High School Football Coach Susupends Players for Lack of Character

High School Football Coach Susupends Players for Lack of Character

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  1. This reminds me a lot of the movie Coach Carter. I think that playing sports is a privilage that has to be earned, rather than given. The coach did the right thing by making the students earn thier way back on the team; if the students wanted it enough, they would try hard. As Coach Carter said, “You are student athletes.. notice that student comes first,”

  2. I agree Benjamin. I think it is great that the administration supported the coach. I also think that the parents supporting him makes it even better. I think if Coach Carter would have gotten the same support throughout the situation it would have made it that much better. I wonder how the faculty felt about the coach dismissing the players?

  3. This shouldn’t have happened in the first place if they had reminded them every single day the importance of being allowed on the team. Being a student is more important than anything.

  4. I, as a student athlete, totally agree with what this coach did. Coaches have a large impact on athletes lives, on the field and off the field. He’s teaching his athletes life lessons. I have complete respect for this coach!

  5. I agree with what he did and believe it taught the athletes a life lesson. I also believe that the athletes should have more resect for their coach. It is awesome that the parents were on board and supported the coach.

  6. I agree that being on a team is a privilege. The Coach did the right thing and is teaching a good life lesson to the players. This kind of stuff goes unnoticed all the time, the coach took charge and is showing the boys that just because they are popular doesn’t mean they get special treatment.

  7. I don’t think that it went to far because all the reasons on why he didn’t was great because those student athletes should not be doing any of that if they really want to be a true athlete. Yes the team will get stronger because it will show that your don’t have a guarantee stop on the team and that you can always be replaced. It is a privilege because you have to have the grades in order to play at some schools.

  8. The coach should make the kids study because if they want to go to college and play they’re gonna need the grades to do so because the colleges don’t care how good you are, if you are competing with a kid that isn;t as good but has good grades and a good attitude they will take that kid over someone with bad grades and a bad attitude any day.

  9. No I don’t think the coaches went to far into this situation because football is a privilege tom play at school requiring you to have good grades to continue on the team and to show commitment. I would agreed upon what the coach had said because I wouldn’t like to see myself lacking education and thinking I’m cool just because I’m in a sport.
    Yes I think that the team will get stronger as a result of what the coaches did because it will open their eyes and they’ll see what it really means to be on the football team than to just be a jock and lacking respect for others. I agree with the coaches when they say it’s a privilege to be in a high school sport because you get to do something you love if you really earn it. Without education and respect you dont deserve to be on a sport if you don’t have any sympathy for others.

  10. I believe that the coaches of the team are doing the right thing. Playing sports is a privilege and the players should be grateful for even being in a school that has sports. Later on in their lives, they are probably going to want to play for a university, but I’ve never heard of a university that wants a player with a poor attitude. I think that is what the coaches were aiming for, better lives. It just shows how the coaches believe in their players and don’t want them to fail in life.

  11. Q1: I do not believe the coaches went too far in this situation, I think that they did the right thing because it taught these athletes a life lesson. If I were in their shoes on the team I would’ve reacted angry but my attitude towards this situation would change as I learn the lesson just like the rest of these athletes did.

    Q2: They would get stronger because for them to be able to just be on the team is indeed a privilege and they have to work for it so what the coaches did was indeed a great help because it helped these athletes realize how important it is to work hard in school as a student for their future and to be on the team makes them stay on track and work harder making them stronger.

    Q3: It is a privilage because you represent your school and in order to do that you work hard in school and when you do good it gives you an opportunity to be able to play sports as a result of being a good student and representing how amazing your school is.

  12. I don’t think the coaches went to far at all; they did the right thing for their team I like how the coaches care for their team members how they don’t have a mind set that it is all about winning like other coaches do. I do think the team will get stronger after all this because they will learn how to respect more than they did before and they will improve over grades and school and manners with that lesson that he is trying to show them. The team had it easy before the coaches did that and now they are going through a difficult time together and that brings closure and they will learn together as a team and become closer as a team. It is a privilege to play sports in high school because it creates memories and it is something you can enjoy. There is other people who would like to play sports in high school but can’t so I think the people who play should appreciate it.

