Talk About Positive Attitude… Let me Introduce You to Nate Boyer

Talk About Positive Attitude… Let me Introduce You to Nate Boyer

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  1. Nate Boyer was very determined and he set high goals for him self and he accomplished them. I think that separates him from everyone else because most people set goals for themselves but when something goes wrong they think that it is just over and they give up. Nate Boyer kept looking for whatever opportunities he had and took them.
    I do think that i can accomplish what i want in my life.

    1. Nate Boyer is very determined to do what he wants to do and he is not going to give up. He is going to keep going and not let anyone stand in his way. I think that separates him from other people is that other people give up and they let other people stand in there way. I do think i can accomplish anything I just have to keep going and not give up.

      1. Nate Boyer was a hardworking man and was determined to be successful that’s what separated him from others.
        I do think I have the in me . I feel like I already found that skill in me.

  2. Nate was determined to make change and to inspire others. Many said he was average or couldn’t do it because he was “Too small.” I believe that I have the power to make people think of me so much more

  3. When Nate Boyer set a goal for his self he would do it no matter what it takes. Unlike most he achieves the goals that he wants. I do believe that it is inside of me, but I just haven’t found it yet.

  4. 1. I believe he has a high level of determination. He wants to get things done and he won’t stop until he has achieved what he wanted. Most people will set goals like a diet but then they give up on it. Nate sees something he wants to achieve and he will go after it.

    2. I believe I have determination in me. However not as high of a level as Nate’s. I think I can find it and harness it by setting a goal in whatever it is and no matter how much I want to quit just stick it out and keep getting better.

  5. 1. Nate is a unique and determined man what makes him different is that he care’s most people who looked at that magazine didn’t even blink an eye but he saw sorrow and an overwhelming need for help, and he acted on it he did what no one else would do he cared. On top of that he followed his dream to be part of a college football team while juggling his military lifestyle. That’s what make Nate Boyer different.
    2. Yes, I believe and can only hope I obtain what Nate Boyer has. I would say I’m compassionate and caring but it doesn’t really matter if others notice that about me because, what matters is how I view myself.

  6. 1. Nate is a unique and determined man what makes him different is that he care’s most people who looked at that magazine didn’t even blink an eye but he saw sorrow and an overwhelming need for help, and he acted on it he did what no one else would do he cared. On top of that he followed his dream to be part of a college football team while juggling his military lifestyle. That’s what make Nate Boyer different.
    2. Yes, I believe and can only hope I obtain what Nate Boyer has. I would say I’m compassionate and caring but it doesn’t really matter if others notice that about me because, what matters is how I view myself.

  7. 1.) Nate Boyer was very dedicated and when he want to set a goal he would reach to that goal.
    2.) I think I have it in me, I just need to find it and stride on.

  8. Nate Boyer is different because he never gives up. He has a great heart and is willing to do what ever it takes for accomplish his goals.

    I believe I do to some degree. Maybe not as much as he does but I try as hard as I can. I try to think about others and work hard towards my goals.

  9. At first Nate was considered average, like the rest of the Americans. Lazy. But then Nate became determined and worked hard through every obstacle that came his way. He never gave up hope. What separates him from everyone else is that we don’t strive big enough like Nate to accomplish such things in life. I believe I can do what it takes to accomplish those things, I just need the major motivation and inspirtstion. It also takes w hike to figure out what you love to do.

  10. 1.)What seperates Nate from others is the fact that he balanced the army and his football career. He never gives up and always has a positive attitude.

    2.) I feel like I have some of it in me but no where near as much as Nate did cause we he did was a tough thing to do

  11. 1. What separates Nate Boyer from others, is he never gives up, and he always wants to win. He is so determined that he refuses to fail. He is the perfect role model for anyone growing up.

    2. I feel like everyone has what Nate has, but not everyone knows how to use it. Or some people don’t want to. Do I think I have it? I think in certain subjects or times in my life I have what he has, but not always. Only when I need it.

  12. Yes I believe that it’s in me too because for the past 3 years I have always wanted to travel the world and help kids in need.

  13. He doesn’t give up. If someone tells him he can’t or he will never make it he keeps a positive attitude and proves them wrong. Other people may give up if they can’t achieve something right away.

  14. He thinks about others before he thinks about himself. He cares for others. He doesn’t give up, and tries to accomplish everything.

  15. 1.) He wanted to make a difference and he never gave up no matter how hard life was. He has a positive attitude even when thing get to hard.

    2.) I believe everyone has it but you kinda have to find it. I say you have to be the best you can be and if you can’t find it then keep trying.

  16. He has the will and power to never give up. I believe that each and everyone of us have the power to do whatever we want we just have to believe in ourselves.

  17. That he has a very strong will and what ever he sets his mind to he can accomplish.

    I think that at times I could but I have to be willing to try if it is something I don’t want to do it won’t happen.

  18. Nate actually goes and dose the things that we just think about. Yeah many people want to help or thunk of way to help and they just never do it.
    I believe everyone has it in them. It doesn’t matter how old or young you are. I honestly believe that if you really want to do it you can, just like that quote I learned. If you think you can do it or if you don’t think you can do it your right. I also like hunk some people might just need a little push.

  19. 1.) It’s that he’s been tempered, as in his character, and he’s realized that attitude is everything when it comes to his life and his line of work.
    2.) I’m not sure, but one question that I find myself asking all the time is, “If I know I don’t have (character, responsibility, etc.), does that mean that I have enough (character, responsibility, etc.) to the point where I can realize I don’t have character?” Confusing, I know, but it’s all relative.

    1. Post

      Clayton, I don’t think it’s relative to Nate Boyer. I think that’s his point. It doesn’t depend, it’s not relative.

  20. Nothing separates him from others. He is just the same as others. With the little things he had he try something out to make it worth more. I don’t really know if I have it or no, because I have never been in that kind of situation.

  21. Nate Boyer is a tank. He’s a soldier and is in the nfl as a rookie. that to me is amazing. In the video it also said he was an older rookie witch is really inspiring to know that you can still be any age and be so strong, not just physically but mentally too. Especially mentally! That’s what I think sets him apart.
    Do I think I have that much character? Yes I do believe it’s in me somewhere, I believe that every one could have that determination if they could just put aside their minute problems and look at the bigger picture. We were all up on this earth to make things better. I think Net Boyer knows that and that’s what drives him. It’s what I want to drive me though it won’t likely be easy.

  22. 1. He won’t take no for an answer. If he is told that he can’t do something, he will find a way and succeed. He doesn’t just take the easy way out, he will do anything and everything it takes.

    2. I think that I have some of that attitude. It isn’t as strong as his or as powerful. If I’m told I can’t do something I love then I will try my hardest to make it happen.

  23. I think that it’s the trust he has in himself and the faith he has in himself that separates Nate Boyer from others. He believed in himself, and trusted himself enough to go after his dreams. Not everyone can do that.

    I might not be to that point where I trust myself completely and believe in myself completely, but I do know that if I work hard I can make some good accomplishments.

  24. Nate Boyer has the drive to keep him going and what powers his drive is attitude. He knows he’s not the best out there, but what he does know is that he is the best he can be.

    Do I think that I’ve got same attitude and drive that he does?
    I know that I don’t have the same drive, my attitude is similar, but I haven’t felt the need to set my goals super high at this point. I feel that I could achieve goals like he does, but at times I’m lazy. I believe that with the right attitude anyone can achieve their goals.

  25. When people were complaining in Texas about the heat, he told them that this is nothing compared to the army. And even when he was in the army, he wasn’t complaining.

    Like, I may have been in a situation like that, and I probably still did complain a little to fit in. because it’s not always the best thing to be the odd one out. Also, one thing I need to work on, is like, making sure what I say doesn’t sound bad or bratty. Because sometimes I don’t realize what I’m saying!

