Honoring Our Veterans #Gratitude

Honoring Our Veterans #Gratitude

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  1. this was a good story i honored those who fought and died by donating at least 50$ to a charity for veterans that’s a lot for a 14 year old. I’m thinking of hosting a barbeque next year though.

  2. This article is an important one, Memorial day is important. It’s funny just the other day I watched a video by Sam Pepper asking people what is Memorial day. No one said the words honoring, veterans, war, thankful. None of the people mostly young people he asked said these words. There answer to his question were a day off of work, a day to get high and drunk, a day to party before we need to go to work, and a day were we eat a lot of food in the backyard. I am way younger than all those people and I know what Memorial day is and what its for. It makes me sad to think people don’t care about the deaths of brave and honorable people. Some brothers, friends, neighbors, sisters, aunts, uncles, and what ever’s left. The fact people don’t take the time to say a prayer or share a moment of silence. To take the time to show some respect. My family show this respect every year, having a moment of silence and praying. I know why this is an important day, because this day is meant to remember the fallen hero’s of this nation. I have this much respect for this day because I know for a fact that I don’t have the courage to go to war or face difficult situations like the people who serve our country.