Youth Referees Leaving the Game Because of Unsportsmanlike Parents

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6. I think they will always be supportive parents but will always get mad at the refs for something and no matter what will yell at them to do better
Speaking from a players perspective, if your teams parents are out of control and yelling at the official it is very embarrassing. The parents on teams play off of each other so when one gets loud they all get loud.
Parents trying to force their kids to live the dreams they did not live out themselves
I would say for swimming it’s very different than other sports but as far as the schools Centerville plays in other sports I think it would be a 7. For the most part everyone is good but some parents like to mock each other expecially our student section. I mean our parents do the same thing and it’s not right. I don’t think anyone should ever say anything to the refs except the head coach. Parents won’t chance refs mind but only make things worse. I don’t think they should yell anything besides encouragement at players either no matter who it is the coach is the one to give advice
i️ would give a 6 because parents get mad when refs make the wrong calls, but it can also be very embarrassing from a kids perspective on the field. When your parents are yelling from the sidelines it can be very frustrating.
5 it’s jsut crazy how people act I want to become a soccer ref because I played it and I enjoyed it I hopping to step in as a ref not for the money but for the problem we are having on dhortsge of refs. My goal is to ref my best and control parents for there terrible acts