  26. Nate Boyer is a very strong man mentally, and phisically. He is different from others, because he has done several dangerous things in his life, but he doesn’t complain like everyone else does. He is also very determined in everything he does. I feel that I do have some of that determination like him, and that I do accomplish what I want to, whenever I can. Having that determination has always helped me become the person that I am today. I feel that Nate is a good example of how determination, and a good attitude can make you successful.

  27. He will keep trying his best and try to help others.

    I think I do when we are doing 100 ten when I start to get tired he says you have a lot more in you so I think I have it but don’t use it.

  28. Nate Boyer was very determined and he set high goals for him self and he accomplished them. I think that separates him from everyone else because most people set goals for themselves but when something goes wrong they think that it is just over and they give up. Having goals shows that you know who you are and who you want to be tomorrow. Nate is right. It doesn’t matter what happened to you what matters is what you do.

  29. 1. Nate Boyer is different because he never gives up. He has a great heart and is willing to do what ever it takes for accomplish his goals.

    2.Nate Boyer kept looking for whatever opportunities he had and took them.
    I do think that i can accomplish what i want in my life.

  30. I think Nate was a very determined man who wanted to find what he wanted most. And when he found he strived for it until he got it.

    I think I could do what Nate did because I strive for things I want. I work really hard and don’t give up.

  31. 1). What separates him from the others is that he won’t quit and that he worked harder and gives more than the rest.


  32. Nate is determined and doesn’t let anything bring him down. He’s strong of heart and presues what he thinks is right.
    I believe I somewhat take on these traits, for I do what I think is right and presue my wants.

  33. I think the reason why he is different from others is because he has his own motivation. He has his own story wich is very inspirational and he is doing a lot more than what it seams. Hes showing thats everyone has it inside them. I feel like if i really wanted to do something i could do it as long as i try i cand o whatever i want in the world as long as i have that motivation i can go anywhere.

  34. 1. Nate Boyer shows determination, a factor that most people now days don’t have. Nate has done things and reached goals as well as finding himself in about the length of a decade, for most people it could take longer to find themselves if if they ever do.

    2. I personally do not have that much determination unless it’s something I strive for.

  35. I think that he has a lot of determination and not to give up. I believe we all have as much determination as Nate does it’s just we don’t give ourself enough credit and to harness it you would need to work hard and not give up.

  36. 1) I believe what separates Nate is that he gets up off the couch and follows his dreams. He did great things by helping others in need and serving our country.
    2) I have the ability to go out and do what I dream. But deep down I’m not really sure how to find it and “harness” it I guess. There will always be obstacles whether they be financial, physical or others. If the opportunity was presented to me at the right moment I would take it and follow my dreams and harness it. Otherwise it seems to be difficult at the moment. Also I do not have that type of drive but have a great attitude towards my dreams and goals.

  37. 1.) Nate Boyer has determination that he can do anything if his mind is set to it “it doesn’t matter were you came from or what you did it’s what you are doing now” and he wants to help people.
    2.) no I don’t have it in me I could not do what he does I do help people when they need it but I don’t have the determination and or drive that he does

  38. I believe what makes Nate different compared to a regular teenager is that he went out and did what he wants to do instead of siting around wishing they could do it.

    I think that I have what he has to a certain extent. I have something that I could easily let it put me down and make me say I wish I could but instead, each day I practice everyday to get better and better. Now I can do things that I never thought I would have been able to do.

  39. 1.) What seperates Nate Boyer from others is that he is a role modle for children being a football player, but also and insiration to his football team. He works two very difficccult jobs, being a hero and a teammate.
    2.) I believe I would have that type of encouragement to do something similar, not being as active as him though.

  40. Nate is different from others because not only was he a vet but he wonted to play football with out any exprance. Insted of giving up on the sport he learnd everything he needed to know on you tube. determination is what Nate has because of this will power he has will make it very hard for him to give up on something that he is pashanet about i like to think i’m this was also but at times its hard to keep going at something i have faild at multipul times but in time it will get easyer.

  41. 1. I believe that Nate’s determination to go out and achieve goals that he has set is what separates him from the rest of the pack. Many people set goals but don’t have enough drive in them to achieve that goal.

    2. I believe that if I found something that was important to me, I would have the determination and motivation to achieve whatever I am after. I just need to find that one thing.

  42. What separates Nate from other people is that when he set out to accomplish a goal or dream of his he never gave up despite people saying he could never achieve his goals but the ended up being wrong his hard work helped him accomplish his goals.

  43. 1. Nate is separated by his positive attitude and his will to power through his challenge. He goes out and accomplished his goals because he doesn’t let what people say affect how hard he try’s.

  44. -What separates him from others is his determination and his drive to never quit and never give up. He is unrelenting when he thinks he can do something.

  45. What separates Boyer from other men is pure determination. His drive and motivation level pushes him through all obstacles he is faced with

  46. Nate Boyer didn’t let the negativity get to him. He expected it, and used it to his advantage. He pursued things very few people would even think about.

    I believe that everyone has this inside of them. It is a choice. For some, it will come naturally. Others have to work at it, but it can be there. If you observe people like Nate, you will be able to find ways to become positive and determined.

  47. Nate Boyer has determination that most others don’t ever get to experience or try to experience. He saw something at a young age and pursued it. He would stop at nothing to achieve his next goal and for that, he can be respected by most. I feel like I have determination, but maybe not to that full extent yet.

  48. 1)What is it that separates Nate Boyer from others?
    What makes Nate different from other people is the drive within himself to help others. He set goals for himself and knew where he wanted to go in life. He was very motivated and wasn’t gonna watch life pass him by.

  49. 1) He is determined to do all he can. He has to go out to a war zone then come straight back to a life in America playing football. He knows what hardship is and he knows how to serve others and not just serve himself.
    2) I believe I have determination inside me, but I have not yet found an outlet for it.

  50. 1) I think that his determination, drive, and positive attitude sets him apart from others. When his teammates were complaining about the heat or whatever it was, he never did he thought about how much better off he had it than other people in other places around the world. Even when people doubted him, he never gave up and used their doubt to motivate him and work harder.

  51. Nate Boyer is different from all others because he wanted to defeat the odds and go out and fix what wasn’t right in the world. When he saw that article he said ” something just didn’t sit right with me”. Out of the people in the world that might of saw that and he was the one to get up and change what he didn’t like. That’s how he’s different because instead of compiling and saying how terrible it is, he got up and changed what he didn’t approve of. I can almost guarantee that half of the people in this world wouldn’t do it.

  52. 1) Nate Boyer has the determination to make, what seems like the impossible, possible. He doesn’t let other’s opinions or beliefs affect his attitude or his goals.

  53. What separates Nate Boyer from others is his growth mindset. The mindset of achieving every goal he wants or can, even if the odds are against him because he doesn’t meet some requirements. Through determination and hard work Boyer was able to achieve almost all of his goals and wouldn’t have been able to if he had a fixed mindset.
    I believe that I do have that mindset inside of me. I find it when I realize I really want something or want to achieve a goal. Use it to get better and work harder.

  54. 1) What makes Nate different from others Is that he is determend and refused to give up.
    2) Yes I believe I have it in me to. Everyone has its its just a matter of finding it through hard work and determination and never giving up ne matter how rough things get

  55. Nate Boyer has a drive within himself, the mentality to do what is necisarry. He knows his breaking points and knows that he can always give more. Nate knows that there are things that he isn’t good at but he works harder to do better at those things. No matter what he does he will always keep going.

  56. 1) Nate Boyer separates himself from others by setting goals and accomplishing them. He never gave up and did whatever he had to do in order to reach them. Most people have big dreams and goals they want to accomplish in their life, but when one thing gets tough, they just give up. Nate pushed through obstacles and got to where he wanted to be in life.

