New York Mets Players Boo Fans

New York Mets Players Boo Fans

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  1. I can understand what the players are saying but ultimately the fans just want their team to win, and if they don’t see what they like happening, they’re going to react accordingly and boo the players. It may not be the right thing to do, but it’s part of the game. I don’t think the fans should be booing the players, however I think the players shouldn’t respond in kind but instead just be happy for themselves when they succeed. Most of the time this will just encourage the fans to come back at you harder the next time you inevitably fail.

  2. I think that the fans are correct. Even though they are booing their own team it shows how much love they have for them they need to inspire them in some way.

  3. I think the fans are correct, and the team members are acting unprofessional by booing the fans. It is part of the sport, and as long as the fans also cheer when they are successful, then it shows that they care about the outcome of the game too.

  4. I side with the fans, the players need to realize that they are there for their enjoyment and l when players don’t provide that enjoyment the fans aren’t going to cheer for them.

  5. I agree with the fans. They’re being paid millions of dollars. The fans are showing they care yes in a bad way but it’s still a way of love

  6. The fans are the reason the players even get paid, also the players should be worried about playing better then if the fans boo them

  7. I think that the fans should show they are unhappy but shouldn’t boo. Booing is too negative and doesn’t show love for the team. I understand the frustration but it is too negative.

  8. I side with the fans because they are the reason that the players get paid that much and the get to express their emotions about how the players play.

  9. I side with the players because they are the ones that are playing the game. The fans should be there to support them no matter what. This would make the players want to represent their team more.

  10. I side with the fans. Booing is part of the fact that people watch it for entertainment. The fans get into the game. It is not ok for the team to react how they did

  11. I think the fan have a right to boo if there team is doing bad they paid to go there there supporting there team and it shows that they care about there team

  12. I agree with the fans because they are showing support for the team and the team needs to be the bigger person and understand.

  13. I side with the players in this situation because even if the team you cheer for is playing poorly, they are still your team and booing is not going to make anything better

  14. I think that the players are within their rights to boo the fans, and I understand how getting boo’d could feel, but at the end of the day, you can’t stop everyone from booing, and not everyone is going to understand

  15. I side with the fans because they paid to see a game and have a right to give their opinion on how the game is played or express their pleasure or displeasure or how the game was played

    1. I’m in the middle. I don’t think that the players should be booing but I understand the message they are trying to get across. The fans should not be booing. It can be hard on players mental health after training so hard.

  16. I think that it’s fair that they boo the fans because no one wants to be booed and it’s more of a message than trying to be rude

  17. I honestly love this article and i can relate to it a lot because it’s hard for people who aren’t playing to understand what it’s like. It’s also hard as a player to take anything from someone who isn’t playing and doing the work.

  18. I think this article is bringing up an overlooked topic. People commonly forget that athletes even professionals are by no means perfect. There is already a lot of pressure on athletes without fans adding to it. I would side with the athletes in this situation since fans don’t understand an athletes job.

  19. I feel that the players shouldn’t boo the fans they should instead try to get the fans hyped up and if the fans don’t want to get hyped up then just focus back on the game.

  20. The players would not goer money if not for the fans that support them, the players are the best in their sport and should be able to handle booing, that being said I don’t support it

  21. I side with the fans because the players should know that when you play a professional sport pressure from the crowd is just part of the game and the players just need to adapt to crowd pressure and find a way to tune it out.

  22. I side with the fans because the players should know that if they are playing a professional sport there is going to be pressure from the crowd and they need to find a way to adapt to the pressure and tune out the crowd.

  23. It’s hard to take a side here. I side with the team because it does hurt to be booed, but with the fans because they love their team enough to let them know that what they just did wasn’t the greatest performance wise, and they can take it home to hone that skill. It’s hard to pick a side here.

  24. i’m not on either side both are in the wrong and need to not let others affect them. Both the fans and the player were in the wrong

  25. I think I side with neither because neither actions are acceptable and that they both are grown and shouldn’t act like that.

  26. I side with the fans. Because even though the players are booing them they just want more love and want more from there fam base.

  27. I agree with the fans. The reason players make so much money is because the fans pay to come watch the game. I think it’s something that should be expected as a pro athlete

  28. I think that I side with the fans here, although I understand where the players are coming from. They are not robots and do make mistakes, but giving the fans a thumbs down is not the way to react. No matter how you feel.

  29. I see both sides, on one hand, the players need to know how to handle the pressure as it’s in the job description, but on the other hand, the fans need to realize that the players are also human and can’t play perfect every time

  30. I think the fans are correct because being a professional athlete you should not boo the fans it’s in their career title “Professional” however I can see why the athletes would do this.

  31. I side with the fans in this one, even though I understand where the fans are coming from I still feel that everyone makes mistakes because we are all human and there’s a way to react to mistakes but a thumbs down isn’t it.

