College Athlete Donates his Scholarship to his Teammate

College Athlete Donates his Scholarship to his Teammate

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  1. Pingback: College Athlete Donates his Scholarship to his Teammate – Kevin Mauermann's WordPress Site

  2. This is such an amazing act of kindness that this team mate did for his fellow player. This was such a wholesome thing that Brian did. This is inspiring to others.

  3. That was a very kind thing for Brian to do, something not many people would even think of, but to do it means everything. Brian is a great role model for others.

  4. I believe after reading this, I’m going to focus more on how I can help others around me and not always make everything about me.

  5. I think that this story is truly inspiring to all, as it shows how one kind gesture can change one’s life for the better. This story also inspires me to do something nice for my teammates whenever I get the chance to.

  6. My thoughts is that that is very nice of him. It does inspire me to do something positive for my teammates and help them as well.

  7. After hearing this story, it has inspired me to put myself in my teammates shoe’s because you never know what they are going through. I think Brian is very kind for doing that.

  8. This has inspired me and taught me to always see yourself an other people’s situations and I would love to do the same for my teammates and help them out whenever they need help.

  9. This has inspired me and taught me to always see yourself an other people’s situations and I would love to do the same for my teammates and help them out whenever they need it.

  10. My thoughts after reading this is how it was really kind and thoughtful how Brian donated his scholarship to Zack. It does inspire me to do something nice for my teammates because it can make their day better.

  11. I think this is a great show of brotherhood and sportsmanship. Even though Brian dodnt have to give Zack his scholarship he did so anyways. It shows what great support can come from your family and friends when it things get tough. I think I will be more included to help now sering how Brian helped Zack.

  12. This story is very touching. This inspires me to do something positive to help my teammates out to help them become a better person .

  13. I really appreciate that Brian had a kind heart and donated a scholarship to a fellow teammate. I would be so appreciative of someone else if that happened to me.

  14. I thought that that was a very selfless thing of Brian to do. It inspires me to become a better teammate and have better sportsmanship!

  15. I thought that that was a very selfless thing of Brian to do. It inspires me to become a better teammate and have better sportsmanship throughout my athletic career!

  16. I thought that that was a very selfless thing of Brian to do. It inspires me to become a better teammate and have better sportsmanship throughout my athletic career! I hope that it inspires others as well!

  17. It crazy to imagine a college student basically giving up $40,000 so that his teammate can have it. Yes it makes me think about how I can do a kind gesture for my teammates.