Online Classroom Curriculum

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How it works

Traditional Classroom Curriculum

Includes teacher binders, textbooks and workbooks

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Student Athlete Program

Develop the character and leadership of student-athletes

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Easy To Implement

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Explore the 15 years of research behind the program

Research results

SEL Ready

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Social emotional ready

Evidence-Based Character Education and Leadership Curriculum for High School and Middle School Students

Addresses their Social-Emotional Learning Needs

If you are looking for a comprehensive, user-friendly, high-interest character education curriculum for high school and middle school students, you are in the right spot. The Character Development & Leadership (CD&L) Program has 15 years of supporting research, it is aligned with the ELA Common Core Standards and it also addresses the Social-Emotional Learning needs of students. All of the 254 interactive lesson plans were designed to meet the diverse learning styles of all students.

Administrators say our character education curriculum improves the school climate and teaches valuable social-emotional skills. Teachers say that it is complete and easy to teach. Students say it is engaging, challenging and relevant to their lives. After 20 years of development, feedback and research, we just say that it works! This program changes students, changes schools and changes communities.

This top character education program for middle/high schools is well-organized and has a consistent set of 14 lesson plans to teach each of the 18 character/leadership traits. Schools can order the Traditional version and receive the teacher manuals, movie sets, Role Model textbooks and workbooks. Or schools can order the Online Version where all 254 lessons are embedded. This complete character education program includes role models textbook readings, ethical dilemmas, lectures, basic skills, writing assignments, quote exercises, character movies, leadership principles, leadership exercises and an updated weekly blog.

Unlike other programs, this character education and leadership curriculum for high schools and middle schools isn’t just a bunch of lesson plans thrown together to be used as a "filler" at the end of class. Students love it and so do teachers. This program has enough material to be taught as a stand-alone year-long elective course, used for four consecutive years in a homeroom without duplication, or integrated into already existing classes. The following is a list of ways schools implement this curriculum:

  • Elective Leadership Course
  • High School Freshmen Academy
  • Advisory or Homeroom Approach
  • English & Remedial Reading/Writing Course
  • Supplement for ESL or ELD Courses
  • Student Government (ASB) Course
  • Supplement for Career Development, Business or Health Classes
  • Teaching Modality for In-School Suspension
  • Tier I & II PBIS Intervention & RTI Enrichment

Character Education Curriculum for High School and Middle School: Different Settings

The curriculum can be implemented in a wide variety of ways. Learn about some of the ways schools have implemented our program by clicking on the buttons below.

High SchoolsMiddle SchoolsAlternative Schools

Role Models: Examples of Character and Leadership serves as the textbook for the curriculum and is one of the essential lesson plans. As such, almost all schools order classroom set(s) for the students to read. This book was written in 2004. Certain role models were kicked out of the book and others were added over the years. In 2023, we doubled the amount of role models in the book, providing 2 role models per trait. This allowed us to provide more diversity for the reader (historical and contemporary; men and women; ethnicity and race; perspective and political persuasion). We believe this book provides the reader with excellent role models to look up to and emulate. Learn more about the textbook.

What separates this curriculum?

What Separates this Curriculum?

We want to hear from you!

To receive more information on this program (pricing, samples of curriculum, samples of Role Models textbook, research reports, common core alignment) call Dr. Joe Hoedel (231) 938-4140, Email, call  or complete the form below. Fields marked with an * are a required field.