  32. I think they are both in the wrong. The fans shouldn’t be booing the players because of the added stress it causes and the players shouldn’t retaliate.

  33. I take no side in this situation because I somewhat support both sides.

    I side with the players because they are going to make mistakes(no one is perfect), and it make it harder for them to do some of the most physical depanding jobs.

    I side with the fans because they are such a big part of the game and when the fan base sees a player that they think isn’t performing well, they need to show their thinking so the player can improve mentally and in the game.

    I think there needs to be some sort of middle ground.

  34. I would side with the fans. The athletes need to realize that they have to stay confident and they can’t let the fans affect them

  35. i understand where they are coming from but the thing is 2 wrongs don’t make a right and that doesn’t make them stop, it’ll probably make them keep on doing it because it’s encouraging the fans to keep on doing it.

  36. I don’t side with either. The fans do kinda deserve to get booed since they don’t know the kind of pressure the athletes have. But the players need to have good sportsmanship even if they are getting booed

  37. I side with the fans. You can’t let others affect the way you play your game. If your really passionate in it you can play through it

  38. I think that the players and fans are wrong. The fans shouldn’t boo the players for messing up and the players shouldn’t retaliate.

  39. I side with the players because it’s their fans they should be lifting up there team. Also there’s already a lot of pressure for the athletes because it’s their job to play this game so if they don’t play well it could effect their job.

  40. I side with the players because the fans shouldn’t boo the team that they support, and booing them isn’t helping to lift up the players

  41. I side with the fans. They basically put food on the table at the players homes since they are paying to see them and helping them get paid so with that being said they should be able to cheer and boo and be a part of an audience.

  42. I am a little in between on this one because they are both really great points. However, in the end, I side with the fans because they paid to be there and they are trying to encourage the players in any way they can. If you are a professional, you should learn to role with it.

  43. I side with the players because it’s annoying enough to have it pointed out by one person when you mess up, much less a stadium full of people.

  44. I say that it’s pretty bad for the players to boo their own fans as they’re the reason they have the traction they do, but the fans shouldn’t be so harsh as they aren’t the ones on the pitch playing.

  45. I think that the fans shouldn’t be booing the players when more than half of the fans could never hit a baseball going 90 miles an hour

  46. I think the players are right. They should be cheered on in triumph, but when they miss or only go to first players should say it’s ok; you’ll do better next time.

  47. I think the players are right. They should be cheered on in triumph, but when they miss or only go to first players should say it’s ok; you’ll do better next time.

  48. I can see where the athletes are coming from, but I’m siding with the fans. Talking “trash” about professional athletes is just part of the game at this point.

  49. I think the fans shouldn’t be booing players and putting them down, it’s not good for their mental state and it brings them down in a game.

  50. I think it is part of the game and the players need to accept that. Being boo’d comes along with the big pay checks. It’s one of the only ways fans can participate in the sport. If the fans can cheer for them when they do something good why shouldn’t they be able to boo when the player underperforms. I do think the boos should be limited to when they player makes a error in the field and only certain time when they are at bat like if they do something stupid running the basses or something like that. Part of the game is failing more than u succeed and I don’t think some of the fans understand that. Some of the fans have to remember too that they aren’t the ones on the field, they aren’t the best in the world. I think they should definitely not boo off the fans they aren’t respecting them as human beings it just isn’t right. The players are there to play and the fans are there to be loud and root for there team. I think the players just need to block out the fans if they don’t like there reactions and just play the game they are payed to play. The whole reason they are getting paid the money they are is because of the fans who are supporting them and watching them. If it wasn’t for the fans there would be no money in the sport and it would cease to exist after a couple of years and they would all be out of jobs. Baseball has remained the same for hundreds of years including the fans booing. I think some of the players forgot what it was like during the covid season and are now more sensitive to the noise. They were all complaining about not having the fans to hype them up and cheer but they never said anything about the negative side of fans. The fans are what being life to the game and as long as there are fans there will be cheers and jeers. I do agree with javy when he said that we lose together and we win together. Booing the team that u root for shows that you are only there because they are good and don’t support then when they lose. I think it’s a little obsurd for the players to start booing the fans tho. That’s not there job to heckle the fans. They are there to compete against the other teams and to play there hardest and provide the fans with entertainment. I don’t wanna hear about the boos bc the fans have chilled out since the early development of the game. And if they can’t handle the boos then move down to AAA or find a different job where there aren’t any critics. They pay your bills. I side with the players only because the fans aren’t displaying fairness towards the players rather not to the judgement towards fellow viewers. If the fans were as good as they make themselves sound like with the boos then they should try out for baseball and see how far the make it. I side with the players because it’s their fans they should be lifting up there team. Also there’s already a lot of pressure for the athletes because it’s their job to play this game so if they don’t play well it could effect their job. I think it’s ok if the fans boo the other players bc that is just the fans having fun but when you boo your own team it sends them a bad message and makes them not want to play for that team anymore. They fans need to chill out and the players need to also. The fans do have a point that they are the ones paying the players bills so they believe they have a say and they do.

