UofM and Wisconsin Coaches Lose their Cool

UofM and Wisconsin Coaches Lose their Cool

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  1. always shake the other teams players and coaches hands. you can’t be a sore loser or a brag about winning. you both participated in this event. give them respect as they give to you.

  2. Uhhh i think that it was wrong on both ends because of the lack of sportsmanship! you need to treat others with respect

  3. No matter what happens on the field/court your sportsmanship afterwards shows what kind of person and team you really are. Always treat the other team with respect.

  4. No matter what happens on the field/court your sportsmanship afterwards shows what kind of person and team you really are. Always treat the other team with respect. Both teams are there for the same reason to play the sport you both love.

  5. I think that it was definitely not a good thing to do. These college coaches and players are supposed to be showing sportsmanship. Young players are watching this and they are setting a terrible example.

  6. Both coaches acted unprofessionally and the situation could easily have been avoided if they had kept their thoughts to themselves and just shaken hands.

    1. i learned that even if you loss or something did not go your way you should not act out and get mad and react like the michigan coach did

  7. The lesson from this situation is that you should always respect other players/coaches, and also if someone doesn’t respect you, you shouldn’t get violent.

  8. I believe that both sides were in the wrong but I see why they did what they did. The coaches were standing up for their players and just lost their cool. I feel that both coaches needed to be punished or fined. Also, they are not setting a good example for their players.

  9. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you and always respond with love and respect no matter the circumstances or actions that have been previously made

  10. Be a good sport, even if something either doesn’t go your way, or in this case, is misinterpreted. Jamming fingers and throwing punches is not a good way to represent your team, and I personally think both coaches should be punished for not being able to contain themselves.

  11. I appreciate Coach Howard’s passion for the game and his players but I don’t think his actions his actions are justified. I think the lesson to be learned from this situation is to lead by example.

  12. While I believe that the Wisconsin coach didn’t need to call the timeout, the Michigan coach did not need to have his players play press defense when they were getting blown out. That situation is what ultimately lead to the heat confrontation.

  13. Always be a good coach because you are an adult role model for your athletes. And you should always respect one another.

  14. I feel that no matter how mad you are on or off the court that you need to not show it. Sportsmanship is a big thing is sports and really shows your true character and who you really are.