  57. 1) Nate Boyer is different from people because he has a state of mind that he can do anything he wants and its going to happen. Most people try to say what there going to do and they never do it.
    2) I don’t have the state of mind like Nate but i believe if i try really hard and put my mind to it i can do it.

  58. Nate Boyer is a hared worker, and a man that puts everything it takes to reach what he wants and what he has been working on , he inspires others to not give up and do what it takes to reach there goals , he worked hard and didnt stop until he new how to snap a ball , hes a man that has leader ship and dedication.

  59. Nate was separated from the rest because he never gave up. He kept on pushing to be the best. He never complained, he just did it. He was very determined and wanted the best for other people too, not just himself. He helped a lot of other people too. He also did more than just going to college, he worked for the u.s army and helped kids in other countries.

    1. I think you are capable of doing what you want to do of you if you just dedicate yourself enough to it. You have to want it as bad as anyone else.

  60. Nate’s positive attitude and his outlook on life. He was able to find his desire his purpose set goals and make it happen time after time.

  61. Nate Boyer is a hard worker with great character. He’s not one to take short cuts or beat around the bush. If he wants something he will do everything in his power to reach his goal. He’s an inspiration because of the man he is and what he’s achieved. Like Nate, in order to reach your goals you must be dedicated and have enough self assurance that you believe that you can do whatever you set your mind too.

  62. Nate Boyer is different in that he makes his dreams become a reality. I believe that every person has what Nate has, it’s called determination. You have to be determined in order to make your dreams come true. To harness it, you have to have a thing called willpower. Your will and determination will determine whether or not you will be able to do things.

  63. He has the drive to do anything he sets his mind to, unlike many people he sticks to it and doesn’t give up.
    I think everyone has it in them but its only certain people who find it.

  64. I believe what makes Nate different from others is that he is always determined to his best, he was kind-hearted never let the bad news bring him down and he would never complain about the conditions of something. I do believe we all have it inside us to find it we have to let it overcome and to want to have that experience, and to harness it you have to be willing to give it your all and dedication.

  65. Many people are like Nate but not all could accomplish the goal they set out for themselves. Nate did everything in his power to do what he wanted to do. I don’t know if I can accomplish a goal of mine. I could never just stay with one goal I back out of it when I’m halfway there.

  66. Nate Boyer is one of those rare kinds of people. What I mean by he is a rare kind of person is that he won’t give up on his goals. No matter who or what people say he won’t let words interfere with what he wants to accomplish. For an example Nate had gotten cut from the team but he still worked hard to be what he wanted to be and that was a long snapper in the NFL

  67. Nate is much more different than anyone else because although he knew he would get rejected for the NFL for MULTIPLE reasons, he still tried. He never gave up no matter what. He didn’t let someones opinion stop him from doing what he wanted. I do believe I have the same strength within me to keep going just like he did. My parents struggled to get through high school, never carried on an education which makes me even MORE likely to do the same. Here I am about to graduate early and start college in 4 months. You harness this within you with tons and tons of failure. You must fail to succeed, you must feel failure to strive for greatness.

  68. Nate Boyer never gives up on his goals. He doesn’t let anyone or anything affect what he wants and is set out to achieve. He is very determined. I think that we all have that inside of us, we just tend to give up easier than Nate does. We usually back out of the goals that we have when we come across a situation that is too hard, unlike Nate Boyer.

  69. I believe that the characteristic that most separates Nate Boyer from others is his empathy for other cultures. Nate realizes that others in this world need so much more than others and is willing to help. Through his help he has realized that working to compete in the NFL is much less difficult than previous things he has done, which makes him work much harder for his position.
    I feel that I have the empathy for others as well which makes the difficult things in everyday life easier. The issues I deal with are very small compared to what others go through, realizing this it makes them easier to deal with.

  70. Nate Boyer is one of those people that every employer, coach of any kind would love to have representing them. He represents the country with honor by fighting for us and always giving his all no matter what the task is.

    I do feel that I will be able to accomplish my goals in life, I just have to give everything I have and spend my extra time learning on what it is I have to do to achieve it.

  71. Something that separates Nate Boyer from others is his will to keep going, or his grit. He just kept going and is more determined than a lot of people. I believe that everyone has that in them, but you must find it within your self and harness it because it is very rare to be that determined and have that much grit inside of you.

  72. Nate Boyer is different from the others because he’s fighting for his country meanwhile in the spare time he’s playing college football for Texas then goes to the NFL and plays for the Seattle. No i don’t think i have it in me to do what Nate Boyer does.

  73. Nate Boyer is a kind of guy that is about to believe in himself, in his goals, in our country. He know the importance and what it means to serve our country. On the side he also has goals for himself. He knows that he can achieve them and has a confidence like no other. He pushes himself to succeed, even though he may not be the fastest or biggest player on the team. Yes, I believe that everyone has it, somewhere deep down inside them to push themselves and work as he does. You just have to find it and use it to help you succeed.

  74. 1. Nate Boyer is unique because he shows a determination of reaching his goals and works hard to achieve them but even after reaching his goals he finds ways to help others.
    2. I believe that everyone has it in them yet some people (including myself) struggle with tapping into that kind of self motivation it takes to succeed like Nate Boyer.

  75. What separates Nate Boyer from others is that he won’t give up on his goals, he didn’t let anyone or anything in the way of what he wanted to accomplish. He didn’t get cut from the team because he worked hard from watching videos and practicing to snap. He was also one of the 11 of the about 100 people to make it past the training for the military.
    I do believe i have it inside of me and to find it i think i’m to have to fail but keep trying and in that process I will find it and to harness it i will have to keep doing whatever it is.

  76. 1.) Nate Boyer was very determined and very gritty who has so much in him that many people in America doesn’t have .

    2.) I don’t know for sure however I might have that determination that Nate has.

  77. 1)Nate Boyer is different from others because he wont give up and he is determined.

    2)yes I believe I have it in me but I still need to find it

  78. The thing that seperates Nate Boyer from others is his grit.
    I do believe I have grit in me. I can find it and harness it by setting goals and not giving up on them until I acomplish them. Once I acomplish them I will set more goals.

  79. Nate Boyer thinks about the positives and doesn’t let anything phase him. He works harder and is more determined to do things than other people.

    I believe I have some of what he has in me, but not close to the level that he has. I am determined to do things that are hard, and to push through what is painful. Nate Boyer is on a whole different level and pushes harder than most people.

  80. Nate Boyer was very determined and wanted to get things done. He never stopped believing in himself and never gave up even when things were hard for him. He was driven to learn how to be a long snapper and came back to try outs and did just that. Yes I do believe that I have it in me to achieve my goals, and be the person I want to be. How to find it would be when I am struggling with something to keep pushing myself and finding out what it is I need to work on.

  81. Everyone should strive to be like Nate Boyer. His passion, determination, and love for his country and the game of football stand out among everything else. When something stands between him and his goal, the man never gives up. He reflects true GRIT and people these days need to follow his footsteps. I strongly believe that I possess the same character and determination as Mr. Boyer. When I want something badly, I grind it out and never give up whether it be sports, academics, or other aspects of life. I found it inside me in 7th grade when my life changed.

  82. The thing that sets Nate Boyer apart from the rest of us is his perspective. He obviously displayed uncharacteristic amounts of drive and determination to work his way into the special forces so fast, but it was in the Middle East where he gained his perspective. When he was over there, he learned how to appreciate life more than any of us ever will unless our circumstances change dramatically. He saw how other people live, and it made him thankful for all of the blessings that most of us take for granted. He knows what real problems look like so he will never complain about something stupid. Nate Boyer has the perspective that none of us will be able to achieve unless we throw ourselves into a situation similar to the one Boyer threw himself into.

