Two Prominent NFL Cases #DomesticViolence

Two Prominent NFL Cases #DomesticViolence

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  1. 1. I think they where treated fairly nobody should be hurt or abused they shouldn’t do this to other people.
    2. I would fire them or put them on suspension since they are effecting somebody else.
    3. If I was the commissioner of the NFL I would have put them on suspension or fired them it’s not tolerable.

  2. I believe there is a difference between disipline and abuse. Im against people playing a sport and getting more money then people that actually work everyday of their life. An if a person can do that to anyone, why suspend him, but yet keep paying him? Sounds all sorts of messed up to me.

  3. 1. Yes because they are the ones who need to be disciplined, not the kids who didn’t do anything wrong. Sure kids need to be disciplined once and a while, but that doesn’t mean you beat them, Just give them a time out or ground them from something.

  4. I read about 2 profession nfl players who made 2 horrible mistakes.The one that drove me crazy was Ray Rice because he hit his beloved Fiance.Also the way the NFL handled this situation.The NFL saw the video but did nothing but when the public found this video this case went crazy. The Adrian Peterson case i wasnt really mad at A.P but then I heard that he hit his 2 son all over the body with a tree branch.these 2 nfl player used to be role modles but now who can we look up to now.

  5. I do think that Ray Rice and Adrain Peterson have been treated right. What they have done was dispicable, no matter the reason.
    If the factory worker was acussed of abusing somebody, i would hope they would lose his/her job.
    If i were the NFL comissioner i would suspend both players till the end of the year, then i would make the choice to have them stay on their teams or not.