I participated fully (10/10) in my school’s online learning plan because it was my self-expectation to continue on. I also usually enjoy school and the concept of learning new things, so for a time as uncharted and uneventful as quarantine at home, learning gave me an opportunity of escape and growth.
10 – I made sure to keep up with my school work and my assignments because I knew that it would pay off when colleges viewed my second semester junior year grades. I want to get into my dream school and I don’t want to jeopardize my chances by slacking off just because my home may pose more distractions.
10 – I made sure to keep up with my school work and my assignments because I knew that it would pay off when colleges viewed my second semester junior year grades. I want to get into my dream school and I don’t want to jeopardize my chances by slacking off just because my home may pose more distractions.
I would give myself a 10 because I attended all of my live classes, and completed my homework before it was due. I fully participated in classes and I would ask my teacher questions when I didn’t understand something.
I give myself a 10 because I always participated in my online learning classes. Setting alarms before the start of class, staying organized , and getting ahead on my work kept me on track and engaged.
I would give myself a 10 on this scale because I participated in all of my online classes, whether this be submitting pictures of my assignments, online documents, or attending live classes. During this time I was also able to restructure my organization to result in a much more productive schedule and learning process.
I would give myself a 10 because I was always on time for my zoom meetings, set alarms, turned in assignments on time, and kept a positive attitude through it all.
I would give myself a 10 because I would always get on my zooms and would always turn in my work on time. Sense it was online I did have to make some adjustments of my environment so that I feel comfortable in where I am and that I would get my work done.
I would give myself a 10 because I knew I had to participate in order to keep up my normal routine in school. I also enjoy learning new things and getting an opportunity to go to school.
7- i did all my work for every class, sense it only took like 45 minutes a week. But there was this one class i had no idea what to do so i just skipped that class.
i would grade myself a 5 because i only did it for like two classes because the rest of my grades were already A’s or a little bit higher. So i didn’t feel like i needed to get my other grades up
i would grade myself a 5 because i only did it for like two classes because the rest of my grades were already A’s or a little bit higher. So i didn’t feel like i needed to get my other grades up
I think I did very well. Some of my classes I ended up with over 100%. Although some of my classes I didn’t feel the need to do some of the assignments because I already had a very high grade. I would rate myself a 7.
9 because I participated the same amount as I would have during in person school however the learning process wasn’t as rigorous so I did not study as much as usual.
6 because I did my mandatory work but I did not make an effort to learn anything. If I knew something was completion then I just wrote down answers with little effort.
I would say a 10, I realized that my time during home would still be part of school. I created a schedule and focused on my future goals/ careers. I think I became very motivated because I knew I had everything to lose.
9: I participated in online learning to the best of my ability, however, there was a small lack in focus because of the loss of the school environment.
9: I did well in school, completed all my work and got good grades but I didn’t put as much effort into my assignments as I would in school since the assignments were way easier.
Personally I would rank my participation on the “learn from home” plan as a 9. Everyday I worked my hardest to complete all assignments and emailed my teachers if I had questions. I followed my normal actions as much as possible to simulate as if I was still in school.
10 because my grades still counted so I had to give my best effort.
10 because I knew that I had to hold myself to the same standard as I would if we were in normal school.
8 because while yes I did participate and get good grades, I still feel like I didn’t do more than just school and be productive
10 because i made sure i continued to do my work and i made sure when i needed help i would make sure to contact my teachers
10 – I’ve done all work that’s been assigned
A 10 cause we still had to do all the work to get a good grade.
10 I have done everything that was asked of me
3- I’ve been getting most of work that’s needed to be done
I’ve been doing my work.
10 because I liked doing this better actually than going to school.
9- I have done almost all my assignments.
10, ive done the mandatory and optional work
10- I’ve done all my work and had the opportunity to get ahead.
7 -I have completed almost all my assignments
6-i have completed most of my assignments
I am a 10 because I do all my work and have continued to learn new subjects and understand them.
3-i’v been doing some of my work that was asked
9 , there are a lot of classes and work to keep count of. For the most part i complete all of my work.
9 – I have done a huge majority of my assignments
6- i have done a a little over half of my assignment
9 – i completed all my assignments but did not attend all zoom or lives
10- I took all my classes seriously and I went to ever meeting and took the opportunity to not have any distractions.
10- I did all my work and everything I was asked of.
9 because I completed most of my assignments and attended zoom meetings, but sometimes I’d forget about a class and have to do makeups later.
9 just because we aren’t in school don’t mean that we should stop learning
8 – I completed almost all the assignments but I missed one or two
8 because i’ve done the majority of my work but sometimes missed a couple
I participated fully (10/10) in my school’s online learning plan because it was my self-expectation to continue on. I also usually enjoy school and the concept of learning new things, so for a time as uncharted and uneventful as quarantine at home, learning gave me an opportunity of escape and growth.
10 – I made sure to keep up with my school work and my assignments because I knew that it would pay off when colleges viewed my second semester junior year grades. I want to get into my dream school and I don’t want to jeopardize my chances by slacking off just because my home may pose more distractions.
10 – I made sure to keep up with my school work and my assignments because I knew that it would pay off when colleges viewed my second semester junior year grades. I want to get into my dream school and I don’t want to jeopardize my chances by slacking off just because my home may pose more distractions.
