United Airlines Set to Lose Millions, Maybe Billions
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1) I think they could have dealt with it differently.
2)i would speak up and say something
3) i would refund him the money and i would give him 1400 to the man
1) I think they could have dealt with it differently.
2)i would speak up and say something
3) i would refund him the money and i would give him 1400 to the man
I think that it is almost entirely united airlines fault they shouldn’t have let more people on the plane if they knew that they were going to have to remove them and be over booked. But if offered to me I would take the 400 or even the 800 dollars to get off.
i think tsa should be at fault for this, i would have got off the plane, make it clear that you may be removed from the flight.
1. I feel like it was not right for the TSA agents to put hands on him and hurt him.
2. If I was a pasanger I would probably get off the plane happily for the rightful amount of money not just $800
3. I would make sure that before anything we know how many people are on and make sure no plane gets overbooked.
I think that they could have solved it in a different matter. If i was the passenger i and they graved me i would have prolly fought back, but if they would have never did that i would of just left. also if he was doctor and had people to see they should have picked someone else.i would make sure that they would not have it packed.
I believe that the TSA and United Airlines could have handled this very different. The passenger had patients to see the next day and if the flight crew needed a flight they should have booked it ahead of time, like everyone else. They shouldn’t get to be favorites, they should be prepared. If I was in this situation I would have took the $800 and got off the airplane. If I was a CEO of an airline company I would definitely not treat any other human being like that. If I had to treat the passengers like that I would definitely quit my job.
I think the removal process in which they removed the passenger was unnecessary. As that passenger i would’ve let them man handle me so that i can sue the people who took part in the removal. As the CEO i would work on making a new system that will prevent or lower the chances of overbooking, I would at least come up with an alternative to the problem.
What I thought about this whole scenario is that it wasn’t fair especially if that guy was a doctor and patients needed him. What I would have done as a passenger is gotten off and get the money and go by their rules, but if it was something very important then there is the problem I would just live by saying that I got overbooked by them to the boss or something like that. If I was the CEO I Would Change the rules to make it where if there isn’t any room we would try to make room or stand in the isle and if we’re out of room we’re out of room.
i think thats bs because he got a ticket to fly its not his fault the flight was over booked
I think that united airlines dealt with this situation in a very harsh way and acted without thinking. This does not dignify a human being and no one should be treated in such a way.
I think it was very disrespectful that United would create a situation like this for their passengers. and how they handled it was inhumane
No one should have been treated the way United airlines treated that man, especially if they paid that much money for a ticket. I would have done the same thing if I were that passenger.
This situation could have been avoided if airlines were not allowed to overbook flights.
I think the TSA and United could have handled the situation a lot differently. Instead of resorting to violence and risking a potential lawsuit, they could have compensated Dao with more money or a free flight ticket. This is just the opinion of a person who did minimal researching on the issue and just watching the camera video.
Yes, the passenger should have willingly gotten off the plane as the airlines do have to right to do so. But, the airlines and security handled the situation completely wrong and never should have treated him the way they did. This reflects very poorly on United Airlines.
I think that the United Airlines should have considered other options before forcefully removing the man. They should have asked again or raised the price to get passengers off.
I herd of this awhile back and it was big. people were making memes and other things about it. I think this is sad and not right to beat and drag someone off a plane, I know that he did not get off when they asked him to get off but you didn’t have to be violent. I think that could have gone better and I think you guys over at united airlines know it too…
I think they should let there 4 members aboard a different flight. They should of planned it out where there’re 4 sets reserved for them. So that dude wouldn’t have to be forcefully token of the plane. It’s United Airlines fault and they should of have some preparation.
United Airlines could of asked someone else because as the passenger said he was a doctor and he needed to attend patients the next morning. They could of said oaky and chosen another passenger. I would of taken his place as in saying ill get of the plane for him to stay. If I was the CEO of United I would assure that the passengers have a safe and comfortable trip.
I think it was very violent to pull him of of his seat like that. if I were the passenger they would have to pay me to get out of my seat. if I were the ceo I would change the rules on giving up your seat
I think that the whole situation could’ve been avoided if the employees just started thinking like a person instead of the annoying and persistent robots those jobs teach you to be. The people chosen to leave the plane could’ve done the picks again after hearing the urgency of David leaving on that plane.