It’s About More than the Princesses

It’s About More than the Princesses

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  1. To make this world a better place I can simply spread love. For example by saying good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. Also by complimenting people on anything.

  2. I think that anybody can make a difference by doing little things like smiling at people and simply being nice.

  3. what I would do is just give out love and smiles. It may be the smallest thing ever but it can brightens someone’s day.

  4. There are many things I can do to make this world better. But is easier to think than it is to act. I can do things that will make the environment better. For instance today, after school, I am going to an amputated veterans house and we are helping him clean because he cant walk and do it himself.

  5. “Onward’s princesses, for children in need, stuck in the beds of hospital rooms need us to empower them, to help them recover and live the dreams they wish to make true!”

    Seeing this has reminded me of what we could do to change this world, be it volunteering at a senior center or helping the homeless become successful again. This is what the world needs, and this is truly what the world wants.

  6. To make this world a better place one thing I can do is clean up after school related events. If we have assembly’s or pep rally’s or games I can stick around to clean the bleachers. It will help the custodians.

  7. This is adorable! I love what these girls are doing. I can make a difference by volunteering in some way just like them and maybe it will grow just like theirs did.

  8. both reading and watching the video gave me chills it’s the smallest thing in the world but it may have the biggest impact in the world just to make a persons day a little better 🙂

  9. The things i can do to make the world a better place is by volunteering like how Kylee McGrane and Maggie McAndrew volunteered by going to hospitals and visiting little kids to make them happy or to cheer them up more.I can also maybe make someones day by complimenting them and smiling.I would volunteer at an animal shelter, babysitting, and maybe write to people that i don’t know.The last thing i can do to make the world a better place is by cleaning up the environment like going around my block or neighborhood so that there is less trash everywhere.

  10. Love does change someone and I believe that it could also change the world. And giving someone a compliement could make them more confident about themself!

  11. Honestly, this is beautiful and very inspiring. They’re taking time out of their day so they can see other kids smile and be happy. It truly encourages me to do something to make someone else happy. Thank you!

  12. You can do anything just by spreading love, and positivity. Filling the world with love and supporting others for something they’re struggling with can do so much more than you think.