92,003 – Breaking the Record for Largest Audience to Watch a Female Sporting Event

92,003 – Breaking the Record for Largest Audience to Watch a Female Sporting Event


Last year, Nebraska Women’s Volleyball Coach John Cook set a goal to reclaim the record for the most fans to see a women’s volleyball game, equating to just over 20,000 fans. Trouble is, the University of Nebraska doesn’t have an indoor facility that could house that many fans.  So, university officials decided to hold the match in Memorial Stadium… and they decided to aim a little higher.  The world record for most fans to ever watch a female sporting event was the women’s World Cup Finals, played on July 10, 1999, when 90,185 people watched Team USA defeat China at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California.

So, when the tickets went on sale in January, they asked the Nebraska faithful to help set a new world record. Within 3 days, 82,000 tickets were sold. Over the next 9 months, another 10,000 were sold. And, when the official number of spectators was announced for the August 30th game, the official attendance was 92,003 – a new world’s record.

Joe’s Perspective: Crowds have been growing for women’s sports for the past several decades. It began with the Women’s World Cup and has continued with the WNBA. Just look at the attendance of the Women’s Final Four in basketball each year. I think this event at the University of Nebraska also shows that people do care. As team captain, Lexi Rodriguez said, “It was something bigger than just a volleyball game. It’s going to go down in history. It’s putting volleyball and women’s sports on a bigger map.” Indeed, women are putting a solid product on the table. Who knows what attendance at women’s sporting events will be in 10 or 20 years.

Your Turn: What do you think this event means for women’s sports?

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  1. Pingback: 92,003 – Breaking the Record for Largest Audience to Watch a Female Sporting Event – Kevin Mauermann's WordPress Site

  2. I think event shows that not just men can compete in sports and have their games be popular with the world because women can too; women can do everything men can do.

  3. I can agree with the coach near the end saying that thus cam put women’s sports on the map. This game shows people will want to see women’s sports.

  4. I think that this is a huge step forward in women’s sports. This means the time, energy, and hard work women athletes put into their sport is finally being recognized and respected.

  5. This event shows so much hope for women’s sports as many women are fighting the issue of unequal payment as the males are receiving. As the women’s sports get more and more reconfirmed it will allow teams to equally pay both genders the same which is a a huge show for female athletes.

  6. I feel like this event means that even though it may not be as exciting to watch women play sports, it is such an honor to have thousands of people to come and recognize that women sports do matter!

  7. I think that this is groundbreaking for women’s sports. The amount of people that showed support and the support by the school is amazing!

  8. I think this is pretty cool that there’s a new ground breaking record for woman’s sports bc it shows people are playing attention

  9. This event was huge for women’s sports. People always say it’s boring and not as entertaining as men’s but this shows if you give them a chance they are just as good if not better