  51. I agree with the fans but I think they sure be more supportive. Baseball is a sport where you fail a lot and all that added pressure isn’t going to help the players. The players shouldn’t be booing the people that are paying their salaries if it wasn’t for them they wouldn’t have a job. I if were able to play at that level in front of all of those fans I would be thankful for everyone of them. When you are thankful for the fans they are thankful for you and everything you do. The players should apologize to their fans and be more thankful for their opportunity to play for those fans. The mlb should give punishments if they don’t stop. If they continue to do this then the Mets will have no fans to play for. I agree with the fans but I think they sure be more supportive. Baseball is a sport where you fail a lot and all that added pressure isn’t going to help the players. The players shouldn’t be booing the people that are paying their salaries if it wasn’t for them they wouldn’t have a job. I if were able to play at that level in front of all of those fans I would be thankful for everyone of them. When you are thankful for the fans they are thankful for you and everything you do. The players should apologize to their fans and be more thankful for their opportunity to play for those fans. The mlb should give punishments if they don’t stop. If they continue to do this then the Mets will have no fans to play for. The Mets should get back on good terms with the fans and back to winning. They are focusing too much on this and not on winning. The Mets have dropped from 1st to third in a short amount of time and their division is very talented. The best apology is to win the division or win the World Series for their fans. That’s the least they should do. The fans have every right to boo. Now the fans aren’t completely innocent they need to support the team. It’s way harder to play good when the people who should help you win are doing the opposite. The fans should never give the players motivation to boo them. The fans are the most important part of the mlb there would be no mlb if it wasn’t for the fans. Both parties need to stop and be on the same page as one another so they can start winning again. The fans are give the players the money and if they stop going the Mets and the players won’t have a job. The Mets haven’t been very good lately and this is the last thing they need. They need to change the culture. The players need to lead the fans and come together as one strong unit. The players and the fans should show the rest of the league they are ready to fight together. Let the rest of the mlb know they are coming to win and nothing else is good. If they don’t turn it around they’ll never be good. Rob mandred should be doing something about this but he never will because he is not a good commissioner. He needs to take action and let the players know this isn’t okay. He messed up last year and is still messing around with his leadership. The whole mlb needs a leader and isn’t not him he needs to do better or let some one else do the job right. If he doesn’t fix this the game of baseball will fail and no one want to see that. Baseball is America’s sport and needs to be better than what it is. Baseball is losing interest with younger kids and need to fix that or else there will be no baseball. The players not to help with this by getting together and help make baseball fun again. I play baseball and everyone seems to just stop playing. Baseball needs to fix this issue. The players are wrong and need to fix things with the fans. And the fans need to fix things with the players. This could be the end of baseball and they need to come together and fix it. The players should never boo they people coming to see them because they just won’t come to see you play. And the fans need to stop booing because the players will stop playing. This fan vs player thing is not a good idea. The player the players the players the players they not to fix there game. I would never boo my fans. Everyone has bad moments and trying to play it off will just make it worse they not to own out and fix it. I think it crazy how they boo their own fans i don’t know how they do it I would love my fans too much to ever do something like like i I I I I I I that. The fans should be their teams cheerleaders not shouldn’t be talking them down i I I I I think it’s crazy the fans are boo the littlest things.

  52. I think that it’s okay for the fans to boo the players when they aren’t succeeding. The players are professional athletes who are living half the population of American kids’ dreams. They are paid millions of dollars to play a sport. They have an incredible amount of fame, they live in very nice houses, the world knows them, and they get an endless amount of perks beyond just that. These players are living some of the best lives anyone could live, they should be able to put up with the fans reacting to how the players play. The fan bases and sports environment is so testosterone driven that it’s reasonable to boo the players when they play bad. If you watch other professional sports teams play bad, you will see they completely ignore it and they don’t care. The other night I watched my favorite NFL team, the packers, get obliterated by the saints 38-3. Our quarterback played absolutely horrible. Although the game was away, a lot of the crowd was packers fans and of course they were booing the packers for how badly they were playing. I was looking at the players and they were not reacting anywhere close to how the Mets have been reacting. When I’m playing sports, the crowd or my team do not affect how I perform one bit. I don’t really know why, but the audience can do whatever they want and I would not let it affect my ability at all. As a kicker, I practice my swing so often that it’s second nature and even if my life depended on it, my swing would still be the same motion. I know that can be very different from other positions and sports but that’s a small example of what it should be like. It’s the players’ fault for not playing well. They have all the resources needed to succeed.