  83. 1.) Nate Boyer is a real leader when it comes to showing good character. He has the bravery to go fight for his country and not many other football players would do the same because a lot of them stay for the money and for the game. He is a very strong man both physically and mentally. He is truly a role model for many people who know who he is.

    2.) I feel like I do have that same person in me because I feel the pain that people in other countries go through. Me coming from a country that’s corrupt and that has poor economy I would want to help anyone in need and to serve my country.

  84. At the age of 21 Nate Boyer, like many young adults, had not discovered his purpose in life. He was an unemployed actor, but made a life changing decision to serve his country. After serving for 5 years he chose college as his next step. Now at the age of 34 he has gone on to sign a contract to play professional football. Few years before all this happened he had little experience in the position he would go on to play. What he does have a great mentality and will to learn.

  85. 1. What separates Nate Boyer from others is the drive that he has. I’ve never met a person that is willing to work as hard as this man especially when everyone doubts him. He never gives up and that’s not true for a majority of people.
    2. I believe that I have the same mindset to an extent. Unlike him, I only have it for certain things like school or sports. In order for me to harness the positiveness that he has, I usually have to be very passionate about that activity or thing. Me being passionate helps me drive towards my goals.

  86. Nate was a man who was highly determined to reach his goals, and he did so with no excuses. No matter how tough the fight or how hot the day nate mad sure he set his goals as high as he could and always moved to succeed. I also think i have the spark that makes someone as determined and focused as nate. The best way in my opinion to harness that spark is to stay focused on your goals never back down and to strive for greatness in every aspect and challenge in life.

  87. Nate Boyer is different because he works hard for things he wants. If he didn’t work hard and went to the open practice Nate wouldn’t have made the team.

    Yes I believe i have it inside me. I believe every one has it inside them and to harness it we just need to work hard once and see the advantages that come from it and we all will harness it.

  88. What makes Nate different from others is whatever he puts his mind to he does he is also fighting for are country while playing college football. I do ,think I will be able to do what I want in life.

  89. Nate Boyer has a great attitude towards everything, and doesn’t let anything phase him. He also works hard in almost, if not everything he does, or attempts.

    I feel like i have a little of what Nate has, not nearly as much as he does though. I will try to do my best in most things i try, because why would you try and do bad in things you attempt. But Nate is rare because of his accomplishments in life, and one day i am hoping to achieve his attitude.

  90. Nate Boyer was very determined, he worked hard everyday and never gave up on his goals. He shows a great amount of grit in what he has done with being one of the 11 men to become a Green Beret, and then going back to school and working hard to become a long snapper for the Texas Longhorns. I think I have grit in me and that everyone does, it is just a matter of finding it and using it when you are struggling. To find it you just can’t give up, and keep pushing through.

  91. Nate Boyer is more determined than most people. He will never give up. After he reaches a goal he does not stop pushing himself, he sets a new goal and pushes himself in different ways. Nate is a strong leader and a positive role model for everyone. However, is he really that different? Nate might come off as being different form the rest of us but he is just a normal guy. The only difference is that most of us have not made the decision to push ourselves the way Nate does.

  92. What separated Nate others was his determination and his want to do good. Nate saw that others were struggling in Africa so decided that he was going to make a change for the good and when he was long snapping no team wanted but he kept working hard to achieve his goal. Yes I think I have what he has I’ve just got know how to use it for my success and grit.

  93. Nate Boyer is different than most people, he has a positive outlook on life, not many people do. Once he sets goals he is determined to complete the goals no matter what it takes. He is also a lot different than most football players most of them are in it for the money but hes in it to play, not many football players can say that. Even when hes out fighting for his country he still makes time to achieve his goal to become something he really had no chance to become. I believe he is a true role model for others. If anyone has the right mindset I believe anyone can achieve what they want in life, so yes I believe I can have the same mindset and achieve my goals in life just like Nate Boyer did.

  94. 1. Nate Boyer is very determined and is a real leader at the age of 21 Nate had not yet saw the purpose in life, he was unemployed but then soon decided to serve for his country, he then went to college and now plays professional football. Nate Boyer is truly a role model and has such a positive attitude towards a lot.

    2. I do believe I have determination in me and a positive attitude but not as high of a level as Nate Boyer

  95. Nate Boyer is different from everyone else he has the determination and the mindset that a lot of people don’t have

    I believe I have the power to do much more , I find it and harness it by thinking if my role models were there watching and I would want to impress them.

  96. Nate Boyer has something that most don’t, and shows it. It’s leadership and great attitude. Nate works hard, sets and achieves his goals. I believe everyone has what it takes to become a leader and have good attitude, we just have to find it.

  97. Nate Boyer stood out among all the others because of his determination and his drive to reach his goals and help other people. As hard as it was to handle being both a soldier and trying to make it into the NFL, he put aside all the negativity and put in the work to get to where he wanted to be where most people would’ve given up. I do think everyone has the same drive and determination as Nate, it just takes some people a little longer to find out what it is they want to use that drive for. I am a very determined person and i don’t let other people’s negativity get to me.

  98. Nate Boyer was described as an average child, however he turned out to be someone who is always determined to do his absolute best and someone who stays positive in rough situations. That’s what separates him from others.

    I believe I have little of what Nate has. I just need to be more determined and motivated.

  99. 1) What is it that separates Nate Boyer from others?
    Nate boyer wanted sucess more than other he was willing to go through the hard ships and put in over time for whatever it is he wanted to accomplish.

    2) Whatever it is, do you believe that you have it inside of you too? If so, how do you find it and harness it?
    I think everyone has it insisde them , some people are just willing to settle for whatever feels comfrontable. Only certain people will take that step out of their comfront zone to go above and beyoud for what that want. All you have to do to harness it is put in the extra work and want it more than others, and never give up on what it is you want to do.

  100. 1) nate boyer was positive and had his out look on his life 2)I think i have some what simularity with nate boyer because we are both always positive on everything and we always think outside the box

  101. 1) nate boyer was positive and had his own out look on his life 2)I think i have some what simularity with nate boyer because we are both always positive on everything and we always think outside the box

  102. [1. Nate hes a different man he has a stride for something. most kid in 2016 they dont care about of a lot of stuff besides there friends and iPhone. Nate on the other hand he has a passion too be the best he can be. he didit care if he was old and slow but he tryed to get drafted HE TRYED. a lot of kids in 2016 would just quit not Nate he keep pushing


  103. Nate Boyer had the odds stacked against him but wasn’t going to take no for an answer. He was a fighter and he believed that once he put his mind to something that he was going to work so hard to reach his goal that nothing could stop him. He didn’t care about his size, age, or inexperience. He believed in himself and used those things to motivate him even more. In my life there is always people that are going to doubt or hate on me. That just makes things more fun and makes me want to work harder because when those people get proved wrong, its just that much more sweet. There are always new challenges and I think fir me its just my competitive spirit that makes me want to be the best that I can be.

  104. Nate Boyer that he put in a lot of hard work to achieve his goals to get in the NFL. He joined the military after five years he went into the reserves and went to college in Texas. He went to Afghanistan in the summer and come back to Texas to play football. He was signed through free agents to the Seattle Seahawks to accomplish his goals.

  105. Nate Boyer had a big heart, and believed that he could accomplished anything he wanted, if he tried his hardest and put his heart into it. I believe that for myself if I want something enough I will try my hardest and not give up, but I have to have people that believe in me also.

  106. Nate Boyer had a big heart, and believed that he could accomplished anything he wanted, if he tried his hardest and put his heart into it. I believe that for myself if I want something enough I will try my hardest and not give up, but the struggle with that is trying to keep pushing myself and sometimes to find the motivation to do so.

