I would I would react in this situation.

  101. 1. I do think he should be considered a hero, he saves all those kids at the middle school.
    2. I think that the situation could have gone in two very different ways. The teacher’s job is to get the students to safety and to keep them safe if he decided to shoot the teacher we would have then exposed him to all of the kids, allowing them to be shot.
    3. If I was a teacher I would’ve locked the door and turned off the lights and kept the kids safe and if it gets to the point where I need to take action, I will.

  102. Yes I think Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because in the situation he seem like a nice man that didn’t want anymore little kids getting hurt and was was talking the boy into putting down the gun.
    Yes I think the teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness because the teachers doesn’t want anyone bringing a gun to school and when the person brought it the teachers wanted that person to put it down because the teachers doesn’t want kids to get hurt.
    If I was in a similar situation and if I saw a kid a gun to school I would’ve call he/she up to my office and ask a few questions and if that person is being rude I would call the police.

  103. Yes, because not anybody would be able to take a stand like he did.

    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not?
    No, because were not all the same and we all have a different level of courage than others.

    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation
    I don’t think I would have that much courage as he did

  104. 1) Yes i do because i feel like the teachers are the role models of the building therefore is the teacher took a stand against the shooter the students were most likely like “wow” and were in awe.2) I’m gonna be completely honest i would probaly hide and not try to help at all.

  105. If i was put in this situation I wouldn’t have a lot of courage to do what he did , the best I would be able to do is protect myself and try to exit the building.

  106. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because his actions prevented further turmoil, and it stopped the shooter from hurting more people.

    I think teachers must possess a greater understanding, courage, and have calmness in certain situations. Students look to the teachers for a reaction, and they omit the teachers energy.

    I think I would be very fearful, and more upset with the student than Mr. Masterson was. I would try to disarm him in every way possible and secure the safety of the other students.

  107. 1. Yes, because if it wasn’t for him, then more students may have been harmed, or even killed.

    2.Yes, teachers should act with calmness, and courage in a situation like this, because one of their responsibilities is to ensure that the students are safe.

    3.If I was in the situation, I would disarm the shooter, and then help them calm down.

  108. 1. Yes because if it weren’t for him multiple other could have been harmed or even killed.
    2. Yes because they are they adults that will be held responsible if something is not done.
    3. I would run and try to leave the premisces.

  109. 1. I do think he’d be considered a hero, because he put his life on the line to save his students.
    2. I do think teachers have a greater responsibility to act calm, because if our teachers are freaking out so are we.
    3. If I were in a similar situation I definitely would not have the courage to stop the gunman, kudos to Mr. Masterson for having the courage.

  110. 1. Yes he should be considered hero because he saved many lives.
    2. Yes because they may be more experienced
    3. I think I would respond the same way

  111. 1. I think Mr, Masterson should be considered a hero because he saved many students’ lives and without his courage, many kids could be dead.
    2. I think it depends on the age of the students. If the students are kindergarteners they will more than likely not be able to fight off an adult with a gun, but if they were high schoolers I think that teachers and students have equal responsibility.
    3. I would be really afraid and probably would not have the courage to stop the shooter.

  112. 1. Yes I think he should be considered a hero because he possibly saved multiple lives and put himself in a deadly situation to do it.
    2. Yes teachers have a greater responsibility in this situation because they are seen as the mature ones who’s job it is to protect the students.
    3. I think I would probably not have enough courage to stand up in this situation and help but I wish I would.

  113. 1. Yes I do think he should be considered a hero because it takes a lot of courage to go up to someone, knowing your life is on the line, and just simply talking to them which made him put the gun down and save many lives.
    2. Yes because they have probably been trained, but at the same time they are human so it is still very difficult to stand up in that situation.
    3. If I was the teacher it honestly would have been really hard to react the way he did, but I would have to step up and react the same way he did.

  114. 1. I think he should be considered a hero because so many stories of superheros have courage and he really showed his courage.
    2. Yes because teachers are taught to do many things before teaching and if I was a teacher I would want to be their for all students.
    3. I think I would make sure the students are safe and if the man who stopped him I think he did the right thing.

  115. I think that he should be considered a hero. Not only did he choose to risk his life, but he choose to help children who might not have been able to help themselves. In doing such a courageous act, he was able to save the lives of many. I think that in a situation like this that yes teachers have more responsibility to act with courage and calmness in order to keep the younger people calm in order to keep them safe. I would be terrified, I think that my first instinct would be to run. But if that was not an option I would just try and stay calm and follow the instructions of the adults.

  116. 1) I absolutely think that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because even though he had nothing to defend himself, he calmly approached the kid which took lots of courage.

    2) I think that teachers definitely are able to have more courage and calmness due to more life experience, but I think that this is a tricky question because it really should not have to be anybodies responsibility because shootings should not happen in schools.

    3)If I am being honest, I think I would be terrified if I was in that situation. I would like to have as much courage as the teacher, but I do not know how well I would react under pressure.

  117. 1. I think that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because of the number of lives he saved.
    2. Yes I do because there is one teacher and many students and students look up to their teachers. So if the teacher has courage maybe the students will.
    3. If I was in the situation I would try to stay as safe as possible but keep people safe. If I needed to risk my life and I thought I needed to I might.

  118. 1. Yes, he hsould be considered a hero, because he put his own life in danger to save other peoples life.
    2. Yes, because they are more mature and probably care more about the students than the other students trying to get to safety.
    3. To be honest I would be scared and try to get other students to saftey with me.

  119. 1. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero since he risked his life to save his students, he also saved thousands of peoples lives by having courage to confront a armed man.

