Terms of Service

Character Development and Leadership is a Michigan-based company that provides two programs to develop the character and leadership of secondary students. The first is a Classroom Curriculum, which is avialble in an online format and in a traditional format. The second is the Student Athlete Program, which is available via our app. These programs are recognized as Social Emotional Learning Curricula. Dr. Joe Hoedel is the CEO of this company and the author of these programs.

  • Our contracts are with individual schools, not with districts. Thus, our prices are based on an individual school purchasing our products and services, which are not meant to be shared from school to school.
  • If a school purchases the traditional classroom curriculum with teacher manuals, textbooks and workbooks, these materials are meant for that particular school, not to be copied or given to other schools. If more than one teacher is teaching this material, additional manuals must be purchased for their use, unless otherwise agreed to by the author.
  • The materials for the traditional curriculum can be used over and over again, year after year. However, the online curriculum and the Student Athlete Program require an annual liscence that runs from the beginning of the school year (usually August) thru the end of the school year (ususally June). Each year, a “returning school” will have to submit a new order to utilize these online programs again. Schools will not be allowed to purchase a year license in January for second semester and then utilize the program for the first semester of the next school year, unless otherwise agreed to by the author.
  • To gain access to the online curriculum or the Student Athlete Program, we send school staff a roster to fill out. When this is submitted, we upload it into the system and return the completed roster to the school staff. Teachers and staff on that roster now have access to the respective program. If drops or adds are needed, school staff will make those changes to that roster and we will upload those changes to the system, again returning the updated roster. On or about June 20th of each year, we delete all existing roster data, which means that “returning schools” will have to submit a new order and a new roster to gain access to the online materials.
  • While we have a successful 20+ year track record with 3,000+ schools using our programs, and we strive to improve our programs each year, we can make no promises that this will work for your individual school. Thus, we do not provide a money back guarantee or a return policy. If a school provides a purchase order, schools are legally responsible to pay for those ordered materials, whether staff decides to use them or not.


Dr. Joseph M. Hoedel, CEO
Character Development and Leadership
7752 Clearwater Court
Williamsburg, MI 49690