Election Post #1: Explaining How 60 Million People “Could Possibly” Vote for Trump

Election Post #1: Explaining How 60 Million People “Could Possibly” Vote for Trump

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  1. 1. If I could have voted I would have voted for Hilary for a few reasons because she is not racist, she accepts everyone for who they are, she was not sexist towards women and men, she wanted to make America whole again.

    2. I would say to Trump, how would you follow up for saying that for example “I am going to build a wall between the U.S and Mexico.”

  2. 1. If I could have voted I would’ve voted for Hillary Clinton because she’s the lesser of two evils, both of the candidates have done negative things but I feel that Hillary is more experienced and qualified for the position, Trump has no political experience whatsoever.

    2. The country is in your hands, do not make bad decisions that will ruin our relationships with other countries, or turn our own country against us.

  3. 1. If I could have voted I would have voted for Clinton becasue, although not perfect, she is better than Trump
    2. If I could write a message to Presidnet-elect Trump, I would kindly ask him to not distroy our country, save the plannet, and not bring back racism to the government.

  4. 1. I would have voted for Hilary Clinton because over the course of Donald Trump’s campaign he built support by degrading and discriminating certain ethnicities in the United States. I believe he is not what America represents as a whole and the fact that people feel they have a license to bully is the exact opposite of what we as Americans stand for.

    2. I would say to President Elect Trump that he has to take the unification of this country very seriously and that he should do all in his power to hear what his country is crying for and act on that.

  5. Even if I could’ve voted I dont think I would. I didn’t like either one of the candidates. If I could tell Trump something I would just say to do the right think and dont do anything stupid.

  6. I would have voted for Trump because I believe he will make America Great Again. Also I support the Republicans and even if I didn’t like Trump I would vote for him. The thing that I would say to him would be to be a good president. Don’t let the power go to your head and make sure America is great.

  7. I would have voted for Donald Trump because I am pro gun and I don’t really trust Hillary Clinton.
    I would like to say to President Trump that he just to focus on the work ahead of him don’t go run his mouth over dump stuff.

  8. 1.) I am old enough to vote, and did vote. I voted for trump because Hilary has broken all kinds of laws and hasn’t been convicted for anything. If she were an average person, she would’ve been thrown in jail and that’s not the person I’d want to have running the country.
    2.) If I could write a letter to Trump I would tell him to choose his words more carefully because he seems to offend a lot of people. Personally I don’t care what he says but most people get butt-hurt about it.

  9. 1. If i would have voted, I would have voted for Hillary Clinton because I felt like she created a way better campaign and was not sexist or racist. Donald trump did not seem to answer any questions when it came to the debates but just attack the person and not the question. Also Hillary had a lot of experience in politics as where trump did not.

    2. I would say to President elect trump is that I hope he does not bring racism and sexism into our country. We have improved a lot thought the years, and I would not want to go backwards.

  10. 1. I would have voted for Trump for the hope that he would get rid of Obama care. In my situation with my mom she is a radiation therapist and because of Obama Care she continually has less work each day.

    2. I would say to Trump is that don’t play to your ego as president and don’t put yourself before the country.

  11. 1. If I could have voted, I would’ve voted for Hillary Clinton. I chose Hillary because out of the two candidates she is less worse than Trump. She accepts everyone, wants equality, and doesn’t make bad remarks.

    2. If I had to write a letter to Trump I would talk to him about actually making America great again. Most of his theories to make it great won’t work. I would also tell him to take his new job very seriously because everything is in his hands.

  12. I personally would have voted for Hillary because of some of the ways and things Trump said and did. Not saying that his ideas are bad I just didn’t like him personally. If I were to write a not I would just tell him to make sure to at least try and follow and do the things he said he would do to make america great again.

  13. If I could have voted I would have voted for trump. I say this because Trumps ideals best a line with what my church and religion believes in. If I could write a letter to Trump all I would say is ¨make America great again¨. P.S. Don’t say anymore stupid things.

  14. 1. I wouldn’t have voted for either canidate, I truly feel I would vote third party. I do not support republicans or democrats, I see myself as independent. I see many problems in both canidates arguements, which both share controversial statements.

    For number two I would say this.

    2. Dear Mr, Trump. Congratulations on winning the election, the US is in your hands. Restore communications with countries that we have had bad blood with. Be careful with what you say and do in office, don’t make any crude remarks about anyone. Please and thank you.

  15. If I could have voted I probably would have voted for Trump because I sided with him on some of the things he’s said more than I did with Hilary. Also, I didn’t trust what Hilary would do if she was president and what she’d tell us and what’d she would keep from us.

    If I could tell President-elect Trump sometime I would tell him to set America straight and know just because he’s been elected to be our president that nothing changes about gays, woman, and people of other race; that everyone is still treated as equals.

  16. 1. If I could have voted in this election I would have voted for Trump instead of Hilary. The reason for this is because if you look at what Hilary has done in her past with Bengazi, the emails and all that stuff I just don’t believe that she would be fit to run our country however I’m not trying to say that Trump is that much better.

    2. If I wrote a message to Trump I would just say that now he has the power to do what he said he was going to do so he needs to take that opportunity to make good on his promises and that way he might be more respected.

  17. I would have voted Trump if I could, but I’m not able to because I am not 18 years of age. But if I had a message to give to trump, it would be PLEASE dont try and build a wall or continue to worry about Hillary! Mexico will not pay for it and there is bigger and better things to worry about. You should back the “black lives matter”movement and vet anyone that’s trying to enter the country. I truly hope and believe that you will do everything in your power to untie the country and insure its safety off facts alone.

  18. 1. If I would have had the chance to vote, I wouldn’t have. I don’t think either Trump or Clinton were good candidates and neither would have deserved my vote, Bernie on the other hand may have.

    2. I wouldn’t write him a letter

  19. If I could votes this I would be part of 75% students that did not vote this election because I think Hillary and Trump were not the right people for president. I don’t like the candidates that run this year
    If I could say anything to our new presidents Trump and I think he has to look at the big picture that everything from here on out is in his hands and millions of people are counting on him.

  20. 1. I do not know who I would have voted for, but I wouldn’t not go out to vote. The 75% of the 18-22 year old’s who didn’t vote can not be mad about Trump winning President if they did not even go out to put a vote in.

    2. If I could write I could write a letter to Trump I’d tell him to grow up and that he needs to take being the President seriously. I would also say he needs to get along with all the people of all races because he’s suppose to be a leader. He needs to bring everyone together but so far he’s made people want to not like one another just by the color of their skin.

  21. 1. If I could have voted in this election, I would have voted for Trump. The reason I would have voted for him is because of his policies and the problems he would change in the country. His explanation of bringing jobs over, not allowing abortion, and protecting our country are only some of the policies I respected. Some do not fully understand what he stands for and only see how the media portrays him which I think is wrong.

    2. If I could say one thing to Trump it would be to stick to his policies and show respect to others while he is president.

  22. If i could vote my ballot would go towards trump.WHY? because trump will make america great again. HEY TRUMP,make america great again or i will eat mexican food the rest of my life.