8-I tried but I could have done better
we should take each day day by day because changes happen quickly and we can’t get too attached to a new change because it may go back to its old way
5- I got the work done but sometimes I was confused and didn’t feel like my questions were being answered
I would give myself a 10 because I attended all of my live classes, and completed my homework before it was due. I fully participated in classes and I would ask my teacher questions when I didn’t understand something.
10: For me, school still counted like normal, so I couldn’t afford to not participate. I had to give it my best shot.
I give myself a 10 because I always participated in my online learning classes. Setting alarms before the start of class, staying organized , and getting ahead on my work kept me on track and engaged.
I would give myself a 10 because I constantly worked hard and kept organized throughout this hard time by organizing my work with my schedule.
I would give myself a 10 on this scale because I participated in all of my online classes, whether this be submitting pictures of my assignments, online documents, or attending live classes. During this time I was also able to restructure my organization to result in a much more productive schedule and learning process.
i would say a 9 because everything we had was basically extra credit so nothing hurt against your grade.
I would give myself a 10 because I was always on time for my zoom meetings, set alarms, turned in assignments on time, and kept a positive attitude through it all.
For me I participated 10/10. I am always focused on the best grade that I can get so anything extra helped.
I would give myself a 10 because I would always get on my zooms and would always turn in my work on time. Sense it was online I did have to make some adjustments of my environment so that I feel comfortable in where I am and that I would get my work done.
10, I logged into every zoom call i had
I would give myself a 10 because I knew I had to participate in order to keep up my normal routine in school. I also enjoy learning new things and getting an opportunity to go to school.
10 because I knew I would have to do the work in order to keep my routine, and I enjoy learning new things.
10- I worked really hard to stay on top of assignments and put all my effort into everything I did.
10- i participated and was present in class
I would give myself an 8 because I turned in my assignments and went to class but I didn’t pay attention all the time.
10 because I still wanted my grades to be good, so I put in my best effort.
10 our school has continued the year with half capacity in school each day and the other half at home online
i would give myself a 9/10 because i did participate a lot but i don’t think as much as i should
7- i did all my work for every class, sense it only took like 45 minutes a week. But there was this one class i had no idea what to do so i just skipped that class.
5- i don’t focus as well as i do in school so it was hard for me to do and keep concentrated on.
I would say probably about a 4. Out of school learning wasn’t really easy to stay focused and wasn’t as strict as normal.
6- I did the work in the classes I needed improvement in
makes me wanna work harder
7- I do better in school but it worked out online
i would grade myself a 5 because i only did it for like two classes because the rest of my grades were already A’s or a little bit higher. So i didn’t feel like i needed to get my other grades up
i would grade myself a 5 because i only did it for like two classes because the rest of my grades were already A’s or a little bit higher. So i didn’t feel like i needed to get my other grades up
10 – i made sure to work hard in quarantine and complete all my work to the best of my ability.
I would give myself an 8 b/c I only gave effort in classes that I thought mattered, but still got everything done.
I would give myself a 9 because I still got good grades and did my work but sometimes was not paying attention during the class.
My grades still counted and I tried to do my best with online school. I give myself a 10
I worked hard at school still and my grades improved I’d give myself a 10.
8 because I did all the mandatory work with full effort but I didn’t participate in the synchronous learning as much as I could.
I’d rate myself a 10 I did my assignments and got good grades
I think I did very well. Some of my classes I ended up with over 100%. Although some of my classes I didn’t feel the need to do some of the assignments because I already had a very high grade. I would rate myself a 7.
9 because I participated the same amount as I would have during in person school however the learning process wasn’t as rigorous so I did not study as much as usual.
6 because I did my mandatory work but I did not make an effort to learn anything. If I knew something was completion then I just wrote down answers with little effort.
I would say that I was a 10. My grades continued to be the same as before and, while it was an adjustment, I was still able to participate in class.
I would say a 10, I realized that my time during home would still be part of school. I created a schedule and focused on my future goals/ careers. I think I became very motivated because I knew I had everything to lose.
10 – I turned in all my work on time, participated in class, and still tried my best on everything
10 because i knew that i had to set my standards the same as if i were in regular in class learning.
9 because I did well on homework and quizzes but i didn’t feel like i put forth as much effort as if i would if i was in school.
9: I participated in online learning to the best of my ability, however, there was a small lack in focus because of the loss of the school environment.
10. Our grades still counted from at home so I had to keep working hard
I would say a 10 because I was working constantly and went on all the zooms and paid attention
9 because i did all i was told and i tried to work ahead as much as i could.
9 because i did all that i was told and i tried to work ahead.
10 because i did all that i was told and i tried to work ahead.
10 because i did all that i was told and i tried to work ahead, and i made it to 99% of all the zooms.
9: I did well in school but I didn’t put as much effort into the assignments since they were a lot easier online.
9: I did well in school, completed all my work and got good grades but I didn’t put as much effort into my assignments as I would in school since the assignments were way easier.
Personally I would rank my participation on the “learn from home” plan as a 9. Everyday I worked my hardest to complete all assignments and emailed my teachers if I had questions. I followed my normal actions as much as possible to simulate as if I was still in school.
8- because i did a lot last minute but i had it on time and i joined every zoom call
10, because of my grades
I would give myself a 10 because I continuously work hard and kept organized throughout this hard time by organizing my work with my schedule.
10 because I knew that I had to hold myself to the same standard as I would if we were in normal school.