Coach Staley Condemns Taunting and Jawing

Coach Staley Condemns Taunting and Jawing

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  2. I have only once when I was playing basketball. I got mad and completely fouled someone and it was unsportsmanlike. I should have taken a breath and controlled my emotions.

  3. If I ever crossed the line from playing hard to unsportsmanlike behavior, I would reflect on myself and ask myself what I would do differently. This would include questions like what happened, how did I react, and how do I and the other team feel.

  4. I have never crossed the line despite wanting to multiple times. My parents and coaches and have made it clear to not fight. Let your game do the fighting for you.

  5. I do not think I have crossed that line. The only way I will talk is if someone talks to me first or disrespects my team or myself.

  6. I rarely cross the line of sportsmanlike and unsportsmanlike behavior but if I do I usually catch myself. When I get really into the game I don’t talk much and when I do talk it’s calculated.

  7. I have never crossed the line of being a unsportsmanlike player. I think you can prove points without getting into fight or other unsportsmanlike actions.

  8. I’ve been frustrated with another player, but don’t act on it with bad sportsmanship. If this happened I would walk away and use the frustration to play better.

  9. I have never crossed the line with other teams. A lot of the teams that I play against, have my friends from club sports on them so I’m not rude to them.

  10. I love how Coach Staley addressed her players. You can play hard and still respect the other players. It doesn’t matter how good you are, it shows a lot when you play hard but still have respect and good sportsmanship.

  11. I haven’t ever crossed the line in sports, but I did at home. I said I didn’t love my sister and I hated her and then locked myself in my room but I wish I never did that. I wish I would have told her I loved her and just not gotten angry.