  107. What is it that separates Nate Boyer from others
    What separates Nate Boyer is that he is a great leader. He made life changing decision to serve hi country. After serving his country he just went on with what was important to him. Choose college after serving 5 years. Now he signed a contract to play professional football. This is what makes Nate Boyer from others.

    2) Whatever it is, do you believe that you have it inside of you too? If so, how do you find it and harness it?
    I feel that I do have that the same person in me because other countries are suffering and I feel the pain. I would like to help other countries like Nate Boyer did

  108. Nate Boyer shows a incredible amount of perseverance and grit to every situation he has ran into in his lifetime. He served for his country at thee age of 24 until he was 29. Once he got back home he didn’t stop he got back to it and headed off to college. Here he played football and got a athletic scholarship. However he didn’t get the most play time but he did run the american flag out on every home game. He eventually went on to play in the NFL being one of the oldest drafted players in the NFL.

  109. 1. Nate Boyer has this inner fire in him that he won’t let die out. No matter what. He never loses it even when there are times where he could give up…he still doesn’t. It’s that inner “fire,” the strength, the determination that sets him apart from everyone else. He has so much passion and heart which is very rare to find in people nowadays.
    2. I belive that I do have the same quality that Nate has. It all starts with a good mindset and good character. It remains there when you set goals and work hard to acheive them.

  110. He has grit. He ant afraid to put time and effort into something he strongly believes in .
    I believe i do have grit because I never give up or let anyone tell me that i cant do something i know i can do

  111. 1. Nate Boyer doesn’t let the negatives in life get him down or let him give up on anything. He doesn’t let anything stop him from doing anything.
    2. I think that everyone has determination but some people don’t want to push thmesleves as hard enough as other people do.

  112. Nate Boyer is different from many people, but in a good way. He felt the need to help struggling African Americans across the country with normal household jobs or just working around the town. When liking it very much he decided to join the army and help with it more because that’s what he loved to do. In the summers he was in the military but then in the fall and part of winter he played football as a 29 year old at the University of Texas. While others at practice were saying it was too hot or they were tired, they remembered what Nate had just came from. I feel like anyone can do what Nate does but you have to have the heart like him. Whatever you start you are gonna finish it and never give up nor let up.

  113. Nate Boyer is different from other people because he has the drive to get things done. Once he sets his mind to something he doesn’t give up and doesn’t stop even after he has completed and achieved his goal. He just wants more.

    I believe that I have this inside myself as well because I have harnessed it before and I work my hardest to continue and move on towards my long-term goal everyday. For me to harness this however, I have to get into the right mindset for me too want to work as hard and as long as I can.

  114. 1. Nate Boyer is different from other because he has extreme amount of perseverance and grit. He always had a passion to strive to be better and the best he can be. Nate believed that he could do anything he put his mind to.
    2. I believe that I have some of the qualities that Nate does. All I need to do to find it is have a positive attitude and always strive to be the best I can be.

  115. Nate Boyer had more dedication and grind than most people and just wanted to do his best and no one could stop him and that is what separates him from most people I do believe it is in me I just have to try harder at what I do and do what I say i’m going to do.

  116. 1) What sets Nate aside from other people is the amount of stuff he has endured but yet is still willing to do more if it helps people. For him to come back from overseas and start training camp for college football the next day, is just extraordinary. He continues day after day to grind and grind and grind and is a huge role model and inspiration to people

    2) At this point in my life, I really don’t know yet. I feel like I am still growing as a person and am finding out who I really am and who I want to be.

  117. Nate Boyer is a hardworking individual who always strives to get better everyday. His positive attitude and determination makes him never give up on his goal even when the odds are not in his favor he pushes through it. He has and inner fire that sets him apart from others in the world. I am somewhat like Nate Boyer but not a lot. I push through things to accomplish my goal even when they are hard but Nate takes it to a whole other level above what I do.

  118. Nate Boyer shows grit and perseverance in every situation he has came to in his life. He was never going to give up on his goal and it’s the determination that sets him apart from every else around him. He served in the military in the summer and played at the University of Texas in the winter and later on signed a contract to play in the NFL. Nate just had a lot of passion in what he did and nowadays it’s hard to find that in other people.

  119. One thing that separates Nate is that he has some of the most grit I have seen from a person ever. He always has determination to finish what he started. He believes he can do anything so he can do anything. He isn’t the strongest, fastest, or biggest but, he has grit and a very positive attitude on everything in life.

    I believe I have a little compared to him because of playing three sports and managing school takes some grit and a good attitude. I believe that I can do anything I want to as long as I work hard enough now and as I get older.

  120. Nate Boyer is set apart from others because of his work ethic. Most people that would be put into his shoes would not put in the effort that he puts in each and everyday. He has a fire inside of him and he lets himself run with it without thinking of the negatives it may hold. I believe I am like Nate Boyer because I work hard but there are also times that I don’t because I think of the negatives. I can take hold of this action by not thinking of the negatives and just going with it.

  121. 1. What makes Nate Boyer different from the rest of us is his grittiness and his willingness to do something to help society.
    he believes in himself and believes that he can do something even if people say he can’t

    2. Yes i do believe that I have some of the same traits as Nate Boyer, When I want to get something done I usually am able to sit down and get it done. I believe that deep down everyone one has the grittiness that Nate has, they just need the right amount of character, confidence and a good attitude

  122. Nate Boyer stands out from everyone else because he has a loving heart that can never be crushed or destroyed. He has so much determination and mindset when doing things. He lets nothing stop him or break him, if he wants to do it, then he will do it.
    I think I am like him in the way of caring for others and to find it, you looks at other who are struggling and need help and you find it in your heart to do something about and help these people who need people like to you.

  123. 1.) Nate Boyer is different from others because he has the ability to try new things. His commitment, motivation and drive push him to do things that most people wouldn’t be able to do or even try. He cares about other people and their problems even if they don’t directly or effect him. He allows their problems to have an impact and has the drive to do something to help.

    2.) Nate Boyer did incredible things. I’m not dying I think I could be exactly like him but I believe I have some of “whatever it is Nate Boyer has in him”. In order to harness it you have to have perseverance. You can’t give up especially when ting get hard. Getting through the challenges and doing things people might not think you can do,and believing yourself and your abilities are a few tings I believe you can do to harness this quality.

  124. Most people just sit in their homes and feel sorry for what others around the world are going through. Nate Boyer actually left home and did something for those people instead of just feeling sorry for them. On top of joining the military he also participated in football. No matter how rough it got he kept going to accomplish his goals.

    I know I have what Nate has because it’s his choice to do more to enrich the present just like I have the choice to do more.

  125. What separates Nate Boyer from everyone else is the fact that he has the drive, passion, and heart to carry himself to the top, along the way he carries others, too. He does’t use greed or selfishness to climb his way up the ladder of success, he distributes kindness and love. Boyer helps others before he helps himself and that in itself separates himself from everyone else, his lack of selfishness.

    In some aspects I do believe that I have the same drive and passion as Boyer, but I need to work on always having that drive instead of once in awhile. I find that drive when I begin to succeed and it becomes my fuel to work even harder. But I should always have the drive and passion even when I am not succeeding.

  126. 1) What sets Nate Boyer apart from others is not is size, nor strength, nor skill, but his heart While most people would see the article on Sudan and think about how sad it is, Nate stands up; and takes action. He is determined to achieve his goals, and does whatever it takes to do so. His character is incredible, and he does what he feels is right, no matter the cost.

    2) I hope that I too can find and harness this level of character within myself. It starts by changing my attitude and understanding how fortunate I am. But that’s not all, I have to take it to the next level and help the unfortunate, as well as strive to achieve my goals in athletics, and in life.