  13. In my opinion, I think that no matter if they are good on playing whatever sport, it doesn’t matter because first its don’t get them anywhere especially if they want to go to collage that’s the number one thing they look at your grades. So yes, I agree with their coach grades come first no matter what the students also need to put there effort to continue with there lives.

    Sports are good to play but you need to know that grades come first and also you don’t have to play sports.

  14. 1) no the coaches didn’t go too far because respect and integrity are qualities that a student athlete must obtain.
    2) the team will come back stronger because they now know the importance of good character, on or off the field.
    3) yes it is a privilege to be on the team because you are not only representing your team but your school as well.

  15. 1) Did the coaches go too far in this situation? How would you have responded if on that team? No, they did not they just saw that they were having a bad character and they have to have good grades but they didn’t. So they took there jerseys and did not give them tin=me to fix it with there jerseys. I would of said fine keep it if you don’t want to give me a chance.
    2) Do you think the team will get stronger as a result of what the coaches did? In what ways? They may because if they fix there character they can get there jersey back. Don’t skip classes and get good grades.
    3) These coaches believe it is a privilege to play high school sports. What do you think? I think that it is not a privilege because you ask them if you can be on the team.

  16. 1) Did the coaches go too far in this situation? How would you have responded if on that team? No, they did not they just saw that they were having a bad character and they have to have good grades but they didn’t. So they took there jerseys and did not give them tin=me to fix it with there jerseys. I would of said fine keep it if you don’t want to give me a chance.
    2) Do you think the team will get stronger as a result of what the coaches did? In what ways? They may because if they fix there character they can get there jersey back. Don’t skip classes and get good grades.
    3) These coaches believe it is a privilege to play high school sports. What do you think? I think that it is not a privilege because you ask them if you can be on the team.

  17. 1.No, they did not go too far they just saw that they have to have a good character and they have to have good grades,the kids didn’t.They took away their jerseys and did not give them the tin=me to fix it with there jerseys. How I would of responded to that is by saying have you ever heard of second chances,I guess not.Then I would of walked away.

    2.I think the team will get stronger.I think this because the players are going to realize they have to have a good character and good grades in order to keep playing so they are going to need to be nice to one another and they might have to help each other one work.

    3.I think that it is a privilege to be play for the high school team because you have to put in an effort to play not only on the field but in you everyday life you can’t get in trouble or anything.

  18. 1. No, they did not go too far because the players needed to learn the lesson. I would respond by doing as he says and improving my character.
    2. I do think that the team will get stronger as a result of what the coaches did by improving their character and taking basketball seriously.
    3. I do think that it is a privilege to play for the high school team because some kids want to join the team but they can’t and the players on the team are lucky enough to be on the team and they can get that taken away.

  19. 1) no the coaches didn’t go too far because respect and integrity are qualities that a student athlete must obtain.
    2) the team will come back stronger because they now know the importance of good character, on or off the field.
    3) yes it is a privilege to be on the team because you are not only representing your team but your school as well.

  20. I completely agree that being a student comes first. While not detailed in the job description of a coach, his or her job is to build the players up and together, once this is achieved, the winning will come easy.

  21. No they didn’t go to far. The players probably cared but not to much. It is a big privilege to play sports in school just to keep you social.

  22. I don’t think that it went to far because all the reasons on why he didn’t was great because those student athletes should not be doing any of that if they really want to be a true athlete. Yes the team will get stronger because it will show that your don’t have a guarantee stop on the team and that you can always be replaced. It is a privilege because you have to have the grades in order to play at some schools.

  23. I don’t think the coaches went to far at all; they did the right thing for their team I like how the coaches care for their team members how they don’t have a mind set that it is all about winning like other coaches do. I do think the team will get stronger after all this because they will learn how to respect more than they did before and they will improve over grades and school and manners with that lesson that he is trying to show them.