    2) I believe teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage than students because teachers are in charge of the students and should care for them.

    3) If I was placed in the same situation I would do the same as Mr. Masterson because the students have a lot of life left to live and didn’t deserve to die from a tragedy.

  120. 1. I believe that Mr. Masterson is a hero because he didn’t have to do that.
    2. Yes I do because they’re older and more experienced with students and kids are just scared at this moment. When kids are scared they always look up to the adults, the people that we trust.
    3. I would do the same thing but be scared out of my mind.

    1. 1. I believe that Mr.Masterson is a hero because he walked up to the student knowing that he could be shot, and had enough courage to talk to the kids and make him take his gun down.
      2. It is because they have been working with kids and get how to comprehend them, and relate. The students look up to good teachers and respect them.
      3. I honestly would not be able to talk to the kid, I would be too scared. I would also be angry that he did this so I would probably tackle him or something.

  121. What I think about this quote is that the teacher took a lot of courage to put his life on the line trying to have the shooter put the gun down. But sadly the students were already dead while trying to have the shooter put the gun down.

  122. This shows courage in many ways because he put his life on the line to save the other students which he did by displaying his courage.

  123. 1)Do you believe that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero? Why or why not? Yes, he did a hero action. All hero’s are courageous and brave. They do good things all the time for the better of humanity. Mr. Masterson is a hero and should be treated like one.

    2) Do you think teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage and calmness than students in such a situation? Why or why not? yes, little kids would be freaking out, and it is up to the teacher to try and keep the students calm so they don’t scream.

    3) Put yourself in that situation, how do you think you would respond if placed in a similar situation. I don’t think I would talk to the boy, I would sneak attack and grab the gun from the kid. He is 12, and I can over power him.

  124. Yes, he did a hero action. All hero’s are courageous and brave. They do good things all the time for the better of humanity. Mr. Masterson is a hero and should be treated like one.

    Yes, little kids would be freaking out, and it is up to the teacher to try and keep the students calm so they don’t scream.

    I don’t think I would talk to the boy, I would sneak attack and grab the gun from the kid. He is 12, and I can over power him.

  125. 1. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because not many people would act on a situation like that especially in the way he did. He risked his life to save students no one else would. It is helpful if someone goes to report the scene but to act on it is much more than helpful.
    2. Teachers do have a greater responsibility in acting on the situation because they are trained and prepared for that kind of thing but students don’t go to school expecting anything other than learning. Students also aren’t aware of what their peers are capable of especially if it’s one of their friends. Teachers take responsibility for all students when they sign up for the job. Their job is to teach the students and being a role model in a situation like that is a great way to teach them.
    3. If I were in that situation knowing myself I would have ran from the scene because I don’t have the courage when it comes to something like that. Risking my life for others isn’t really my thing although I wish I had the courage to do that.

  126. This is an article that represents true purity and courage because of what he does for these students it’s more people like these we need

  127. I THINK THAT THIS A GREAT STORY because I think that no matter what people think that teachers do care. they would do anything to save the kids that they are teaching.

  128. A 12 year old boy at Berrendo Middle School brought a gun to school and began shooting students. After the first two students were shot, Mr. Masterson calmly walked up to the shooter and talked him into putting the gun down. Mr. Masterson put his life on the line to save countless students. No one knows what would have happened next and I know it took lots of courage for Mr. Masterson to do something like this.

  129. Mr. Masterson should definitely be considered a hero. He was very courageous to risk his own life in front of the student who had a gun, knowing he was putting himself in harm’s way. He still did it though, because he could save other students lives.
    I think teachers probably have a lot of pressure in these situations because they are adults and will often be held accountable for not talking students down or handling them in these situations, even if they couldn’t or it would be dangerous for them to do so.
    If I was in this situation, I would be really scared and definitely wouldn’t be as courageous as Mr. Masterson was. His courage is super admirable.

  130. Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero, he risked his life for his students, and not many people would’ve acted that way in his situation. This was a very courageous act of him, and he did something that those kids will remember.

  131. 1. I think that Mr. Masterson should be considered a hero because he saved so many staff members, students, and visitors.
    2. I think that teachers have a greater responsibility to act with courage more than students because they are supposed to be in charge and act calmy for the sake of themselves and the students.
    3. If I was in this exact situation I would try to get as many people to safety as I could. It would take a lot of courage to do what Mr. Masteron did in this situation.

  132. This is about how a teacher saved the school from the 12 year old boy who decided he was going to shoot up the school. He ended up shooting 2 kids and that’s when the social studies teachers jumped in and calmly convinced the boy to stop and he did.

  133. Yes, because he stopped the shooter from hurting other kids.
    Yes,because if they stay calm the students will feel more comfortable and stay calm.
    i would honestly panic at first then try my best to keep myself safe

  134. The teacher did a good thing, and a courageous thing, by stopping a kid from killing other students/ staff members with a sawed off shotgun

  135. This teacher is just a normal human, that took a hero role. He had enough courage to go and risk his own life to save others.

  136. 1. The teacher did an amazing thing, no one would’ve risked their lives to save others while this teacher did. He didn’t have to do it. But, he did save lives though. He’s an amazing hero and should be awarded a badge.

    2. Teachers are know how to their job to comfort kids , they can calm kids and help comfort them from a bad situation.

    3. I would’ve found the way to disarm the shooter and act like Mr. Masterson on why he is shooting up the school. But that would may be impossible in reality.

  137. I agree. I also have a teacher who would do anything to make sure that nothing bad happens, so the same situation could be repeated, but in a good way.