this connects to pat tillman because he was brave and these two were also brave and just trying to save people this is also sacrifice because they sacrificed there lives to save otherrs
Even when you don’t know anyone you can still be a nice person to others. They risked their own lives for someone they didn’t even know which means a lot.
My response to this story is that some people may not be nice or cool but is dose not matter you should help people out even if you don’t like them or if they don’t like you. My other response about this story is to always trust you in stinks about something if it dose not fell right or good just get help if needed.
they had very good tolerance and bravery to go help that man
the two boys had tolerance because they went to help a man in need of saving.
they had very good actions because in reality who will run in a burring house to save someone
this connects to pat tillman because he was brave and these two were also brave and just trying to save people this is also sacrifice because they sacrificed there lives to save otherrs
he sacrificed his own life to save anothers.
they sacrificed their lives for another person.
They sacrificed their safety to save a man for a fire.
This was a pretty good story because it demonstrates sacrifice from one person to save the life of another person while risking their life.
These two people had the courage to possibly sacrifice their lives so that they could save someone even though they could die.
these two felt like they had to do something to help the person stuck in the fire.
that is responsibility.
After saving that man’s life, that man now has a lot of trust in them and at least a little bit of loyalty to them.
This represents compassion because the people around the community showed compassion for saving the man’s life
With all the tragedy in the news, it is great to see examples that true heroes do still exist. Thank you for your inspiration Marcus and Tre.
They had some good tolerance and they were brave enough to help the man.
they were very loyal to be able to save that person.
The two boys had enough courage and bravery to save the man that was inside the burning house.
they had very good tolerance and bravery to go help that man and i agree
the lesson you learn is if no one else is helping youy should go and help them because you might save their life
Even when other people are standing around not doing anything you should always step in and help people.
Marcus and Tre wanted to save the man in the house. They were not gonna give up until they got him.
Even though you don’t know them you should at least help. They had very good actions to help the man.
Even when you don’t know anyone you can still be a nice person to others. They risked their own lives for someone they didn’t even know which means a lot.
The 2 guys had a lot of courage going into the burning house of a man that they didn’t know and saved his life.
they had the courage to save the man and sacrifice their own lives.
To always check and not just leave it
They were very brave.
I love how they were so fast on their feet to help a guy they didnt even know. it shows true kindness
My response to this story is that some people may not be nice or cool but is dose not matter you should help people out even if you don’t like them or if they don’t like you. My other response about this story is to always trust you in stinks about something if it dose not fell right or good just get help if needed.