Mom Receives College Diploma at Son’s Graduation

Mom Receives College Diploma at Son’s Graduation

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  1. My thoughts after I learned about this story is that age doesn’t matter at all and that you can do anything when you try and put you mind in it. This is a happily ever after story.

  2. My thoughts after i learned about this story that you shouldn’t care about age or anything you should follow your dreams and continue doing what you love.For example, like in the video it shows a mother and her son graduating together. You can see that the son was unbothered by his mother graduating because for some people it can seem pretty embarrassing but he was happy for her and cheering her on.

  3. This is a mom that skipped her own graduation just to her her own son graduate. What a sacrifice. Also she got her bachelors degree. Her son got a bachelors degree too. A mother and son bond. I love how she wasn’t selfish.

  4. I think its a very special moment and not a lot of people if any have this kind of opportunity. It isn’t common and this is amazing. I would be beyond grateful and I would be crying uncontrollably.

  5. I think that this story is awesome and it is very great that they both got to graduate. now they will be able to go back and think about how awesome their graduation was together.

  6. It’s awesome to see that the president’s came together to give this mother and son a special moment to remember.