Coach Izzo Sternly Yells at Player in NCAA Tournament

Coach Izzo Sternly Yells at Player in NCAA Tournament

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  1. Some of Izzo’s coaching styles are very harsh but I feel like that’s what it takes to be a successful team like Michigan State. Some may not agree with his coaching but if it’s working you can’t do anything about it

  2. I think coach Izzo is an experienced enough coach to know when he’s crossing the line. We don’t know what is said between him and the player but it was most likely acceptable constructive criticism. He’s a great coach.

  3. Coach Izzo is a very successful coach. He knows what it takes to win games, and if his player continued playing the way he was playing, MSU wasn’t going to win. He has the deserved respect to do what he did.

  4. From just a fans perspective Izzos actions may seem extremely harsh but coaches every where have to show emotions to prove a point to their athletes

  5. I think his behavior should change. From the players point they would always feel like they are doing something wrong because of his behavior.

  6. I think that when you yell at someone it will cause them to also act out in anger. I believe the coach shouldn’t have yelled at him but instead told him what he was doing wrong and if he didn’t listen, taken him out of the game.

  7. Coach Izzo’s behavior is what you should expect from a top D1 college coach. You can tell how much he faith and confidence he has in his player because he was yelling at him and getting on him. If he didn’t have faith or confidence that the player could have played defense or helped the team during that game, he would have just sat the kid. Athletes and fans have become too soft when it comes to coaches yelling at players. Coaches yell because they care and believe in their players and sometimes especially young freshman need to get yelled at. All Coach Izzo was doing was being a great coach.

  8. I think Coach Izzo was just showing he cared. Sometime parents and fans take what they see the coach doing and blow it out of proportion. Our coach told us “A coach cares when they keep giving you corrections in a stern voice and they get angry with but you should be worried when they stop talking.” Coach Izzo obviously cares about his players and wants the best for each and everyone of them.

  9. I think that Lzzo was just showing how much he cared about the player. Because if he yelled multiple times it means that he had faith in his player that he would change.

  10. I think Coach Lzzo was showing how much he cared but I don’t think he should have done it in the middle of the court like that. He should have waited to talk to him until after they got on the sideline.