  127. 1: Nate Boyer is a true patriot. When he’s not in school he is half way around the world serving his country. He does anything he can to help other country’s and his own.
    2: I’m not motivated like Nate but I do help out on a few farms and I am going into the military when I’m done with high school to serve my country and keep America free.

  128. What Nate Boyer has what most people don’t is the inner fire to help push him to succeed in accomplishing his goals no matter how many times he thought he should give up. No matter times he may have failed he always got back up. I do believe that I have that inner fire to push me to accomplish my goals. Like Nate, I will never give up on accomplishing my goals.

  129. The thing that sets Nate Boyer apart from others were his determination and perseverance. He felt that he had an obligation to help other people around him and by using his strong mindset he was able to achieve a lot of things that not only benefited himself and made him a successful person but his positive attitude also changed and influenced the people around him- which in turn inspired people like his coach and teammates.

  130. I believe that what sets Nate Boyer apart from post people was his ability to accomplish anything he put his mind to. He made his way to Sudan due to what he saw in a time magazine. After helping and serving there he decided he wasn’t doing enough to help his own country, so he join the Army. He was able to accomplish being a college football player while serving.

    I believe that most everyone has this ability but most people choose to suppress it and take an easier path, rather than enduring a little pain to do what is right. I believe that I have a small amount of this but I know that I can personally work on improving that part of my life.

  131. 1. He started off thinking, what could he make a difference in his life. Nate wanted to do something positive about his life, as he wouldn’t give up. He had many goals and he had determination to the end.

    2. By trying certain goals, and being determined to finish the goals. Its about I AM going to do it, not can I do it.

  132. 1. Nate Boyer never quits. He believes that he can do anything you set your mind to.

    2. I believe that I have some of what he does to do what you set your mind to but not nearly the selflessness that he has deep inside of him.

  133. Nate Boyer was determined to help others and do things better. He wants to make a change and does what is important to him. I believe that if I really tried I could be just as determined as Nate Boyer.

  134. 1. What separates Nate from others is his willingness to do. An example of this is how he was reading the magazine and saw how horrible it was over in Sudan so he booked a flight and went to help. Once seeing the pain and suffering he had a mindset that he was going to earn is right to complain and went to serve our country for some time.
    2. I believe that everyone has this inside of them but you need to take action and stop being selfish.

  135. What separates Nate from everyone else is he doesn’t allow himself to give up and have pitty for himself because someone else always has it worse so he must be grateful. I have not made an effort to fully have this attitude but I know everyone has it inside of them. You have to set goals past your limit and challenge yourself, if you work hard and believe you can you will.

  136. Nate Boyer has dedication, he had leadership, and he didn’t give up. I think that everyone has it inside them. I believe I have it. It is in there and it shows itself when I allow myself to stop worrying about what people may think. I just need to stop letting fear dictate it and I need to work hard to use it to not just set my goals but achieve them.

  137. 1. When Nate Boyer says he can do it it usually happens. Which states that he is a very determined person. Sadly there are not more people out there like him.
    2. I do think i have the same determination, but he has a little more than me. It all starts with a good attitude twords what you are working for.

  138. What separates Nate Boyer from others is his goals he wants to accomplish in life. When he was in the army, it separated him from his football team. When he then was in the football team, It separated him from his army team. He would just think about them.
    I don’t think I would be able to accomplish something so big like Nate Boyer, But id like to.

  139. 1) He never gives up and has a extremely positive attitude. He does what he wants, and will keep trying until he has accomplished that goal.

    2) I believe that I do have that to a certain degree. It starts with a good plan, and once you have your plan you start to work towards the end goal.

  140. 1.) A thing that separates Nate from any other person is that many others would have just sat there and said something along the lines of ,”Oh that sucks to be them” and take pity upon those people instead of trying to help them.

    2.) Yes, I do believe it is inside of me. One main way I think I can harness it is if I be kind to people and try to help others out

  141. 1. Nate Boyer never gave up and he put other people before himself. He worked hard in everything that he did for himself and for others even if the odds were against him.
    2. I believe that I have it inside me too. I think that anyone can find that determination by finding something that really motivates them to make a change.

  142. Nate Boyer was very selfless and hard working. He believed in himself that he could do whatever is coming his way and not complain about it. I believe that I it inside me too I just need to show it more.

  143. Nate Boyer is a very determined individual. He went from not knowing what he wanted to do in life, to being a great leader. Even though he is not known by everyone in the country like Abe Lincoln, he is a great leader because he is selfless. Many people can learn from Boyer, including myself. I do believe I have it within me, I just need to find it. My plan to find it is to focus on things I am passionate about by blocking out the little distractions. Once I have it, I’ll keep trying to better myself at whatever it is.

  144. Nate Boyer is very persistent. He’s someone who instead of giving up easily, he’s always looking for ways he can make a positive impact.

    Everyone has it inside of them. It’s just that not everyone is willing to put themselves on the line like that, not everyone is willing to put others before themselves, not everyone has that selflessness that Nate Boyer has. We can all have it inside of us, we all just have to put in the work. We all need to build good character and a good attitude.

  145. What seperates Nate Boyer from everyone else, is his determination. No was never the answer. He realized there was something he could do to not just benefit himself but other people. He worked hard to make sure other people were safe, he made sure other people had another chance at finding a way to make life better. What he did was rough but he knew in the end, it would make him better and he knew that he would have helped and changed the lives of others. I think I have the power inside of me to do it. I am willing to go above and beyond to help people and to show them there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I have the mindset and motivation to make sure I accomplish my goals. I want to achieve them. If one of my goals were to change and help the lives of others, it would be a goal I would never stop trying to achieve.

  146. The thing that separates Nate Boyer for other people is his selflessness. People always talk about how there needs to be change in the world and how they are going to help the world change but none of them actually do anything about it. Nate Boyer actually went out and made a change and I think that is what separates him from everyone else. I believe that everyone can be like Nate Boyer and everyone has it in them. To find it you need to realize that this world is a lot bigger than your city and what you see in the news is real, not just a story.

  147. Nate Boyer saw this magazine and was like wow this is what’s happening around us. Nate wanted to do something to help his country. He wouldn’t give up like allot of others did that’s grit.

    I believe I have good character and have grit.

  148. 1. I believe what separates Nate is that he gets up off the couch and follows his dreams. He did great things by helping others in need and serving our country.
    2. I feel that I have that the same feeling in me because other countries are suffering and I feel the pain. I would like to help other countries like Nate Boyer did

  149. Nate Boyer was a man that valued putting others in front of himself. He was truly selfless, and he was a harder worker than anyone else on his football team. He realized he wouldnt be the best athlete on the team, however he took pride in being the best he could be and giving himself the opportunity to succeed with dedication and perserverence.

    I definitely have what Nate has inside of him because I believe we have similar mentalities. Growing up, I was taught to take everything seriously and give it all you have. If you want to be successful, you can be successful, as long as you put in the effort to do so. I also try to focus on helping others before myself, because doing so I will find myself more accomplished knowing that I can help people other than myself.

  150. What separates Nate is that not only did he set goals and have high expectations for himself but he also did everything within his power to achieve them. He never let his determination subside, he kept going and fighting no matter what. He had grit. I believe that I do have this within me, I just don’t use nearly as much as Nate does. To harness all of it I think that I just need to change my mindset to fit his a little more.

  151. 1.Nate Boyer saw something that did not sit to well with him and confronted the problem right away. Unlike other people he did not give reasons why he could not do something, he felt strongly about.

    2. I believe i have it inside me too, by working hard and achieving my goal, i can be better equipped and have more git when tough decisions come up.

