Always Go For It #Leadership

Always Go For It #Leadership

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  1. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking with more brawn than brain,…. leaving holes open in the opposing lines and letting players take advantage of such a call.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more brawn than brain, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get..

    3. If i did this, metaphorically, i wouldn’t be in high school,…i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership, and patience goes a long way,.. and i’m willing to make the sacrifice to take these sacrifices.

    1. 1.because they aren’t used much because they aren’t really concerned with studies such as these.
      2. The don’t utilize the knowledge. It would actually make them stronger.
      3. It would not pay off. It would be a lot smarter yo play the other way.

  2. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking with more brawn than brain,…. They usually leave spots for the players to make decisions aswell.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more brawn than brain, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get..

    3. If i did this, metaphorically, i wouldn’t be in high school,…i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership, and patience goes a long way,.. and i’m willing to make the sacrifice to take these sacrifices.

  3. 1. They aren’t used much because they aren’t really concerned with studies such as these.
    2. The don’t utilize the knowledge. It would actually make them stronger.
    3. It would not pay off. It would be a lot smarter yo play the other way.

  4. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking outside the box.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football.

    3. If i did this i wouldn’t be in high school. i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world. Leadership, and patience goes a long way.

  5. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking more physically than mentally.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more physical than mental, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get.

    3. Patience goes a long way.

  6. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking with more brawn than brain,…. leaving holes open in the opposing lines and letting players take advantage of such a call.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more brawn than brain, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get..

    3. If i did this, metaphorically, i wouldn’t be in high school,…i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership, and patience goes a long way,.. and i’m willing to make the sacrifice to take these sacrifices.

  7. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking with more brawn than brain,…. They usually leave spots for the players to make decisions aswell.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more brawn than brain, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get..

    3. If i did this, metaphorically, i wouldn’t be in high school,…i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership, and patience goes a long way,.. and i’m willing to make the sacrifice to take these sacrifices.


    Dylan Snider

  8. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking more physically than mentally.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more physical than mental, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get.

    3. Patience goes a long way.

    1. Psychological Strategies are due to typically coaches thinking more mentally than physically.
      They study but don’t apply it, their mindset for football is physical instead of both.
      Leadership and Patience goes alot farther than most think. n

  9. If I did this, metaphorically, I wouldn’t be in high school,…I wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership and patience go a long way,.. and I’m willing to make the sacrifice to make these sacrifices.

  10. 1.Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking with more brawn than brain,…. They usually leave spots for the players to make decisions as well.
    2. The don’t utilize the knowledge. It would actually make them stronger.
    3. If i did this, metaphorically, i wouldn’t be in high school,i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world, Leadership, and patience goes a long way, and i’m willing to make the sacrifice to take these sacrifices.

  11. 1. Because they don’t think they are that important to have.
    2. Because some people are very lazy and some known that they are not going to college and just don’t do the work.
    3. Well I would do all my work like I’m supposed to do and just have patience for whatever great thing that might come my way.

  12. 1. most people think it’s not important to have
    2. some people lazy but then again it will make you a stronger and a better person
    3.just wait on great things

  13. If I did this, metaphorically, I wouldn’t be in high school,…I wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership and patience go a long way,.. and I’m willing to make the sacrifice to make these sacrifices

  14. 1. I think coaches don’t use this strategy because they think sports are more about basic physical and athletic ability rather than extreme strategy. 2. A lot of students don’t complete their work, because they’re stressed with other real world issues and don’t feel the need to worry about things like being at the top of their class.
    3. If I did this, I would probably be failing school trying to be independently successful.

  15. coaches use this strategy because they think sports are more about basic physical and athletic ability rather than extreme strategy.

  16. 1. most people think it’s not important to have
    2. some people are lazy but then again it will make you a stronger and a better person
    3. just wait on great things

  17. I think this is a great example of leadership because everyone on the team works together to help win and their QB is the heart and soul of the team.

  18. 1. Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking with more brawn than brain,…. leaving holes open in the opposing lines and letting players take advantage of such a call.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more brawn than brain, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get..

    3. If i did this, metaphorically, i wouldn’t be in high school,…i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership, and patience goes a long way,.. and i’m willing to make the sacrifice to take these sacrifices.

  19. 1. these Psychological Strategies, aren’t usually used due to other coaches thinking with more brawn than brain,…. leaving holes open in the opposing lines and letting players take advantage of such a call.

    2. It’s the fact that they do study, they just don’t apply it, their mindsets for football, like a coaches is more brawn than brain, they fail to realize that the more you learn on class the “stronger” you get..

    3. If i did this, metaphorically, i wouldn’t be in high school,…i wouldn’t have a phone or the smarts needed to take the next step into the real world,…. Leadership, and patience goes a long way,.. and i’m willing to make the sacrifice to take these sacrifices.

  20. 1. physiological facts, this means that the coached don’t always see what is going on in a players mind.

    2. players do study, they just do not apply it in the game of football.

    3. i wouldn’t have a phone, and i probably wouldn’t be in highschool.

  21. Coach Kelley does a good job of fulfilling his leadership role in a high stakes situation. He made quick and fast decisions that could cost the team the game and worked well under pressure.

  22. ! they do it bcause they would rather uses an easier way to get what they want

    They do but just dont use it for sports

    3 I wouuldnt be in school

  23. This story is a great example of leadership. Coach Kelly is someone who showed an example of leadership for his team, and setting a great example.

  24. This shows the true power and steps of leadership and how you will carry it on through all different circumstances.

  25. 1 they do it because they would rather uses an easier way to get what they want

    2 players do study, they just do not apply it in the game of football..

    3. Patience goes a long way.

  26. 1.Because sometimes coaches use strategies that sometimes think it will work. But in reality it doesn’t.

    2.Because sometimes they’re lazy or ignorant. They don’t care about their school.

    3. If you metaphorically applied this approach (always went for it and never punted to gain a statistical advantage) to your life as a strategy and a philosophy, what would you be doing differently in your life? How would this pay off for you?
    I would be different in my life and would be as myself. This would pay off to me as who i am.