Student Testimonials
Teacher Testimonials
I hate reading but every night when I had to read this book I looked forward to reading this book. Toward the end of the semester I started to read ahead and really get into the book.
I rated the leadership textbook a 10 because it really did let you know who makes a great leader today and what people did to get where they went. It was great.
The book gave me great examples of what to look for in a role model.
This book is very neat because it shows a lot of great people and the way they have contributed to the world and helped other people. It’s nice to see the people that do good things instead of just bad things.
This is actually one of the best books I have either had the choice or had to read. I loved it. I really enjoyed learning about all these different people. It’s made me realize that all people have special qualities that make them known, whether it’s someone famous or just the average guy.
I thought the book was great. The chapters were just the right length!
I really liked the book because it talked about people that I really admire and it taught me how to be more like them so I can succeed at the goal of my future.
It helped me change, knowing that someone else went through my struggles.
The book showed me some people that I either didn’t know had great character or that I didn’t know at all. It used very strong examples to back up each week’s word. It gave very inspirational stories.
It helps people to not only to do better in school but to do better in life.
It teaches you a lot about , honesty, courage, and tolerance, integrity and all those things are very important in life and in your community and you really need it to survive and if you don’t have it you will not get very far in life.
The text book was great; I just wished that it was a year around class because there is so much that we can do with what they teach us in this class and we can bring it out to our community.
I loved this book. It’s not everyday you are given a book in school to read that you enjoy. I learned alot through the role models given and what kind of character is good.
I really liked this book because I really learned about a lot of things I didn’t even know about the role models and that book helped me also to look at the role models and take the positive things and absorb them into my everyday life.
It taught me more about people that I knew and learned more than ever about people that I have never heard of. It helped me to understand words better and to apply these words to my everyday life and to see the things that they did and use them as a role model.
I rate this book a 10 because everyone in this book has overcame obstacles and became successful and are now role models.
I think this book deserves a 10 because it gives students a chance to learn about people that are well known to children which makes it even more interesting for the children. This means that the children will learn more.
It shows how we should try our best and build more character.
This book is very good and has very good role models in it but I gave it a 9 because everything has room for improvement.
I liked this book because it talked about real life people.
I liked the stuff that was in it and I really liked all the sports people.
It was inspirational in so many ways and it taught you that there are people out there willing to go the extent to be a good person.
I really liked the book. I learned a lot. Learning about the people made me realize that I want to be like them and impact others life the way they have mine.
It was better than any other book that I have read this year.