  152. Nate Boyer differs from many due to his character and attitude towards the world. He is able to put himself aside and care about others around him. He sought many different opportunities, even if he had no experience or any idea about what he was doing. Taking a risk in life can open many doors for you, as it did for him. His determination and mindset to be able to go through with the opportunities that open separates from most people because many lack this type of motivation.
    I have always tried to have an open minded mentality and kept looking for any doors that might open that could help me with my future goal. My future goal is to become a pediatrician, this way I am able to help people in this way, most specifically, children. I have started by taking classes in high school that will benefit me to continue to reach my goal, as well as attend special programs that will get me involved with a hospital environment,

  153. What separates Nate from others is that he has been through the worst and still has the attitude and determination to wake up everyday ready to do it over again. He believed he could do anything he wanted if he tried, and he would never quit. I believe everyone has a goal in life they would like to get to one day. I have not not gone through as nearly as enough as Nate, but I think to be able to harness any goal you have to be able to fail.

  154. Nate Boyer has determination, positive attitude and drive. He never took no for an answer, even with his inexperience that is what separates him from others. I believe I have all that inside me too. I think everyone does they just need to find determination and drive. Boyer is a true role model for everyone. Never give up on anything you want to do, there is always new challenges so in the end be the best person you can be.

  155. 1. Nate Boyer has this unlimited drive in him to do what he wants. He could have quit numerous times but still never did, it just shows us that you can strive for anything and if you work for it you can have it.
    2. My mindset is somewhat like Nates to a extent, When i really want to accomplish something and get it done i can get it done easily.

  156. Things that separate Nate Boyer from others is his heart. He is such a caring person that actually makes a difference. There are plenty of people in the world that want to help and make a difference but don’t do it. Nate Boyer actually does, he gets of his butt and help others out. And when he does goes to Africa and volunteers and feels like he didn’t do enough, that shows who he is, and what type of a person he is.

    I do believe that I have the same quality as Nate, I just have to show grit towards my goal. Everyone has the chance to do what Nate did. It all depends on how dedicated you are into helping others.

  157. Nate Boyer has a drive that pushes him further than most people are willing to go, and has a never give up, never quit attitude.
    I believe it is somewhere inside of me, I need to look within myself to find it, then use it.

  158. 1. Nate Boyer is determined and sees that he can always do more. Most people quit when times get tough but he won’t stop no matter what is thrown at him. He is a giver and not a taker.

    2. I think that I do have some of the same qualities as Nate. I don’t like to give up on things because what’s the point of starting it then? Once one thing is done I always ask what I can do after that.

  159. Nick is very outgoing, helpful, never gives uo and is also very determinded. these traits make him different than some others because of his dedication and heart.

    I think i have greatness is me and the only way to harness that is by being the best i can be

  160. Nate Boyer knew he was meant to do something but he never found out what until he saw the refugees in Africa that are suffering. Those pictures are what sparked his flame to do more in his life. He was determined about changing his life and other lives too.
    I feel like I could have that in me if I can find what sparks my flame, to find what I am passionate about.

  161. 1. Nate Boyer was very determined and had a great mindset. What makes him different from everyone else is his grit.

    2. Everyone has it inside of them, you just need to find good character and a good mindset and your on the way

  162. The thing that sets him apart from everyone else is how much grit that he has, he never gave up and always went after his goals till he reached them. Everyone has grit within them however he has found his drive and determination and took action because of it. That’s how everyone else can find there grit, take action if you want something don’t just sit and watch something happen if you don’t think it should. I think that I have grit most of the time or whenever I decide what I want to do.

  163. 1.) Nate Boyer earned the right to complain because he has been through it. He’s has a motivation like no other to get done what he wants done.

    2.) I feel like I don’t have that same motivation like he does to get done what you want to get done.

  164. Nate Boyer is different from others because he has overcome many obstacles, such as coming strait from Afganastain, to playing football in Texas. No I don’t think I have it in me.

  165. Nate never gives up when someone rejects him. He always pushes himself. He stands up for his country when some people are to scared too or they don’t think they can do it. Nate knows he can do anything he sets his mind too. I believe that too.

  166. 1.) Nate boyer didn’t let anything stop him he just kept going and had a positive look on life and never gave up no matter what.

    2.) I believe I do have the determination but not as much as Nate. Maybe not as much as him but all you can do is keep going and dont give up and you’ll get there.

  167. 1. I believe that Nate Boyer has a high determination level and never give up. He is much more reconignized from others is because he always keeps going and he KNOWS that he can do whatever he put his mind to and never set his eye off the goasl

    2. yes i believe i do have this determination as Boyer because of the type of focus i keep when striving to do things

  168. 1. What separates Nate Boyer from others is the fact that he never gives up he keeps going constantly. He has grit. He understands things and has seen things that many people have not and will never get the chance to. I for one would not be able to go out for football the day after I returned from training.

    2. I mean sure I have it inside somewhere, as with everyone else. I have to get my stuff together in order to harness it. As well as, someone with that much grit would need a sort of “awakening” in life. Something big would need to happen to me for me to be that disciplined.

  169. 1. What separates Nate Boyer from others is that he actually has the drive and the motive to keep pushing. He was part of the class of just 11 who passed the special forces training. He believes that you need to earn the right to complain, he felt bad about everything he has complained about, because of what the refugees had to endure.

    2. Everyone has the drive and motive, you just can’t let your mind hold you back, you can’t let what you think will happen cause you to not pursue your passion

  170. 1. Nate Boyer wanted to make a difference but with good reason. His reason was so that he can earn the right to complain! This means that if he goes out of his way to make a difference, he can earn respect to point out flaws of things that can be changed!
    2. I too believe that I can make some sort of significant difference. I don’t know what difference I can make yet, but i’ll find an answer someday. It might not be this week, or even this year, but i’ll make a difference someday!

  171. Nate always worked hard, never complained and always tried to help others when most people wouldn’t. I think if I work harder I am definitely capable of doing it.

  172. 1. The one thing that makes Nate Boyer different from others is that he wants to do what people don’t believe he can do.
    2. I don’t believe I have what he has, I can’t imagine doing everything he has done in his life and things he has overcame.

  173. What makes Nate Boyer different from others is that if there’s an obstacle in the way of the goal he is trying to reach, he is determined to get past it. No matter what he has to do. While other people might give up if they think the obstacle is too hard. Like Nate says in the video, “You can’t break me”. I believe I have it in me too. I think everyone does. You can harness it by ignoring all of the negative mental thoughts and just believe you can do whatever you set your mind to.

  174. he has the right to complain but i don’t because he got involved

    i do want to end up like him because i want to do good deeds for everyone in town

  175. Things that separate Nate Boyer from others is his attitude and heart . He is a person that will do anything for other people and his attitude towards life is that if you don’t you cant complain. He is a person that will do things to make a change.
    I do believe that I have the same heart as Nate but maybe not the same attitude. I have helped out the people in need before and put myself in the back of my mind and I would like to do it again. But I do complain even though I dont have the right to until I fulfill those deeds.

  176. Nate Boyer has the drive in him to go after what he believes and won’t stop until he is completely out of options. He is the type of person that would never give up. The determination and strength he has is way beyond what others would do because others give up when they think its to hard and can’t do anything else.
    I believe I have it inside of me. I have the determination I just need more, more drive, more strength. I just need to be able to have the right mind set that’s how I will grab it and reach it.

  177. I like how humble and caring he is. He cares about others even if they are not apart of our country. I find it amazing how he still has an amazing positive attitude after going and fighting for our country and then coming back a day before training camp. Some people can’t even come back from fighting for our country normal, with a positive attitude, but he came back 100% normal and played football. There’s a lot of things different from this person and I, but one thing I can say I have in common is staying humble about all of your blessings. You should always be humble even if you have more then the person that always brags and is cocky, because it sets a good example for others and no person is better then someone else no matter what you have.