    1. I think that if the players are not doing want the coach expects and not doing the simple things he asks of them then I think he has the right to suspend them from the team.

  24. I feel like the coaches made the right decision. Coaching is not all about improving your players in their sport its also about life lessons and what you can teach a player with the sport they love. If I was on the team I would have responded to everything the coaches were making us do because I know it would improve us as individuals. I think the team would get stronger due to what the coaches did. They would have learned self discipline and how to work as a team. I agree with the coaches it should be an honor to play high school sports it shows your talent and that you can maintain good grades and learn life lessons along the way.

  25. I feel like the coaches did not go to far in the situation instead I feel like they are going to help out their players. If I was on the team I would have done everything the coaches were telling us to do because I know it would help me as an individual grow. I think the team would get stronger due to what the coaches did. They would learn self discipline and how to work as a team. I agree with coaches it should be an honor to play high school sports you’re showing everyone that you can be a great player and mange being a great student.

  26. I completely agree that being a student comes first. While not detailed in the job description of a coach, his or her job is to build the players up and together, once this is achieved, the winning will come easy

  27. 1)Did the coaches go too far in this situation? How would you have responded if you were on that team?
    No, the coaches didn’t go too far in this situation If someone wasn’t doing what they were supposed to to be in the sport they deserve to be cut
    2) Do you think the team will get stronger as a result of what the coaches did? In what ways?
    Yes because it sometimes isn’t about school it is about leadership and everyone should be a leader on their team.
    3) These coaches believe it is a privilege to play high school sports. What do you think?
    I think these coaches are correct because doing college sports can set you up for life.

  28. I read about a school where their basketball players were skipping classes, others were getting poor grades, others had a poor attitude and even a few were suspected of cyber bullying a student at the high school. Their coach made every player turn in his jersey. He suspended all practices and games until the players made changes. The coach showed great leadership by ending practices until the players got their stuff together, it taught them a true lesson.

  29. I agree with the coaches. I do not think they went too far. They might get stronger from that experience and better themselves. I definitely agree with the coaches that it is an honor to play but you have to make sure that you have correct morals and things.

  30. I agree with the coaches and making this decision, they didn’t go too far at all. Not only do they teach sports, but also life lessons to the students. I believe that this can definitely impact the student’s school life and make them stronger as a person.

  31. The coach may have gone a little too far, if a player doesn’t have character then it isn’t necessarily the player’s fault. Suspending them would make it so they could quit the team, which would show no improvement for future decisions.

  32. I agree with what the coaches did as a punishment, but I also disagree at the same time. I agree because the players needed something to make them realize that what they were doing was wrong, but I can see how that punishment would affect the players in a negative way. Maybe football is the only thing that they looked forward too. a mybe football was their motivation to get good grades. So I agree, but also disagree!

  33. 1. I think that the coaches were justified in suspending the team from playing. I would have been upset about it but I would know that it would be better in the long run.
    2. I think that the team will be stronger because they will take practice more seriously and become more of a team.
    3. I think that it is a privilege to play high school sports because you have to work for it.

  34. 1)I don’t think the coaches went too far I think he did the right thing. If I was on his team I would have done what I was told to do and yeah I would be a little upset about not playing but I would get over it.
    2) I do think the team will get stronger with what he did.
    3) It is a privilege to play high school sports because not everyone can, some don’t have the grades, some don’t have the respect to give to others.

  35. This is a good way to show commitment to their team and that they actually wanna be on the team and this will also teach them good behavior i think what the coach did was a great idea.

  36. Did the coaches go too far in this situation? How would you have responded if you were on that team?

    i think the couches did the right thing to get here players on track, i would have done the same thing becuase if the can play football they should know right from wrong

    2) Do you think the team will get stronger as a result of what the coaches did? In what ways?

    yes the team will get stonger, mentally and fisically

    3) These coaches believe it is a privilege to play high school sports. What do you think?

    i do think it is a privalge
    becuase some people wish they played high school sports to keep them on a better route and keep them in line