The Story Behind the Story…

The Story Behind the Story…

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  1. I think I can learn to never give up because Sylvester Stallone had a goal and he never gave up after everything he had gone through. Jim Carrey had a bad start at first and had dyslexia but he pushed through and became a comedian.

  2. If you keep trying and never give up on your goals, you will most likely have a successful life. So you you have to keep on pushing through tough times.

  3. Iv’e seen all of his movies. His movies are so awesome . I didn’t know he was poor and went through all that struggle. He is remembered as an amazing actor. He still is actually and he had to sell his best friend to feed himself . He went trough all that and he still became famous.

  4. No matter whats going on you have to go through the worst to get to the better. There is going to be many times in life where your just going to have to face it and dont fall.

  5. Iv’e seen most of his moves and they are cool but i did not know that he was poor it’s sad too see someone like that but he still became famous that’s how you know that he sacrificed every thing just to get famous.