  178. Nate Boyer did not care if he would be the greatest at his position, all he did was work hard to become the best in his mind. When he put his mind to it, he was going to complete his job, and he never gave up. Nate did not know how to deep snap in the beginning, and at the end, he ended up as the deep snapper for the Seahawks. You can do anything you want to do, you just have to believe in yourself and never stop working at it.

  179. 1)I see Nate Boyer different from others because he has such a positive attitude and is always looking to get better in everything he does. That is rare for people in America because everyone has become soft and lazy.

    2)I think I have it in me to be such a positive person. To be able to find it you have to find something that you are passionate about, and if you want to get good at it you have to put your mind before your body. Your body is going to tell you to quit but your mind can tell your body what to do. You just have to be passionate about what you are doing. Stick with it.

  180. Nate Boyer was determined to do what he desired, to help people in Sudan. He set a goal and he accomplished it, he fought for people who couldn’t fight for themselves. He also decided to join the NFL, and although he didn’t get to play much he still had the opportunity to bring the flag onto the field. Yes I believe I can, if I find what ever I desire to do and set a goal to accomplish it.

  181. 1. What separates Nate from the others is the fact that he does not see any situation as impossible and his attitude is positive coming into them.

    2. Yes, I believe we all have the power to be determined and achieve major goals but the thing most people lack is drive. You need to be more persistent and simply give it your all which is always more than you think.

  182. 1. Nate Boyers passion and grit for what he does separates him from others. He doesn’t give and complain. When he sees a problem he doesn’t just stare at it, he does what he can do and helps.
    2. I believe that I do have it inside me. I might not have it as much as he does but I have a good attitude and will always be positive.

  183. What seperates Nate Boyer from everyone else, is his determination. No was never the answer. He realized there was something he could do to not just benefit himself but other people. He worked hard to make sure other people were safe, he made sure other people had another chance at finding a way to make life better. What he did was rough but he knew in the end, it would make him better and he knew that he would have helped and changed the lives of others. I think I have the power inside of me to do it. I am willing to go above and beyond to help people and to show them there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. I have the mindset and motivation to make sure I accomplish my goals. I want to achieve them. If one of my goals were to change and help the lives of others, it would be a goal I would never stop trying to achieve.

  184. 1.) Nate Boyer earned the right to complain because he has been through it. He’s has a motivation like no other to get done what he wants done.

    2.) I feel like I don’t have that same motivation like he does to get done what you want to get done.

  185. 1. Nate Boyer was very determined and had so much grit. He never gave up, he perservered and has so much strength. That is what set him apart from everyone else.
    2. I do believe I have the same qualiy as Nate. I know I have it inside of me but I also think I have more of it not yet discovered. I have to have a good growth mindset. Once I have that growth mindset, I can do anything and everything I set my mind to.

  186. 1. Nate boyer has determination and has high goals for himself and wants to help others set their own goals.
    2. I believe I have it inside of me too, id like to help other people who are suffering to make a better change like Nate did.

  187. 1. Nate Boyer is very determined in what he does and he sets high goals that he is able to achieve.

    2. I do believe I have it inside of me. I can discover it by setting goals and having a open mindset to new ideas.

  188. 1.Nate is a hard working, strong minded human being who always gubes his all and is passionate in everything he does
    2. I do believe I have it in me. I have to put my heart and mind to it and always preparing to reach my goals

  189. 1.Nate is a hard working, strong minded human being who always gubes his all and is passionate in everything he has done and will do.
    2. I do believe I have it in me, I have to put my heart and mind to it and always preparing to reach my goals.

  190. Nate Boyer actually strives to do things and is committed. He didn’t just look at the pictures, he went to where those pictures were being taken and decided to help.

    I will be like Nate by getting up and being committed to what I want to do.

  191. Q1. Nate Boyer was willing to fight for foes who couldn’t fight for themselves he loved the idea of protecting people. Nate didn’t complain about how much time it took to succeed or accomplish what he wanted he just went for it and believed in himself.

    Q2. Yes I do believe I have that, the way I can find it is by trying hard and having a positive mind

  192. 1.Nate was determined to make change and to inspire others. Many said he was average or couldn’t do it because he was “Too small.” I believe that I have the power to make people think of me so much more

    2. I feel like I have it in me I just need to find it and once I do I need to run with it.

  193. Nate Boyer was a determined American. When he joined the army he was commited and did not give up no matter what stood in his way

  194. Nate Boyer went into war and helped people when they couldn’t. He helped instead of just listening to what was happing on the news.

    I think it is in me too, I will do something for others when they can’t.

  195. 1) Nate has that extra drive that others dont have. He knows what he wants and gives everything he has to meet the goals he has.

    2)I believe everyone has it and to harness it have to just mentally, physically, and emotionally give everything I got.

  196. The thing that Nate Boyer has that has allowed him to succeed is his ability to adapt and his mindset to go after anything he wants. I believe that possess these two attributes however not to Mr Boyers level. The ability to adapt and go after anything you want is essential because you will be able to change according to what your goals are.

  197. What separates Nate Boyer from everyone else is his drive and motivation to accomplish goals he has set for himself. Most people create goals but lack the drive to fulfill them. I do think I can have a similar drive that Nate Boyer posesses when I put my mind to what I want to accomplish.

  198. What sets Nate apart is his positivity. Although he was told many times that he wouldn’t make it, he persued his goals with a positive attitude.

  199. I believe that I do have positivity, but it struggles to show through. I think by others showing a positive attitude around me, I am able to express mine.

  200. I believe what makes Nate different compared to a regular teenager is that he went out and did what he wants to do instead of siting around wishing they could do it.

    I think that I have what he has to a certain extent. I have something that I could easily let it put me down and make me say I wish I could but instead, each day I practice everyday to get better and better. Now I can do things that I never thought I would have been able to do.

  201. I think what separates Nate from everyone else is his personality and determination to do things. Nate and had dreams and he fulfilled them. He also follow what he wanted to do and his heart set him out to do.
    I think I have some of the determination that Nate does but not all of it because he went out of his comfort zone to go out of this country and fight for us and risk his life for us. He also jumped around from job to job and tried new things and I don’t know if I’d be very good at going from job to another job every few months or so. I find it in what I do everyday and how I go about my day and what attitude I put into my day.

  202. Nate Boyer has a drive and determination that most people can’t even touch. He has a growth mentality meaning he always thinks he can improve and learn new things. He never thinks his is stuck where he is. Nate always expand himself as well. He decided to go to Africa, and join the military, and play football collegiatly and professionally. He is always trying something new. He sets goals and there is not doubt that he will not achieve whatever he sets his mind to. Nate also has a heart for others which not everyone possess. He is willing to risk his life to save other which really says something about his personality. Nate is a special person and I wound never doubt where he will go in the future.

    I would say that like Nate I am very determined my I don’t achieve my goals like he did. I tend to get discouraged when things don’t go as planned but I’m learning that failures are necessary for success and you have to learn from them instead of dwelling on the past. I would say that I am trying to become more like Nate. I’m learning to have a growth mindset all the time and that there is not limit if you set your mind to a goal but it is easier said than done. I would say that like Boyer I’m a very hard worker and when someone doubts me I use that as fuel to work ever harder. I can learn from Nate and try to emulate that way never gives up no matter how hard life gets.

  203. 1) What separates Nate Boyer from everyone else is the determination he had. He worked hard, found his purpose, set goals, and made them happen. He never gave up!
    2) I believe that I have determination in me. I’m the one to set long-term goals and achieve them, whether I succeed or not.

  204. Where did nate go to Elementary school? Mita Vista, Madera, Harding?
    No one is from El Cerrito! That’s a magical hill I’m proud to say I was born and raised on!